How About Who
2010-09-20 02:07:43 UTC
From Mohamoud's 'must read' book, Genesis (very quiet drum roles..)
001:011 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb
yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his
kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
See? That's as true today, as the day is night
someplace, and.. See? It's like a doorway into
imaginations of incredible possibilities man..
I'm just saying.. Legalize Pot! Or decriminalize,
what ever it takes.
aeeeiihhhhyeeeeh, back to square one:
The Tea Bagger's Tea Bagger?
"One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic
altar, and I didn't know it. I mean, there's little
blood there and stuff like that," she said.
The blood of an innocent American infant ugly
evil demon nazi kunt? Can't you just wait until
the demon whore of Satan comes to her rescue
to tell how fucking anyone in a Satanic cult
covered in the blood of American innocents for
Zionism is what all the greatest of TV Elites
pay homage to without thinking? Bushite "I don't care."
"Obama Oil Spill Commission INTIMIDATING scientists -- ILLEGAL TO
It only has to do with a threat to all American
life, and CBC, CNN, and FOXNEWS doesn't believe
it's newsworthy, do You?
Thimerosal [Hg] Accumulates in Rat Brains, Study Reveals
Millions of American children.
Vaccines, GMO's, and Viruses
Obama Admin: 'For the seafood to pose a health risk'
Obama Admin: For the seafood to pose a health
risk, the food would have to be heavily
contaminated with oil, and would therefore have a
strong odor and taste of oil.
While GOD WILLS the war criminals hunted down
to the ends of Earth to be formally Publically
TV tried for exection by the Patriots for war crime
thieving, torturing, and mass murdering. Real
Patriots, not the 'big government' cult that
forbids the intelligent defense of following
probable cause to arrest the actual bad guys.
Not the "globalists", the actual for real
criminals. Starting with Zionist Bush and Cheney
for 911, and Zionist Obama for extortion, funding
terrorism for Nazi Israel and Saudi Arabia, and
attempting the first degree murder of innocent
Americans. And those 30 Republican/Conservatives
for the gang rapings of American Women should
have every real man demanding their immediate
arrest for KBR GANG RAPE. Corporate America has
never mentioned the 30 demons as important to
identify.. So, what kind of Nazi Amerikan haters
of Justice does that bring? Corporate whores do
us little good being ambivalent about Bush closing
911 Police investigations, so pray tell, how will
we ever get the actual bad guys until we reopen
the case, with honorable soldiers gunning for
free speech rights against who disagree on freely
communicating the FACTS with Justice winning
our Liberties as a strong word or two on the
subject, plus more?
To All Men
"Anytime someone in your line gets hit by an kill every motherfucker in the street,"
Kill a Bushite for Christ.
'Deficit Too Large to Pay Unemployment INSURANCE Benefits'
'Republicans agree that tax cuts don't have to be paid for'
Republicans are evil leeches feeding to kill
Ministry Lies Lies Lies
Be a Force for Good
The NWOers will blindly let all America die,
before Mr. Bush, their magic cash cow deity is
brought up on charges for the war crimes he is
for sure guilty of. Freedom is what I bring, how
about You?
Jesus vs. Christ: The Gospel of John
/ / There is no better proof in the absurdity of Christianity \ \
/ / The Word (Jesus/God) was capable of human emotions, \ \
/ / or so the theology teaches. \ \
These words. Man, don't be dumb son.
/ / Christ was with God in the beginning. He
knew the past. He knew the present. He knew the
future. This last feature eliminates the
possibility for Christ to be fully human. \ \
No, now. I know now. But, listen, my friends,
the writer here is a con to only his foolish
self. Anything to mock the innocent in God with
his blind blank stares, as cheating Creation with
our time to steal our Rights away, for the final
escape of Mr. Bush of 9/11 fame as he was, the
official closer of Police enquiry. Then, that we
were with him, or the terrorists, no other
possible choices. Antichrist. The average
Atheist is forgiven for being ignorant of
Scripture as absent the considerations offered,
because they don't believe in any of it, fine.
But this guy, suggests
he has given it some consideration, and has come
up with a website and books as continuous streams
of irrational fairy tail lemon drops just near
anyone would know to be as so if they were honestly
thinking. Even the studious Atheist, that is
honest with them Self, knows it isn't a hidden
fact that no one knows but the Father in claim,
yet, this jacket needs to not know that, while he
paints his hackneyed "Bible" version of what he
does not want his reader to honestly believe..
Self promotional Atheists are universally
committed to naked censorship in my personal
experience, (you can't interpret anything but
what I've falsely absolutely concluded..
nowordnowords) with very little of rational
skills they hide from as when free speech reigns
with a super dude like myself. Despite how many
convincing times singlely said "absurdity"
privately while repeating sourly on their exercised
greatness in a delusion of superiority, to the
immovable scientific facts present here, one can
not miss if they read a few books on the subject.
(let's all blame the idiot box) (example: how
many people even know whats Darwins book is
about? not flunking many Ill tell you that
all right now in America) Atheists such as this,
who speaks nothing present for Justice all
notice, will define absolutely who "God" is as
something not willing Freedom. AS Weaker than
their pathetic attempts at convincing US that all
reality without doubt is to hide their personal
cowardice of becoming true men or women in this
world. That which is true of uncertainty in
Life, is of a god's will for personal liberty
above all prized. Freedom is Justice. Which
when pressed, a foolish Atheist could likely
suggest is not of themselves. They due tell 'God
is this, God is that' but never with themselves
castigated as the dummy dummy. "Duality" is the
term, but it's meaning has been somewhat skewn.
I'm the Human. Fully. Johnny Human, and your
the freak of Nature. Welcome. Your buying.
Please donate to my cause. Thanks.
/ / ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement]
Special Agents acting under border search
authority may search, detain, seize, retain, and
share electronic devices, or information
contained therein, with or without individualized
suspicion \ \
"individualized" - What? Huh? Who? Magic?
Err, no they can't, for that would be the
crime of theft.
"Intelligence Chief"
/ / Obamas pick for intelligence chief thought
Bush was right about WMDs in Iraq \ \
How is this not sabotage? A mind that for
criminal gains, or being dumb to the facts of
reality, is going to now, head up as,
"Intelligence Chief" of these entire United
States? of whose America?
AIPAC Zionist to the INNOCENT Jew "You deserve to die."
Why do Zionists keep on insisting "Jewish"
People are crooks?
FBI : 9/11 Cell Phone Calls Fake
America is a nation of cowardly males, too afraid
to be men in our world demanding Justice for all
as truly ourselves.
Nazi Israeli Guns Down an Innocent Unknown
"Iyad Asad Shelbaya, a known Hamas leader,"
But he is not. I never ever heard of him, nor
has the entire Internet since yesterday. And,
what was the charge he personally was guilty of,
that they needed to be so reciprocal against a
concentration death camp? Listen: When Satanic
Nazi Israel broke the truce with Humanity and
burned our children alive as targeted on purpose,
while murdering at least (their numbers) 239 of
our Police Officers trying to defend the
community, they would contact member's of Hamas
at their homes to let them know when they would
be striking, so they could leave to a safe place
avoiding the conflict. Remember: Hamas is
funded by Nazi Israel OPENLY, to cause division
among the illiterate hordes, while executing
innocent Palestinians for something only a
Zionist could conclude falsely as warranting. A
liar, a murderer. The trouble we have with these
Zionist demons, is your TV Rightard mind will
refuse to except this as Gospel. Even if I give
you the press reports of resigned Officers
confessing to just as much, or show their Nazi
prisons filled with honest Israelis, imprisoned
for simply refusing to commit a criminal offense
against an innocent other. It is an ungodly
"law" in Israel to agree to steal a Christ like
Home and their possessions, or go to jail, do not
pass go. God calls it Satanic, I call it
Satanic, Moses does not approve with Abraham, but
you, little you, swimming in doubt, go where on
TV there? In this turmoil of challenging eternal
confusion, your expected to forget to care for
those Christian children targeted on purpose by
ungodly Nazi Israeli, ON PURPOSE, who as SATANIC,
started the conflict by breaking the Truce with
an action they titled "Cast Lead", casting the
direct first degree mass murder leads, against
children they willfully gathered, and then set on
fire. Can you hear us now? Or! those 239
Police Officers that uruknet has photos of, if
you can bare to look at this great sorrow brought
against ourselves by escaping super evil Zionist
war criminals hidden by the scope of the magic
'all seeing' TV box of corporate degenerates
selling our, bartered in their name glorious
wonders. To know: This is the "hidden" Satanic
works of AIPAC, and their diabolical control over
the American soul terrorizing through national
syndication, the willful silence against these
un-addressed continuing war crimes in our dying
names as the less thans. Christ says no more.
No more. Support our rise to popular acclaim in
my name of John I do say. The truth must will
over the lies of the bad guys who hide in the
darkness to pretend they are our friends on equal
terms. While they rob US blind a Life and Home.
U.S.S. Liberty. Please support Justice for our
says, and make your rightful claim, in this
frame. (hint: this is big)
Hey! People! Don't Be Evil.
God calls it Satanic, I call it Satanic, Moses
does not approve as yogh!s brother Abraham, but
you, little you swimming in doubt, go where on TV
there? Let's Defend America by demanding Justice
for 9/11. Those who would say otherwise in TV
censorship, to escape the heinous culprits of the
mass murders, should be thought to act, very
un-American in a free to speak world of
Liberation from Tyranny.
"Not Guilty. The Israeli Captain who Emptied his Rifle into a
Palestinian Schoolgirl"
Remember, it thought the girl was ten years old
before pulling the American paid for trigger.
PAYING ISRAEL TO SPY ON YOU [declaring the innocent for
Bomb-Plot Witness Says FBI Sent Him to Terrorist Camp
Jeeze.. we gotta get the cops on this. Someone
called we, the media, as abling ourselves to get to
the meat of this situation. For, it appears we
have some, I say a small some of "FBI" actually
al-Qaeda trying to kill innocent Jews! American
Jews. Or when they sent the Anthrax against any
as all Postal workers. A bushite won't traverse
here because it's a nazi coward, but real men
will rise to the challenge if we could freely
communicate REAL JUSTICE for our time. Let's not
allow these bomb plotting terrorists to walk
freely out of that Public Court proceeding back
onto our American streets as they usually do to
murder innocent others absent the LORD, okay?
You know, having a King on the scene could be a
greatly good thing. I'm just saying..
CDC Allegedly Falsifies Reports Ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages
From H1N1 Vaccine
Jeeze.. we gotta get the cops on this.
U.S. Drug Firm Penalized $300 Million for Criminal Actions
/ / promoting an antidepressant to children \ \
Jeeze, I was on that. However I demanded ten
year prison terms, looks like these
trillioniares(?) are going to get off with a
small fine, and a promise to continue on? Well,
it still was a good job done well by our Police
services, taking action against these monsters in
our midst. Imagine, giving American infants
antidepressants? No prison time? Why?
Broke Towns Cant Afford to Drug Constituents with Fluoride
Maybe as a funny consequence People will wake up
and realize we're being drugged and left for
dead. Few would be laughing though..
"Israel OKs US Gift of Billions of Dollars in Warplanes"
Interestingly, I called this publicly on the
radio BEFORE it happened. It's has to due with
cycles of error in ungodly evil. and me being a
man. Old School. A real man.
This is Explains the Million Man Terror List
/ / Group Demands Investigation into DHS, Long
History of Labeling Americans as Terrorists
(Israeli Company Used) \ \ gays, smart folks who
read books, and those with a command of their
faculties. Those who Empathize. Israeli are
anti-Jewish evil Nazi bastards of Satan. Or, the
bad guys in the X-Men. Just as explained in
Scriptures, or stories by Stan. Boo. Yes, it's
true, I am what is referred to as a man. That's
right. A man from a time where being as such
really meant something good. As mythical Boy
Wonder, I would suggest closing Homlund Skirty by
rightly seizing everything there as evidence for
FBI indictments of high treason, including,
spying for a foreign power. Plus the deliberate
false accusations created quite an expense for
everyone concerned. Billions and billions of Tax
dollars from last I read. Wasted Police
services, yes redrawn off following leads at
major Zionist crime scenes, yes, but also jamming
up the lines at the airport.. oh.. am I finally
getting the selfish American "Patriot" spirit
jerked into a miff? Well, it's about time.
We've only had several million People so far
indiscriminately mass murdered, the world
poisoned, and trillions plundered, but, well,
better late than never. Welcome to the Cause of
Man. Send this post to whom you believe should
be concerned. Just be it.
Mr. Bush closed 911 investigations and claimed
if we weren't with him blindly to mass murder
millions indiscriminately as the established
COMPLETELY INNOCENT, we were therefore to only
be, with the Terrorists of 911 apposing torture,
high taxes, or Banjo playing at 4 am, without any
distinctions drawn. Can you hear me now? Does
the truth hurt more than losing a home? or teen
son or daughter for stolen profits? How about a
country? Art Bell thinks so, as he has said as
much without a Johnny Justice broadcasting yet.
Let's Change things better, by speaking out for
Justice today as tomorrow and beyond for our
U.S. Military Officers Demand 911 Investigation
Well now, that just sounds American to me.
How about You?
Israel Blocks Noam Chomsky Speech
Can't compete as the ungodly, so need to
advance those who speaks truths, shouldn't
be communicating, otherwise, we'd all
be hunting the Zionist down to the ends
of their war crimes for fair to us
prosecutions that benefit us all. Christ,
I am a Jew, and Zionist liars are our
enemy who steal, rape, mass murder ect..
Obama "I will not walk away from this fight."
Talking on how his "America" has plenty of south
African death squad goons who are into killing
Niggers, Or Uzbek Christian Muslim Jew murderers,
ungodly Saudi fundamentalist crazy persons? why
not, who'll be happy to become "American" to
"fight" for his criminal cause if the price is
right. It's only at the cost of taxing all of
American. You know, my friends, I really do
believe Obama has stepped over a line here, not
providing his Birth right as American, to make
such decisions as the "Democratic Party" in our
Names contrary to American values, but that is
just me..
"Birthers"! Hey, you know when I.. Never mind..
Where is?. .Obama's. credentials?
Obama's US Court OKs Torture and Extraordinary Rendition
I've written on this. It is a war crime
warranting death. Please defend America.
43.6 Million Americans Living In Poverty
Did you know that "Poverty" in America is when
you earn $21,900 as a family of four before
taxes? Now, everyone of the developed world who
doesn't know, rent for a small bachelor apartment
in Manhattan for individuals who are COMPLETELY
Bagger's brightest Scott Brown would leave not
paying taxes whatsoever) costs about $18,000 a
month. In California, as like many of the
southern States (Commie Pinko Alex Jones would
tell as the best in the world), many People can
not afford a phone, electricity, or water because
the Publicly paid for companies have been often
out-right stolen by a Republican Conservative
'Tea Bagger' for nickels on the dollar. I know,
I know, who cares right? Americans refuse to
forward my words to defend their own dying
selves. It's a TV nation comprised of almost
entirely bigots. At AJ's website, they'd never
know this. Why? They don't seem to really care.
AJ has gold, so.. who banking cares for the
plight of the little guy right? 'The Best in the
World'. You should have heard Alex shut down a
caller who's brother was expected to die because
the family couldn't raise the cash for an
operation to save his life. Alex said speak no
more. 'No way' he claimed, TV America has the
best health care in the world - in fact he went
on to tell all like Ron Paul does with a straight
face, you can get free health care anywhere in
America. by just simply asking - I AM NOT LYING.
Being an Alex Jones Commie Pinko sucks, where all
Americans give and give and give for only the
Elites of the Elites of his New World Order.
Americans pay twice as much per-capita as
Canadians do that recieve Universal coverage,
while the TV Rightard's censored poor victims are
expected to go out then and buy some private
insurance now. The Iraq war has no cause. Commie
Pinkoism. Now,.. Am I alleging Alex Jones wears
pink panties as a sadomasochist depriving US an
equal right to speak freely with the facts? Yes.
Bush and Cheney closed 911 police investigations.
Alex Jones "Liberals don't like Bush"
Alex Jones "Republicans are Constitutionalists"
Cause and effect is our true State.
Catch this pod from,
At 195 minutes into this Alex Jones podcast, a regular
listener, and often caller, Peggy, points out that Alex
unknowingly could be playing into the market of disinfo, by
not supporting covering the fixed election of Ron Paul Vs.
McCain, then... he loses it, by calling her names, and
hanging up on her. Refusing still to this day to deal
US in on the millions donated to Ron Paul by those
interested in Justice to preserve Freedom for all.
Soldier Killed for refusing to Torture the Innocent
"Peterson objected to the interrogation
techniques used on prisoners. She refused to
participate after only two nights working in the
unit known as the cage. Army spokespersons for
her unit have refused to describe the
interrogation techniques"
/ / she had been "reprimanded" for showing
"empathy" for the [innocent] prisoners
[randomly kidnapped] \ \
I would order all soldiers to arrest try and
execute these Nazi grunts for America, as
America. Nazi Bushite Grunts deserve to die to
defend their next innocent victims says Christ.
And we would know. Again torture warrants death
everytime according to President Reagan. Kill
the bushite as a Man in this God forsaken world.
The Johnny This Week
Normally I wouldn't make a deal winner, but this
work by The Daily Show crew I feel was
incredible. It was. So powerful, and the
audience, well, we were them when Mr. Stewart
covered the veiled threats that we've witnessed
Publicly, but maybe not entirely heard before
like that in his, high brow low brow context with
everyone present. Then the needless conflict.
As who is pushing who. Bravo.
..and honorable mentions for the Johnny this
week... goes to.. Mr. Eddie Bravo, who on Alex
Jones stated something like, 'yeah that movie
Machete, that was good.'. Awesome. I thought It
weren't bad neither, not fantabulous or any
thing, but it certainly was a page turner. Broke
some new ground too If I recall.. I hadn't
thought of writing something about it till this
moment, so I'd need to watch it again to get that
second look to confirm my shadowy dynamic
assessment in whatever. But, it clearly wasn't
about Race, it was about injustice. It was about
the circle of life getting our way, good or bad,
(breaking in on all story telling with the, fence
and the saved changed assailant not being able to
undue "The Law" was timelessly unique as a
collage of forces nearing the god dilemma with
big politics as it's over view to consider) and
then, wow, as religious female figure enters out
of nowhere, and shuffles the seeds. That was
cool. I considered a little mabe too exessive
violence caught the movie off guard on the
accounting in the big scene I thought - where in
those indiscriminate lodgings, it would have
brought much worst consequences in the real
world. For fairly, as you would easily know, the
premise can be notioned as turned which any way
to state as such in metaphoric illustration, but
it had a strong core of realism that didn't lend
to the avant-garde, those actors were living.
Actors, unlike Politicians generally succeed
because they actually have talent, and that kind
of talent doesn't just magically appear out of
nowhere, but as individuals who have pulled
thoughtful reflection out of living this dream.
Least that is where I was when I experienced at
the ending.
So, it was about Bush too. And, maybe it was a
little about myself as well. and yeah well,
maybe not enough about Mexico. 9/11.
Rockefeller.. But I digress..
Have you guys ever heard of W. C. Fields?
And I of course, as probably many Joes, thought
Alex's interpretation was shallow as he usually
paints with his typical definitive conclusion as
everything through the mind of the absolutely
foolish sometimes. Least we know better where
our bigots are pat. But Alex isnt all that bad
a guy.. Truly. He HAS strengths. I tease him
like a brother might sometimes, but it's only
because I want to see him succeed in this world
by learning it's not all or nothing. And we are
really something. Honest John. I want us all to
Maybe when I get some time I'll right a short
book on the experience to just try to do it a
better Justice. Or, maybe even, someone might
want to make my production company a film offer
for how it all came to be? Hint hint?
Downers to UFC's spokesperson joking about women
being less than respected in his, Grunts are "us"
climate however., (Bravo's dork friend), showing
we still have a distance for some to become men
in this forsaken world. Everywhere. I have
hope. We have much to do however in this place
we will free, for you and me to be we alone in
company. Justice is Victory. Heaven is a Beauty
to Imagine. This is far from impossible that I
bring these ideas from the Universe we are born
timeless as. measured scientifically. First
step: No evidence, person is innocent.
Therefore, no evidence against the accused for a
capital offense, means we as anyone, are being
taken by a false accuser. Not a big deal in the
normal everyday, however when it's used to
destroy innocent souls mass murdering People to
steal all our monies I get quite Irate. Why? I
know these things. If they were we you'd be just
as steamed too probably. Well, they are. US I
mean. I heard something about someone showing up
to see how we've been doing, so let's put on some
Sinatra, and try to get them to understand, we
won't let it happen again.. okay? Don't make we
look bad. Thanks for helping. We have a job to
do. Just Do It.
That's right,
I did that,
King Johnny
Military Contract for American Paid for $100,000 Buckles
/ / You heard me right; soldiers were ordered to wear
body armor made by David Brooks even though it
was inferior to other available types. The order
to enforce the soldiers' use of Brooks product
came from "very high." But note that Generals
in the war zone wear Dragon Skin! \ \ [frm WRH]
Hi all Soldiers. My name is General Johnny,
or Johnny Patriot, or Johnny Two Tone, or
as just yourself all by your lonesome. So,
together we are now championing for Justice.
All Peoples will be treated fairly for our
benefit. Torture is criminal, and Capital
Punishment will be outlawed I will
successfully win for free international
debate in Peace Time hands down. With
fair elections by paper ballot I will
encourage it Politically we decide
to inform ourselves about the trillion
dollar private bankster scams [Yea or Nah]
as relevant to the Presidential Office
taking a stand against such extortions.
I will call for the, who is who, dropping
radio-active toxic waste bombs to get
anyone murdered for centuries to escape
Bush and Cheney as our top priority - IF - I
say if, we can get this ball rolling.
Let's Roll!
[Are we blowing your mind here or what?
We are as could be even more Incredible
for others to know so too. So, why don't
you forward this post top secretly even,
Justice as Freedom is Good.]
Bushite Nazi Grunt Enemies Pushing Heroin
INTO AMERICANS. Teens. Life term prison
sentences to those who get addicted as third
strike felonies, but not death to the grunts
displayed in this video, that FOXNEWS Tea
Bagger parasites will claim are Patriots.
Like themselves. Patriot's to what? Satan?
You got it. Liar evil enemies of Life in
the Universe to not champion Justice for
American murder victims on 9/11, and so on.
Claiming "FUNDAMENTALISTS" are not
"FUNDAMENTALISTS" who disagree with selling
heroin to send Americans down the river?
(Again a Shrine to the Taliban right on
Ground Zero, right on it, will be the
victory of Christ in Justice. ) Do you care
to still refuse to forward this to someone
else, that would care just as much about
our dying futures here as Yourself. Or
no.. you'd rather see freedom lose wouldn't
you. TV American males suck the Devil's
greasy Cock as the Anti-Gay faggots, while
the Women can near only Dream what a real
man is who truly defends The Family. with
honor as virtuous. America near no where
make those any more with their refusal
to forward these words of brotherhood for
Life. They hate We. Become a Man for a
change losers. Time for the arrest of Bush and
Cheney for Obstruction on 9/11 to continue
ourselves on following probable cause to
get the rest of these ungodly war criminals
responsible for mass murdering Americans.
...Or get back to what you weren't doing
'American Citizen' you'll be frantically
telling the lawless Bushite "Cop" when
it arrests you without cause just to see
what you have in your wallet.. Why not
TV American? "No Justice for them so you
can have it all as yourself" Right? (I
swear, that is very near a verbatim quote
from Palin/Huckabee 2012? - and not
far from AJ on AZ either) [..] Decide
"The Truth About the 2009 Gaza Massacre"
/ / This video or group may contain content
that is inappropriate for some users \ \
How so? Did you notice the counter of
"Gaza 2009: We Will Never Forget"
linked at near 100,000 separate locations
for more than a year seen by who knows how
many greater than what Google is tallying,
has more than 1 for every 10 views a
comment? With largely people furious over
our failures to fairly communicate for
freedom? And the Rightard liar vids that
sell the mass murder of our innocent
families with Zionist demon lies weaker
than a seven year old tells, (youtubed
without restrictions!) is topping nearer a
million with comments in the Tames? Tell
God honestly, do you hate us because we
are wiser than you, as a TV "Rightard"? Do
you enjoy being a TV "Rightard"? I hate
Rightards with the evil minds of a bigot
who pirate our free wills to levy Justice
for our time. Don't You? Eh? Care at all?
This should be front page. Forward March.
Hey! People! Don't Be Evil.
Congressman: BP "Openly Blackmailing the American Government"
We have no real leadership. The Iraq war
is not a "Police action", but an info crime
against American teens to die for tyranny..
Petraeus: Afghan War Could Take Another Decade
Why not save our soldier's lives, by fighting
for a just cause? Oh yeah, he wars God and
Humanity with lawless tyranny, to rape
women and children, to push heroin, all
to escape Bush and Cheney for 9/11 as
naked traitor. He's into running death
squads against every last one of US as
innocent victim, if it means more stolen
values into the ungodly evil pockets of
the enemy Neocon demon liars. He gets
teen soldiers killed for the escape of
those like himself who carried out 9/11.
Brothers in Arms
I cry for ourselves here, and your failures
as my reader to sent this post out to everyone
you can.. I've tried and tried for so long,
and we just can't go on all alone with
this if you will to not support our callings
for Justice to defend the innocent, real
Justice.. So I will pray there is another out
there who sees our desperate needs today for
open free communications above our TV clowns
for the cause of all fairly as freedom being,
Brothers in Arms. Please.
U.S. Military Officers Demand 911 Investigation
Well now, that just sounds American to me.
How about You?
CHRIST SAYS 'Israeli are Anti-Jewish'
.. on the naked lies of TIME magazine warring America
for the escape of the Zionist Neocon Peenackers in
/ / Deflecting criticism of [war crimes] Israel by
screaming "anti-Semitism" makes as much sense as
deflecting criticism of the Nazis by screaming
"anti-Germanism!" \ \
..or anti-Jewish because without argument from
anyone, the Palestinians are the Semite Peoples
here, and too, the millions of Iraqis dead or dying
from all the bushite Nazi indiscriminately mass
murdering. But the TV trained Zombie Rightards
we guess either go insane from programmed lies
in their personal self inflicted hellish cries,
or become Human.
Innocent Held Without Trial by Bushite for Torture
/ / Tens of thousands of detainees are being held
without trial in Iraqi prisons and face violent and
psychological abuse [..] [bushite nazi grunt]
military spokesman insisted Iraqi detention
facilities met international standards. \ \
Bushite "I don't care."
A Bushite isn't American.
AIPAC is a treasonous act against all Life in America,
that should warrant Public arrests without bail of
all in Congress inside the AIPAC club. But, my cowardly
dying American readers refuse to forward these fine
words, not because they doubt I am right, but because
they know I am not wrong as real Freedom I do
proclaim. TV'ed Americans would rather die than
learn what a real man is, hence is why they refuse
the light of God's incredible vision. A Bushite Nazi
Grunter was quoted saying, "I don't care." about who
did what to America left still undefended, and now,
not surprising to US, they is rightly dead for their
personal contempt for God as Mankind.
Obama's Naked Hatred for Christians and Jews?
"kill Jews" This is taught for
14-year-old boys in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia oppresses Christians, they oppress
Jews, they OPPRESS MUSLIMS. They are direct
enemies of Allah as life ourselves, when they do
not respect Muhammad's teaching on treating all
fairly, ESPECIALLY ALLAH, by respecting the
Gospels and so on as divinely inspired through
God. Saudi Arabia speaks nothing of the
indiscriminate mass murder of millions of Muslims
in Iraq and Afghanistan murdered needlessly by
war criminal forces aligned with Satan. Bush
gave no evidence to form any remote conclusion,
that bin Laden was tied in any way what so ever
to the crimes of 9/11. Crimes of which our
Police Services were near immediately halted from
acting upon by following the crimes scene leads
at the real mass murder scene. But the UNGODLY
Arabia dictatorship needs to buy the family
another fleet of multi million dollar cars
painted in blood red, that will sit in a garage
visited by vampires doing nothing as a Testament,
to their direct hatred for our entire Humanity by
LEASTLY, not using a thousandth of that money
wasted to provide safe clean drinking water to
the Innocent Iraq Peoples being directly deprived
to die by Bushite Nazi savages. Allah says to
those demon enemies hiding as "Royal" in Allah's
Saudi Arabia, fuck you evil tyrant enemies of
every thing imaginable, FUCK YOU. Now, where's
America's Obama on this growing issue of his
refusal to publicly address ourselves in honesty
as our best policy? Saudi Arabia OPPRESS MUSLIMS
How To Destroy a 9/11 Truther
Republic Radio's Dr. K uses much of this on his,
'there was no planes, I be the real deal'
nonsenses. It was all cgi we can only guess
then, while every witness offered is a plant by
the "Jews" he actually claims - no exaggerating
here that he can't be defeated on his baseless
falsehoods of "fact", "facts" of which he now, at
his worse, won't allow any to disrupt his train
wreck of total quackery. An actual half
intelligent person committed to Justice by
following probable cause he has suggested is
working for the Jews who did the 9/11 crime, no
question, no question. Dr. K alleges that just
because no evidence was offered for the arrest of
Laden by Bush, or through General Ahmad who was
officially sent to the Taliban to tell the
Fundamentalists as much directly matters not to
Dr. K, because those who say so, are those that
work with the Jews who carried out the attack
too. He Publicly supports NOT following Probable
cause, to get those truly responsible, as a high
jacking 911 truther who discredits US all being
irrational. Pure Zionist lawless control he is
attempting foolishly as a lashing blind man in
our presence over the minds of the weaker thans,
who refuse as himself to humble themselves to how
Freedom is defended by Law fairly practiced. Dr.
K is not being helpful to helping others to
discern what can be thus far proven correct like:
NO EVIDENCE was brought forward against the alleged
suspect, while then investigations were halted by
threat of false arrest by the ungodly bushmob
cabal of evil doers escaping still in progress.
(Not one of the alleged 19 suspects had been
found with any connection to Afghanistan or bin
Laden! just as Condi planned with her "Top
Secret" Presidential war crime plan to invade
Afghanistan dated two days prior to 9/11) Now, I
actually am a genius to be able to explain this
so simply, that near anyone world wide should be
able to understand just as much with minimal
effort. Effort banned for open Public consideration
by an NWO Alex Jones wannabe devote cult follower.
Including Dr. K... So why is he still spewing
crazy talk that way as he as done for years now
with no marked improvement on his reasoning
skills? Have you seen his ridiculed web site of
no content? Who cares for what here? Did you know
that Satanic war criminal Nazi Israel steals
innocent Christian homes on a near routine basis
from ourselves as innocent victims? If he hated
all Jews as the weak minded bigot he claims
strongly he is, wouldn't you think that would be
a, 'blame the Jews' issue with him too?? Why
not? Hmmm.... He's a Zionist (Jew hater) plain
and simple. A Zionist playing right into Nazi
Israeli interests. And yet, he's not all the
bad in the following vid.. (but fuk, who knows
what tomorrow will spin further down in London
AIPAC Zionist to the INNOCENT Jew "You deserve to die."
Why do Zionists keep on insisting "Jewish"
People are crooks?
FBI : 9/11 Cell Phone Calls Fake
America is a nation of cowardly males, too afraid
to be men in our world demanding Justice for all
as truly ourselves.
We Will Never Forget
"In a strange way, I'm here to defend his right to
do that. I happen to think that it is distasteful,"
NYC's Bloomberg said about evil ungodly American
Kristian false accusers burning the words of
Christ in the Koran.
/ / Actually what Palestine refuses to recognize
is Israel as a Jewish state having a right to steal
Palestinian land. \ \
Bingo. See the Zionist insist Jews are evil crooks,
and if you disagree they call you an anti-Semite.
Now Semites are not Caucasian, nor are the real
Jews from the Bible. But to the truly SATANIC,
the facts matter none to how many innocent
Christian children they can target for mass murder,
by TV tricking the dying American suckers to pay
giving more in blood sacrifice to have it continue
as demonic criminal AIPAC. Why? (sorta..) Because
TV Americans are trained to hate the intellectual
that makes them to be what they truly are without
their evil ungodly war crime bigot bullshit. See?
The glory of God, is as such, that the honorably
committed Atheist would find themselves 100%
in agreement also on Justice for all ruling for
everyone's benefit. Not only on this, but near
absolutely everything else. Big G can seem like
something of a jerk, to not jump right in to rip
Bushite limb from limb, but there is even a
greater gift called Universal Liberty to KNOW,
that you can't even fathom just now, but God
really is amazing to not be doing much of anything
but relying on ourselves to make the right moves
for Freedom in our Time. The hope is that it will
all pay off in the big picture than no one can
see, but, we can believe. Make the right choice:
Kill the Bushite and save an innocent person's
Reasons to Kill a Bushite for America
A Bushite speaks nothing for the arrest of those
that truly did America wrong on 911. Kill the
Bushite for Christ to save an innocent's life.
/ / The father of a U.S. soldier serving in
Afghanistan says he tried nearly a half dozen
times to pass an urgent message from his son to
the Army: \ \ See how the Bushite Nazi grunt
leadership would have rather the honorable
Soldier die, than have to face the Nazis in our
rank who deserve death? Like Saudi Buford
Blount, Steven Russell, Sattler, or Mattis?
Godless war criminals who target defenseless
innocent Human beings for mass murder, on hopes
the surviving victims will rightly kill the TV
Grunts under their lawless charge? A grunt takes
an Oath, an Oath that means nothing, for the Iraq
war has no cause but to maim and kill the
innocent of our Humanity for the glories of the
Antichrist enemy of Humanity, George Walker Bush
and company.
/ / the US government has videotape of underage
boys being sodomized \ \by escaping Blackwater
Children raped by Bushite Nazi grunts, Nazi
Grunts defended by Obama with the War Crime
TRAITORS in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals,
claiming it's a secret that Obama WITH the 30
Republicans, and 'escaping' Blackwater, refuse to
disclose to America, for fear every able bodied
man in America would actively hunt to kill every
last Bushite Nazi Grunt still breathing our air.
Cofer Black and Eric Prince. They rape Women,
they rape children, they torture innocent Peoples
to death while shooting Peoples at random for
entertainment in your name "It's a Turkey Shoot!"
and the Republicans who have watched these said
videos for entertainment (for why then?) refuse
all to push for formal executions of all grunts
who serve silently at the American torture child
rape facilities, at home (NYC) and abroad. Kill a
Bushite for Christ. Kill a Bushite for America.
A Bushite speaks nothing for the arrest of those
that truly did America wrong on 911, while mass
murdering now millions of innocent souls to steal
our worths. Please, as King, I beg you on behalf
of our suffering once truly loved God as our
dying worlds, to proudly in God's Holy name, Kill
the Bushite. Please kill the Bushite who speaks
nothing for the gang rapes of American women.
Rapists who are officially defended by those 30
Republicans that deserve public trial for death
because of it. Republicans and Demonrats care
not for American women being gang raped, for all
cowardly evil Americans need do is blame
Liberals, or Muslims, or Niggers, or Mexicans.
or the Globalists, not actual for real war
criminals that will to kill any of US for
everything. Kill a Bushite for Christ, kill a
Bushite for Yourself. Done for nothing but the
respect of calling yourself, a man.
'Afghanistan Enacts Law That Gives War Criminals Blanket Immunity'
This is not the action of a Muslim country, but
of those Satanic, warring Allah for the escape of
the Tenth Mountain Division. The group of Nazi
savages, who instead of gloriously killing their
commander, would go into villages in Afghanistan,
and mass murder every inhabitant, to please the
demon Antichrist and "sexy" Rumsfeld. Likely
raping the children and dogs too, as sanctioned
by Rotten Rumsfeld as a way to war with
terrorism. You know me, "die bushite die". When
you see them, you bill them as any real man of
any nationality, or religion naturally would.
Just like Christ as the Mahdi would also. They
truly deserve to die, not to live warring as CNN
"Heroes" collecting expensive free health care.
Bushite Nazi Grunter Theres no doubt that there
were insurgents there, and there may well have
been an insurgent leader in the house, but that
doesnt justify executing eight children who were
all enrolled in local schools,
No doubt what? That the Term Taliban means
Student in Arabic? And that a leader of 10 year
old Taliban are called school teachers in the
western world? Again, it was bushite who figured
they had an excuse to murder some innocent
children. Someone over there should look into
it, for these enemies of Life, are Satanic
enemies of Christ. They'll gang rape American
women, and Americans will "vote" for more of it,
without near anyone phoning George Noory, the
demon enemy, and complaining about his lack of
care, or respect for Americans falling further
victims with his laughter and chuckles. Bush and
Cheney closed 911 Police investigations. He
doesn't care, but, do you?
They, the Banksters, are trying to kill US.
Fight back for Christ Sake God Damn you.
NJ Watchdog Sues State Over Carbon Auction Secrets
Understand you NWOers out there. AJ will go on
and on about how you must argue against Gore,
when what we should be asking, is why would any
nation will to be taxed by private companies in
secret? It is beyond dumb, as evil to the core
to freely 'allow' these Zionist Banksters proven
to be fraud artists 30 trillion times over
already, bandits, to make off with more of our
money like this. Look, say Gore was 100% correct
for argument, but then why even if so, would we
allow them to take trillions of dollars because
of it?? Can you hear me now? This page has now
rung too long - I can't cut anymore to add for a
sacrifice to what is critically important to save
American life. So now, I may stop completely if
Americans will continue to refuse forwarding this
post to all others. I am forbidden to speak on
Coast to Coast, Alex Jones, and much of Republic
freely, not because any allege I am false in my
statements, but because I am correct. And many,
would rather every American die, than look like
they haven't lived up to the task at defending
America by demanding the re-opening of criminal
investigations by our police services to arrest
those who actually did US wrong by following
probable cause. To do so, is to recognize, not
all People have these intellectual skills -
especially The Republic's retard Dr. K - the 'no
planes, we don't need evidence because Jews set
off the bombs' mental state. And apparently now,
he gotten much worse not allowing anyone else
highly more intelligent ever to speak about it
freely without going into an irrational conipshit.
Why? He's defeated as a loser without cause but
to stonewall dying America in seconds.
If all Americans who read this work can't truly
care enough for their dying furtures to take
these words to the highest mountains, then so be
it. They'll deserve what they will in silence
against mass murdering Nazi savages. Demand the
arrest of Bush and Cheney for Obstruction on
911, or be damned by your refusal to truly stand
for the Rights of Man.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure
and the intelligent are full of doubt." -- Bertrand Russell
Depeche Mode - John The Revelator (HD)
American Workers to be Fired if they Refuse Poisonous Shots
/ / Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
(SHEA) calls for mandatory flu vaccine for all
healthcare personnel. [of all America] \ \
As King, I will demand the arrest, trial, and
public execution of those responsible for this
terror against the American mind. Mercury causes
massive brain damage 100% of the time, and
influenza is a constantly mutating virus. It is
for this planned assault I assure you, if you
were informed of the facts I give without
argument from anyone on Earth but our mutual
enemies who refuse US to speak freely on magic
TV, all we as Humanity would rejoice to see these
Zionist Nazi filths publicly executed on Prime
Time. Wouldn't You? Or would you rather die for
pirate Glenn Beck and the demon whore of Satan to
become wealthy over the sacrifice of all innocent
American lives? Remember, Sarah Palin wills to
mass murder American cubs with a smile on her
face. According to who? According to the demon
whore of Satan herself who claimed the will to
kill all defenseless children at school, and
health care workers in our Hospitals as
Sakkasvilli did as planned with herself and
Cheney, which, if she'd have had her way, would
have turned into a gold mine of millions of
Americans mass murdered for her demonic liar's
benefit. (Look at the riches stolen from America
through AIPAC members.) Billing lawless Bushite
grunters means real American lives are defended
from furthering her Satanic plunder.
/ / The lethal laser gun, a "People Cooker" used
to torture and kill innocent Iraqis and innocent
Targeted Individuals is now ready to aim at Los
Angeles inmates, 75% of whom have committed no
crime \ \ Kill a Bushite for Christ as a lover of
Life. Do it American gun owners, do it for
President Reagan. Do it to defend the innocent a
Bushite Nazi grunt wars to rape or murder.
Remember, a Bushite Nazi grunt wears our American
uniform as a pirate enemy, for if they did not
personally gang rape American Women, they most
certainly will refuse to war for our defense as
something they concern themselves of. No it's
just torturing more innocent folks, pushing more
heroin, all to cowardly escape the Zionist
Peenacker Neocons for mass murder on 911.
Justice is a must that a Bushite Nazi coward
refuses for the American peoples, while dropping
bombs of radio-active toxic waste
indiscriminately on our loved innocent families.
Kill a Bushite for Christ, and maybe we'll pay
you a whole dollar - but we're not promising
Oh yeah..
Star Trek says 911 attack is a SCAM to start war and take away our
OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be a Man, Make a Stand
I would ask all men but for Muslims to speak
against these Nazi Zionist LIARS who will be
in NYC to incite blind bigot hate against our
innocent God Loving Muslim brothers and sisters,
instead of rightly Bush and Cheney for closing
official 911 Police Investigations designed since
the dawn of a civilized world to nab the actual
bad guys. A dead Nazi is a good Nazi to every
real American Christian and Rastafarian too if
you asked in all honestly. So you Buddhists, your
included too, and the Hindu, the Jew (Real Jew
mind you), along with everyone else - Johnny is
counting on everyone but a Muslim - for they've
had much to bare alone unfairly as it has been
in our names left forsaken as is. Be a man, make
a stand. A shrine to the Taliban in NYC for their
fight for what is right as demanding evidence to
form a conclusion by anyone. DBD.
Let Fly
Zionist TV propagandist Steven Colbert, let fly
that The Peoples have nothing to fear from a pro
torturing enemy of Justice in America, namely a
Nazi Vet walking on our streets missing half a
brain, trying to become a lawless cop who beats
on women like Anthony Abbas did, or who gets off
on indiscriminately slaughtering our innocent
Humanity to escape never elected Bush and Cheney
for 9/11. Bill a Bushite and be Blessed by
Christ we will forever say, while we formally
hunt to have every last Bushite war criminal
publicly executed for crimes like gang raping
American women with KBR, or bombing entire cities
like Fallujah or Samara for no reason, (as too
the entire Iraq assault has no cause,) or for
dropping land mines in school districts, for
torturing elderly people to death countless times
by the likes of a Mr. Grainer. Who, received only
ten years, and only because he bragged to his family
and entire city that he could torture anyone of them
too, and there wasn't anything anyone could do
about it. (If it hadn't been for that, he'd be
walking free like the rest of them who did even
worse. Mattis' Haditha Child killers are
actually called Heroes by FOXNEWS TRAITOR Hannity
for example - for killing little kids to get back
at US all for something they freely state in
America today like is said Publicaly in Nazi Israel.
Unremorseful child killers getting free health
care campaigning like Commie Pinko AJ does, to
not have that for yourself fairly though) That is
what Grainer told in writing to his threatened
(likely raped too?) young daughter - for why
her?. Ten years for murdering countless innocent
Iraqi Peoples he tortured to death, and after his
sentencing in a Court ruled by illiterate Nazi
savages with ZERO Law/Freedom experience, claimed he
had no regrets in stealing so many innocent lives as
the criminally insane. He'll presently be trying
to be a Cop in New York City we're sure, because
he still surely believes though Americans own
guns, they wont kill Bushite enemies of Humanity
rightly to defend their next innocent god loving
victims as the Law dictates against war
criminals. (It's only God loving Muslims, or
Niggers, or Afghanistan Christians, or Japs or
Chinks, or Ruskies, or Liberals..) Ungodly war
crimes done to see their fellow teen soldiers die
as a consequence of an American male's personal
cowardice to be real men in their TV world, to
hide their anti-Gay faggotry by hurting innocent
others, such as children they several times were
CAUGHT blowing up with explosives just for
kicks.. Along with Police officers trying to
defend our communities. They stole all of Iraqis
money, and American's money, and then gave all
rights for oil to BP and other foreign companies.
Iraqi's fairer Christ like banking system and
replaced it with the American godless banking
corruptions of the IMF where YOU pay them back
for money they never lent you to begin with..
They put Allawi in charge who after crediting
himself for killing a bunch of innocent children
in a school bus, ordered Nazi grunts to execute
every last doctor or nurse who would even attempt
to treat an innocent child or women from
Fallujah. Then there were the ethnic cleansings
they funded on all sides, along with ACTUALLY
yes YOU, when finding this allegation true, join
me in hunting every last nazi grunt under Sattler
who carried out such orders without even
whispering a concern for their innocent mass
murder victims? They NEEDLESSLY dropped NINE two
thousand pound bombs murdering a conservatively
estimated 250,000 innocent souls in Fallujah -
FOR NO REASON. Then did near the same in Samara
before John Batist quit, because he refused to
carry it out completely - largely I speculate
because with his name, it would have been just a
little to demonic for his liking to needlessly
mass murder so many innocent Peoples for NO
REASON as Satanically evil.. Yeah yeah, I know
what the Bushite Nazi grunter is going to lie
about here, which is why I sooo much want to see
the Air Force tried publicly so all can witness
by War Crimes Law ushered by President Ronald
Reagan as STANDING AMERICAN LAW. For Bushite Nazi
grunters most certainly deserve it at the Hand of
President Reagan. Again, they SPEAK NOTHING
TODAY for American women being Gang raped by
their partners in war crimes. Speak nothing for
Justice on 9/11. For executing innocent men
simply because they are Christians, as they did
heroin pushing in Afghanistan without a word from
near anyone from the Nation of the FOR REAL
die. We've had near fifty kills this last week..
And things are only looking brighter.
Good Work Men
Not on CNN, CBC, FOXNEWS, nor near anywhere?
Why? Are American lives not important enough to
care they are being set up to die victim to
lawless tyranny perpetrated by illiterate Nazi
grunters, who actually repeat, 'whore yeah, whore
yeah' all day long while killing everyone in a
village for fun.. Freedom? For whom? Say it
with me, 'Die Bushite Die', why? They are true
parasites who war for the escape of Bush and
Cheney as Obstruction to nab the guilty parties
of 9/11. (example: what if Bin had one or two
accomplices? are you going to blindly support
Bush the Antichrist on his public position,
Americans need not evidence to find the actual
bad guy(s)?) Kill a Bushite for Christ.
HOLY COW: Former Senator, and Presidential Hopeful
'engineers offer proof of 9/11 controlled demolitions'
First to go?
Bush and Cheney to start our Police Services
back up as going, with an international info
campaign to disclose FACTS without censorship.
Or the judgment of bigot ideologues who will to
blame shadowy groups blindly as bigots most
often do [rightards], instead of the direct
individuals most highly suspected to the
principle cause. Who's effects were criminal
in nature. It's called, "Following Probable
Cause" ..and Bush and Cheney are guilty
with what is called Obstruction, obstructing
our Laws from nabbing those responsible for
mass murder in America, along with
millions abroad. For how pray tell are we
ever, I said ever planning to arrest any bad
guys for anything if we do not.. tell me that.
Why Real Christians Kill The Bushite Enemy
/ / NATO warplanes bombed a group of small
children between the ages of 6-12, killing six of
them and wounding one other. \ \ Bushite "I
don't care."
You kill the Bushite for Christ, you kill the
Bushite for God. You kill the Bushite for
Afghanistan, you kill the Bushite for America.
We all know, the Bushite will hide as a Tea
Bagger, as a fan of Glenn Beck, a "Conservative",
a "Libertarian", or as TRAITOR "Republican", for
there is where Justice is not demanded by evil
Satanic Antichrist forces of tyranny to defend
the innocent lives of US war crime victims. They
blame an entitlement society of fairness, or
welfare mothers, they blame the elderly and poor,
they blame [unbound as not Ideologued] Liberals,
Socialists, blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Muslims, the
Globalists, anyone else but the actual for sure
criminals guilty for extorting trillions, the for
sure war criminals Bush and Cheney as mass
murderers on 911. They are sadomasochists who
enjoy to hurt poor others, cause, it makes them
feel like whoring their souls for Bushs final
escape isnt all that bad as the ungodly. For
you yes, but not for them as thieves, gang
rapists, and mass murderers of children, escaping
their rightful death sentences at the hand of
Man. GOD, I HATE Bushite.
"We have shot an amazing number of people, but to
my knowledge, none has ever proven to be a
threat," said Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal
"[General McChrystal says that] for every innocent
person you kill, you create 10 new enemies."
Evil Enemy Pastor Terry Jones is Satanic
SATANIC LIAR Pastor Terry Jones said, he's been
assured that the controversial Islamic center
planned near Ground Zero in New York will be
moved elsewhere, not that his actions are truly
ungodly. - See how the enemy of Christ nakedly
lies? Anything for the war crime evils of Satan.
No one would have said such a thing to himself,
lest they were from the Zionist CFR, and we know
the CFR in cahoots with bigot Alex Jones doesn't
want to give up their strangle hold telling US a
TV Muslim is one who stays silent on defending
the Taliban's moral position on evidence being
the only requirement to truly convict those
personally responsible for mass murder on 9/11.
[FREEDOM] So someone ask the demonically evil
enemy LIAR of GOD, who said this crap he is now
selling for more donations from the FOXNEWS Tea
Bagger parasites. Demon Nazi Zionist enemy FUK!
Did You See?
Did you see corporate TV News Celebs with
retarded Amerikan teen grunt mutes with the minds
of rotted twelve year olds, tell themselves how
they are cowardly "Patriotic" liars mass
murdering defenseless innocent families while
robbing as raping the nations of Iraq and
Afghanistan AND AMERICA for the final escape of
the Neocon Zionist Peenackers? Killing
dishonorable evil enemy Bushite Nazis saves
innocent Lives. Lives like American.
Bushite Heroin Pushers Murdering Civilians for pleasure as Satanic
/ / Morlock and another soldier, Andrew Holmes,
were on guard at the edge of a poppy field \ \
Let all men of every faith, join together to
demand these bushite nazi grunts be put to a
rightful death sentence immediately. Including
the military "Judges" that will find them free to
go in our world as no-law-school-for-him Mattis
has in the past, regarding gang rapists of
American women, or the Haditha child killers, and
of course his own terror assault against women
and children at a wedding party all for the hate
he has for a liberated Humanity. EVIL America
"grants" Bushites a right to judge all American
lives in lawless contempt. I hate these ungodly
Zionist war crime Nazi TV liars who claim because
they have criminally pirated my American uniform
with pro-torture traitor George Walker Bush and
FOXNEWS, they 'successfully' sell we can't at all
distinguish themselves worthy a bullet from Uncle
Sam. Any Uncle. Their own fathers should do all
US real men a favor, and take them out rightly as
they so truly deserve UNDER AMERICAN WAR CRIMES
LAW as the sworn ungodly enemies to all Peoples
in Christ. Warring our INNOCENT Humanity for
never elected 911 traitors Bush and Cheney, all
to escape God's Wrath for their hatred of the
good ol' red, white, and blue as all we will to
stand for as true. The Messiah has spoken: Die
Ungodly Bushite Nazi Zionist Liars Die.
Children tortured before parents, raped, all covered up
Every Bushite death is a mercy on our souls so
says the Son to God as Man of Men.
U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker A citizen may
not gain standing by claiming a right to have the
government follow the law,
But then, that would be a citizen in government
being a for sure criminal. Un-American. So, a
standing among whom? Criminal Judges who should
be in our prisons awaiting a death sentence for
high treason?
US Legalizes Torture Of Innocent American Citizens
While I would see these war criminals formally
executed, or rot rightly in a prison cell for
their ungodly wicked evil crimes. But that is
just we. President Ronald Reagan orders their
deaths without exceptions as STANDING AMERICAN
LAW. Like the laws against kidnapping.. Death
to the bushite, death to the enemies of God and
/ / He claims Its of the devil, Islam that is.
when Jesus is the most quoted prophet in the
Quran Immortal Technique. \ \
All Words are of God. These Tea Bagger Zombie
type "Christians" are in league with Satan.
Anything to demonize the innocent in God with
their lies, as cheating Humanity as Creation to
steal our Rights for the final escape of Mr.
Bush - as warring for closing all minds wherever
on concluding something with the facts left not
given with official Police Investigations, of
which all were halted with threat of FALSE
ARREST! W199i, PD51. and so on.. Listen
carefully to this next podcast, as what WE ALL
KNOW; Dr. Jones is aware of these findings as
made so weeks ago.., Yet still, as an ungodly
demonic enemy of all Life in America, (a Zionist
as warned of in Scripture,) he will continue with
his hatred of Justice winning a real freedom
America would deserve - if they loved God with
the thought to truly believe as much on TV being
absent simple logic, science or maths. Petraus
for example says no words as to why freedom of
religion is a respected right in a free society -
way above his head as traitor war criminal
escaping those who done did do America wrong on
9/11 - no, he inste.. . This Dr. Jones character
doesn't for a moment consider why he should lie
so heinously in God's presence, only by obviously
not truly believing what he preaches falsely as a
'doubtless' pro-bigot FOXNEWS fan of PURE NAZI
EVIL. [No evidence person innocent] God is the
words he unfairly claims to only be the works
of the Devil. Anyway.. obviously he, like Nazi
Israeli, doesnt believe in a higher power here
that hunts lawless bushite gang rapist heroin
pushers of America down, hunted down rightly for
war crimes trial for the tortures and
indiscriminate mass murderings too. Done in the
defense of all that are innocent, God's America
will succeed over those directly guilty of 9/11
who think that Satan will protect them from the
wrath of real men that breathe in this Universe
that actually do exist for real like myself. You
can have this Word on that.
Bush and Cheney closed 911 police investigations.
Exclusive with Dr Jones, the Burn a Koran Day Satanist
/ / exclusive interview with Dr Terry Jones,
pastor of the infamous Dove World Outreach Center
in Gainsville, Florida that is planning to have
a Burn a Koran Day this upcoming September 11th \ \
This is incredible. No, it is incredible. Give
this to everyone and know, God is real, as is,
the Synagogue of Satan. It is the TV American,
who will not help US in anyway on this last
ditch effort as 'escaping' the Antichrist from
our free words given on this issue. Let Justice
prevail by forwarding this to all Peoples.
Zionist "Jews" burn the New Testament in Hatred for God as Just
Video: Israel Bans the Basics of Life for Everyone
Israeli Settlers Step Up Attacks on Churches
/ / Israel executed wounded, abused corpses and
emptied automatic weapons into bodies at point
blank range. These were the acts of brutal
animals, not humans. \ \
IDF denies disciplining top officers over
phosphorous used against children targeted
9/11: Mossad Is Guilty U.S. Army Study On Mossad
"Anti-Mosque Coalitions Website Owned By
Neo-Conservative Islamophobe Frank Gaffney"
/ / Gaffney: "It is regrettable that they had to
die, but I believe they did have to die. The
danger was inaction could have resulted in the
death of a great many more Americans than 4,000.
And that's the reason I'm still delighted that we
did what we did." \ \ Saddam was doing whatever
was asked plus more - whatdidtheywantbutnotaskfor
Saddam wasn't in violation of 1441. War
criminals truly deserve to die by war crimes
Public trial. Why? It's NEEDLESS mass murder
Neocon Gaffney supports on magic TV without the
facts there to defend anyone. Dying. The Iraq
war has no cause. Soldiers are warring there to
bring about a situation that was present before
the conflict began. Near Impossible now with all
the toxic waste and losses to everyone of
innocent lives made to suffer and die for nothing
but the Bushite's contempt for Law. Contempt for
Justice. Contempt for our wise leaders of
civility, contempt for Freedom. Once nearer a
civilized Humanity we were living for freedom,
and now, all suffering with God for more than a
thousand years, due these Zionist Nazi illiterate
savages, pirating our fire power. Innoculating
THEMSELVES blindly with posions that make US all
even dumber. George Walker Bush is evil
personified as the war criminal of the worst
order, ever. As Humanity it must all be our
fault, for I felt I could easily help everyone to
be more Human than all we've been left as on TV
since 911 happened on our watch. One thing is
for sure: Lawless wars for ungodly tyranny by
slavery sucks for everybody. Justice is a must
if we are to ever claim Victory here again.
Limbaugh wills to kill America for stolen gains.
As why, he must censor the facts from reaching
the general dumfuk masses, for on that day, we
will be taking him away in chains for the naked
treasons he has run, as a fellow 911 conspirator
that disallows the public from following probable
cause.. as how the police forces of good in our
communities do it, or to form ANY, I said ANY
conclusion. (No BS) Ask any American, and near
all will tell, they don't want to be victimized
if they can help themselves. Rush Limbaugh, as
like near every last Republican Tea Bagger
Libertarian doesn't want Justice if it means
America will be defended from lawless tyranny.
Pushed irrationally by rightard Ideologue bigots
and racists, as if their false judgments could
stand to open challenge in a free to speak forum.
Too much to steal from the dying suckers who
would refuse to forward these fine words..
Bush and Cheney closed 911 police investigations.
They were being told "not to interfere in
incidents in which Afghan forces were having sex
with children." Bushite grunts raping kids, and
what does the American man have to say? too
cowardly to speak for the interests of innocent
victims? No to Women's Rights is what these
bushites war unjustly our Humanity to rape as
thieves further, officially pushing heroin, and
executing individuals simply becasue they are
Christians. Do something good, and kill an
unlawful Bushite enemy for Afghanistan, for
America, and for Christ. Die bushite war
criminal nazi fuks die.
SCAM OF SCAMS : everything is true / take me to your leader
/ / One of Four Female College Students
Will Be Raped Before Graduating \ \
TV Americans don't care. They hold
women in contempt, as they do
for God, and everyone else.
'Explore Koran Day' Sept 11 NWO resistance
"Whichever God we believe in then it
must be a very disappointed God indeed."
Demon evil bush whore TV Americans of the
Antichrist don't even know the half of it. Nor,
do they care. I could justly answer this in two
minutes, but Americans, all Americans hold God in
contempt to remain silent. They hate Life. They
refuse these words, not because they suspect I am
wrong, but because they know I am right. That's
why they're all so contemptuous. All they want
is to rape our wives and children, steal our
money, as destroy our country for the glories of
the Bushite grunting savages in league with the
demon Antichrist of 9/11. I mean, look, they
can't even condemn the demon whore of Satan,
Sarah 'the retard' Palin, and that is truly
something by saying nothing at all.
You Know
You know, I am really beginning to hate
Republicans. They read these words, and don't
give a care for any innocent human being they
would rather see suffer, than to have freedom
prevail for US in this matter. They are like the
Nazi grunting soldiers who shoot innocent Humans
being at random, rape or rob, push heroin or
steal pensions, all for the ungodly Antichrist
responsible for 9/11 as lawless enemies of all
mankind. Wy do they refuse to forward a call for
Justice then..? They can't even be bothered to
raise a concern, never mind a phone but for to
tell how fantastic it is to refuse liberty to all
others for unjust victimhood. Republicans are
universally illiterates, FOXNEWS know nothings of
economics or law, con artists who hate our
species for being intelligent. (Otherwise we'd
know them for the cheats they are.) I hate
Republicans for being silently Zionist as Commie
Pinkos for Satan. Ungodly evil Zionists of AIPAC
who see nothing wrong as worth mentioning in
stealing an innocent Christian's Home if they can
profit from the war crimes against US as God and
Calling For Justice In This Town
Let US unite to know, we will under no
circumstances allow these 911 demons to escape
our authority.
Flight 93 Cell Call Exposed
We are dealing with some seriously evil Zionist
Nazi fucks. Like of Israeli, who will murder
your innocent family to steal our money through
AIPAC. Satanic of those who steal the title of a
fair minded bloke named the Messiah, or just your
average John calling for Justice in this town.
Let US unite to know, we will under no
circumstances allow these 911 demons to escape
our authority. Remember: In Nazi Israel, they
actually targeted innocent children for
incineration with white phosphorus, as
psychotically twisted mass murderers - truce
breakers to getting killed Jews too for the
stolen gains - through AIPAC, mass murdering war
criminals that are labeled, "Jews" as the story
told by God in the Book, of these pirating evil
ungodly wretches. The Satanic Nazi Israeli
government of body organ thieves, are demonic war
criminals who glee to see US, the innocent
suffer, as Christ on the Cross, or US black Jew
brothers across the pond. For they fear no real
God they mock to our faces in the Second Coming..
where apparently we take swift Just action to try
every last AIPAC member with the high crimes of
naked sedition they are for sure guilty of, like
bribe taking, as the war crimes committed of the
most sinister. Never shall I as King see them
escape my friends. Go to tell this on a mountain
somewheres why don't you? You decide. ..but
deciding not to decide is still a decision you
take with silence - don't be evil expecting
someone else to do everything. We are all only
men and women in this world of great war crime
sufferings - let's change this by working to
actually defend ourselves here - Justice for all
is a must if we want the freedom to be we alone
among the stars.
The New World Order
We demand open communications to speak the facts,
while You as an American, would rather die for
treasonous liars who kill Americans for stolen
gain? Your call losering. We all could be
Scott Horton Interviews Eric Margolis
"Justice is what they want today."
This was an incredible talk requiring
international coverage, to push further through
for a better world withn our grasps. if we
reach. For words much pray, forward marching
with this to say.
'Republicans are Constitutionalists'
Banksters do not cover our loans. Iraq is a war
crime scene, while 911 is yet to be investigated
by the Law. Torture is illegal, like rape, and
extortion. The smarter Public option of Ron Paul
and fiends, but not for the common folk who pay
twice as more to get nothing as claimed is..
tricky. The Congress men are too stupid to serve
the American Public's interest there BUT they are
smart enough to do it for thermselves privately.
Sounds exactly like Commie Pinkoism. Only the
Elites of the Elites, namely all of every last
Republican and Ron Paul, get what they put in as
the smarter players in all this, while You, yes
you, as the American sucker, you get left paying
for their denials of fair coverage. Commie
Pinkoism plain and simple. [Explained better two
pages down somewhere..]
There is no "Ground Zero" Mosque
Obama Targeted Killings Suit Spotlights US Targets
ehboei,.. murder it's called. Murder. Look, if
Obama has a true reason to claim an American
deserved their death sentence, it would be in
America's authority to rightly defend yourselves
with US as our side. To murder som... Look,..
Obama is guilty of attempting for real, first
degree murder here - a person he can't have
arrested for an actual offence against any, The
Peoples, for the falsely accused IS an innocent
American man or women. So, if a "Birther" or
Libertarian, or Republican was a true American
Patriot, they would be rightly teaed off here
about such an issue as critical to all involved.
Innocent Americans marked for murder by an
unlawful rogue state over extending their
usefulness into bad news for all as escaping
bushite war criminals. Why so mr. magic man of
a place where self respect is a given right?
Americans do not want to be murdered. Ask any of
them. Hi, my names John. Tyranny sucks.
Justice is Victory.
USA makes it illegal to give aid to Gaza! In
"Holder vs. Humanitarian Law" While funding Nazi
Israel to main and murder the innocent loved by
This is so incredibly evil as ungodly war criminal.
Wake Up! You're Being Murdered
Sent Out and Counting
"senior Goldman people have loaded up on firearms
and are now equipped to defend themselves if
there is a populist uprising against the bank."
Ha. It's OUR police officers they should be
worried about enforcing OUR standing laws for
extortion, and Bank robbery. Unless that is who
they think they will over power, with all our
Governments, and the eternal timeless LORD of
Creation. Just what are the odds? Crazy bums..
There is more to this? Capitalizing? Awesome.
play on...
Demon Schemes against the Great America I Claim
/ / DCIS investigators identified 264 Defense
employees or contractors who had purchased child
pornography online. \ \ just 10 were sorta charged
But because they are likely in full support of
Rumsfeld's child rapist torture buddies, they
escape all lawless prosecution from males like
they have as "politics" in America. .like those
that to this day, are escaping gang raping my
AMERICAN WOMEN as FOXNEWS Heroes, or torturing
INNOCENT Americans maybe to death - 'who cares?'
as a Bushite says in America to not raise it's
free man's claim as demanding Justice for this
day. Bill a Bushite for Christ why don't we
then? Justice for all is a big win for everyone.
Trust US on this point. Be Human, and take these
words to have as your own thoughts in this
moment. Take a stand for the common man as
freedom must reign in a world that respects our
natural claim. To have some self respect. I
can't live in that world of personal cowardice
the FOXNEWS fan shoes in for slave labor,
torture, and the death of America with the escape
of demon schemes against the Great America I
claim. Why? To me, life is naturally a wonder,
a place to achieve for something greater. TV
Americans can not even dream of this world, but
for that they sacrifice as un-informed crime
victims actually TV rooting to more to be done in
for. Unless you maybe just do not know yet... I
know this philosophy, largely because I gave it
some thought. Well, now you do too, could, if
you tried, by forwarding this post on to a dying
world waiting to be saved with freedom as
realized. Welcome to Paradise. You bastards
John Oliver says Muslims are allowed to put a
mosque near Ground Zero, just like Catholics can
build a church next to a playground.
All aahhh.. Now i see
Because Bush and Cheney closed official 911
Police investigations, we will go nowhere until,
we arrest the demons for obstruction, to get back
to following probable cause to arrest the actual
bad guys. Starting with Ahmad for funding the
op, and then going to the Taliban claiming, no
evidence will be brought against the accused.
So, the FBI as acknowledged; they have no
evidence linking bin Laden to 911 to form an
actual warrant. PD51, W199i and so on, were/ARE
threats against real cops talking about this, or
moving forward with formal arrests of those
responsible for mass murdering Americans.
Bushite Nazi Grunter who wants 'limited
government' to escape himself from gang rape,
torture and murder of AMERICAN WOMEN states,
"I don't care."
PBS "The true cost of the bank bailout: $12.8 TRILLION"
U.S. Rescue costs 23.7 Trillion, Barofsky Says (Update3)
Look, are we going to go by the actual auditor
who claims with the paper work to exceed 23.7
trillion, or no? I wouldn't make a deal out of
this, but for PBS stating, "The true cost", where
when you get a loan from the bank, they do not
cover our loans. We do. blink.. blink.. okay,
we are paying, yes paying them back for money
thye never lent us to begin with. They have
trillions, and now want to war all ourselves
for escape of the documented extortions.
Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers
I wish Humanity could understand how serious
these crimes are. 1 in 5 children of America
were reported to have received these shots
containing mercury. Not a liberal socialist blind
man theory, but a scientific certainty that it did
nothing to prevent the "flu", but caused FOR
SURE, massive brian damage. More recruits of the
bushite minions we can only presume. It is still
a crime against Humanity despite the fact that
CNN, CBC, FOXNEWS and others will deny our
humanity the science on any subject as truly
concerned. Especially maths. 2% on S.S. for
example. A trust fund. 2%. Fight back for the
truth to will out over the nazi grunting
illiterate liars who can't compete, so call
themselves "Conservatives", or "Republicans" or
"Libertarians", all tuned to hold the American
Constitution in contempt. Bush and Cheney closed
9/11 Police Investigations. 1441. The Banksters
don't cover our loans. Free debates must be
demanded for freedom to rule fairly in our
benefits. Bigots and racists are weaker minded
fools, that don't want Justice ruling, where they
are exposed for the cons they truly are to
themselves. Have no fear. I am a pro. This is
old school Human: Justice is Victory.
The Psychopaths of Power Play the Insanity Card
/ / the judge in the case declared that "there was
no evidence linking [Padilla] to specific acts of
terrorism anywhere or that their actions had
resulted in death or injury to anyone" -- even
as she handed the torture victim a 17-year prison
sentence, as Winter Patriot reports. \ \
Please, Americans. Demand a rightful death
sentence, as according to Standing American Law,
for those at FOXNEWS and elsewhere who support
torture in America. Republicans almost
exclusively, but some demonrats too. Do not
let them escape torturing innocent Americans
for sadistic ungodly war crime pleasures. Please
fight for what is right, or die as a consequence
of your personal contempt for true Freedom as
Convicted for Protesting; Satanic Evil U.S. Silent
Republican Party Chairman Sam Walls,
he likes to dress up in women's clothing
(..and hang around in bars?)
Yeah yeah, it's entertaining, but are these the
kind of professional People persons we want
advising our decisions for cash bribes to benefit
lawless tyranny? Being Trannies or otherwise?
Especially when they have that ani-Gay 'secret'
they push before ever calling of arrests for
Bankster extortions? No instead, they tv 'no
opinion' sell on the clamp down of America's
growing poorer across the board. As the
alienated population for furthering their
sadomasochistic AIPAC criminal tendencies against
a wiser crowd seeing them for who they truly are
now? Like minimally un-qualified? Like, for
example: how is it possible that AJ sees little
cause to be concerned about Nazi Israeli STEALING
the homes from INNOCENT Christians with his tax
dollars to war GOD? Again, how is it that anyone
could freely vote Republican or Demonrat to govern
ourselves lawlessly for continuing terror in error?
Disenfranchising our suckered dying teens to die
in Iraq, and Afghanistan criminally warring for
the final escape of the Peenacker Neocons with
Bush and Cheney for 911.. Sick shit. We need
some new views of a greater tomorrow where honest
good leadership is prized as a win. Simple
Study of a Bushite's Psyche
Where censorship isn't practiced, the bigots lose
to the facts they doesn't own. Like our world.
Would you rather die innocent victim than have
Justice win by polite open debate denied this God
forsaken world?
We need to organize the enforcement of our laws
by priority. War of false imprisonment to
enslave the innocent, is a strategy, I contend,
nobody here in this arrangement adheres to. We
The Peoples are paying for going without good
enough attention to who is who here being left
forsaken to die on a cross somewhere. Dying
victims to the corporate news pros denying rights
to be defended as equals. War criminals who
pirate America's uniform to rape and pillage with
an official policy of denying an accused as
anyone any rights as defending ourselves are the
actions of the enemy traitors. All falling
victims for the cowardly bushite war criminal
sacrificers, warring for the escapes of the
neocon peenacker party of guilty 911 Nazi Zionist
conspirators - those who truly done did do
America wrong, as still wrong is it always will
for always be as. The Zombie Commies refusing
the FACTS that get in the way of attempting
further escape of Bush, Cheney, Condi and
Rumsfeld for the high treason called Obstruction.
As they did, when closing official American
Police investigations, as the "police actions" of
the dishonorable. Played by corporate control in
a self defeating no facts for US criminal
strategy, rooted as remaining us silented
internationally on furthering these crimes the
bushite "Judges" are guilty for at Guantanamo for
starters. Crimes that should be seen as clearly
in, warranting our outrages of un-acceptable
lawless standards to the cause of Our Great
Humanity. Now Rising. oh.. never mind, as you
Social Security is a Trust Fund
Removing the Federal Reserve requires a
Government that would act in the Public's
interest, as that is what is not happening right
now with private bankster privilege, and the
Rightards campaigning for "limited" "small"
government.. limited from Rightly arresting Bush
and Cheney for 911, and the KBR gang rapists of
American women? A Rightard can't even fathom how
to serve US the public equitably when they (The
Political Bourgeois leadership of Commie Pinko
Elitist TV Society) take RELATIVE terms like "Big
Government" and claim them falsely as Absolutely
meaning something to themselves as rejects
ill-defining - ergo - why we are denied freedom
for the individual by corporate mind control like
America's infallible Pope, the, 'not right or
Left' "Conservative" rightard Alex Jones. Why?
American Peoples are too bigoted to not have
thought of this freely sooner. God thing we was
there Is all I've been saying here forever man
united with the forces that bind all natures for
the better good. No Justice, life sucks. Bush
gave US no evidence to form his non-science, A
then ACTUALLY closed 911 Police investigations
(W199i,PD51,P2OG,ABCNEWS) claiming, from that
moment on. if we were to even/ever form our/an
own/any conclusion, (or follow probable cause in
a fight against lawless tyranny) we would no
longer be with him, but with the terrorists
apposing torture or distinct extortion.
Extortion of the 'little' trillions variety that
Americans are expected to pay back, going
without, far over the next millennia. Real
torture, real extortion. Real American lives.
died on 911, who's families continue to suffer
the unjust consequences of Your personal inaction
to word these worlds. So; a for real Antichrist
of Evil personified actually exists that's all in
the name of George Walker Bush, grandson to
Hitler's Banker, and his thoughtless dying
minions of evil in this world are as so, ungodly
murderous war criminals. ANTICHRIST.
Explanation: Evil is the deceived disguised.
These words of thought about living free are
universally represented. No evidence against an
accused is truly US being abused. No matter
"who" you are. Socialist Libertarian, King
Johnny, whatever man.
Justice is Freedom
We can't divorce ourselves of the governing
decisions that the government takes as given
already. Banksters don't cover our loans is
priority one for topics to freely discuss, done
during after the initiation of public warrants
for the arrests those guilty of mass murder in
America on 911, and in Britain on 7/7, all done
by following probable cause to nab the actual
culprits. General Ahmad for example, and Peter
Power. Someone else must have helped the
terrorists do the footwork, for we have video of
iron pouring out the side of the World Trade
Towers, and someone from Scotland Yard (likely
Ian Blair) tried to steal the CCTV video where
the innocent victim gunned down in the street
(who worked for a private security firm it has
been alleged), was murdered by the enemy to
assist in the formal escape of Peter Power and
Associates - those that truly did US wrong as, in
part, responsible for the mass murder. Following
probable cause it's called. Watch Dragnet, or
A&E's The First 48. Don't miss "Loosechange
Final Cut" either, So, where to begin... Bush
and Cheney.
Now, I am waiting on You to do what is right, and
champion this defense, as if you Own rights we're
living in lawless reckless abandon., in Jeopardy.
We can do it. Justice for all is freedom to be.
I am King Johnny, an equal to the body politic as
fair gain in a free market place of ideals.
Ideals to keeping Justice rule supreme for the
definition of Freedom known. That would
naturally make simple sense to just about anyone
listening. No evidence, suspect is innocent.
Torturing innocent persons to get false
confessions for murder, while the true culprits
make their escape from Judgment warrants Death.
(that according to Standing America Law ushered
by Reagan.) Life should be Good if we can help it
along some for The Peoples winning. Thank you.
..and goodnight.
Don't want the facts?
The Republican TRAITORS all on the magic tv
telling American dimwits not to support wise
Justice for pirated America, should then earn
them life term prison sentences for naked
sedition escaping the Peenacker, what say You?
How did KSM get the explosives in WTC7 then?
Bushite McCainiacs are evil stupid people of
History's worst example for false accusations.
To near never apply our skills of communicating
to seek greater understandings, but to divide
our/itself as a bigot false accuser not qualified
to hold such a position in complete disregard for
the worth of it's viewer. US, the Audience.
Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate
warfare would better serve ourselves to halt for
our safety. The bushmob did 911.
1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta
2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers
Study: CEOs Who Fired Most Workers Earned Highest Pay
All the while, Republicans irrationally argue
America must not tax them fairly either, and the
magic TV sells without opinion, like maybe, that
like, makes sorta cents to paying Americans who
know no better while dying poorer in self
contempt. Contempt for me, contempt for God,
contempt for American values the TV sells
unjustly to prosper themselves further. Hey!
who cares! the market is up! ! The market is
what? Amerikan dumfuk Rightard "Well, seeing I
have no real knowledge on this subject, I can't
fathom why FOX NEWS would ask me of it during
prime time, but I'll tell you all about it never
the less.. see.. it's" free market, so blame
all things Liberal. Like Alex Jones does daily,
while prefacing that he's not left or right as a
extreme Absolutionist Bigot "Conservative". He
does the same on his, 'I'm not a racist, and
wouldn't support the KKK, but all those of Mexico
and the billion plus Muslims think like I say
they think despairingly 'they' do... er.. hmmm
Maybe John is actually hugely wiser than any man
or women alive and/or dead ever by demanding real
Justice in defense of all that exists fairly?
Naaahhhh... I can't see that - get real'
Top Priority
Top priority. Justice for 911 Victims. Paper
ballots for fair elections on fixing to vote for
a public education on 'banking scams'. Us, and
them who hide and pretend who's all paying for
this there is something not publicly defined.
Because they are taking us for Rooked! Banksters
don't cover our loans. Checkmate.
get out of jail free card
Bush and Cheney closed official 911 police
investigations. What do Conservatives do? Look
to blame an entitlement society of homeless
people charged big money to eat at the Salvation
Army. Or immigrants that look just like you or
me to the bushite grunting thieves who war as the
bad guys mass murdering the innocent, to rape
American women, to rape Afghanistan and Iraqi
children, all the while dying to steal everyone's
money for the magical bankster. How can Alex
Jones of the NWOers get behind such madness in
AZ? Considering all the movies he's made? HOW
HOW HOW? I don't know entirely, but to
speculate, it's his fear that otherwise, wise men
and women might be allotted a space to speak
freely against the demon enemy George Noory about
war criminals Bush and Cheney, and then his,
ridiculous! greater than everyone else of
History's ego would be bruised. So, I guess Alex
is prepared to support military dictatorship and
the death of freedom in America to make him look
strong against the wiser folks who are truly
committed to freedom as Justice for all. AJ's
Liberals, = everybody but a blind and stupid
"Conservative". American Conservatives think
Rand isn't treasonously working to deny the crime
scene evidence over at, Social Security, of
trillions stolen, of which he is stupidly. Never
mentioned ever by Alex Jones I'm pretty sure, at
least for sure, it's not something he'll mention
as important that the elderly and poor of America
that have been directly robbed as defrauded today
and for tomorrow as something to care for. Name
ANY American Conservative, and I'll show you a
person who claims at BEST! war criminal Bush who
lied to kill America is no worse than an AJ
puppet, leave him alone, he's on our team, the
dumfuks who know near nothing of economics, law,
and so on.. It's a true Nazi cowardice, it's a
refusal to understand, millions have been
murdered already by the Amerikan Nazi Zionist Air
Force who bombs US, The Peoples at random.
Cities bombed containing Peoples, with what they
term "Guess work" all on the excuse, that Bush is
their lawless Antichrist enemy of Humanity and
God, as a get out of jail free card.
Why is this happening?
Banksters are walking away with defrauded
TRILLIONS. Understand, Republicans don't have a
TV problem with gang rapists of American women
walking free in our America (as bribers KBR)
either, so counting on a Republican for honorable
commentary regarding this serious Life issue on
where they wish to further steal ourselves away
from a just rule, should be aptly considered when
we start taking calls on what all needs being
done intelligently to save our planet from these
lawless scoundrels, these liars, who pirate our
air spaces from free communications ruling. Let
Justice be our defense of Freedom.
DOJ to Arpaio: Show Me Your Papers
/ / Arpaio has failed to serve over 40,000 felony
warrants. Arpaio is suspected of misspending $50
million \ \
INCREDIBLE. As again, understand the magic TV
and Alex Jones wont let the truth speak as
ourselves. The claim by the Obama admini..
BP ultimatum: Let us drill or funds will dry up
My friends. Let's think about this and banking.
We, as a species, are not as stupid as the TV
junkies sell for stolen profits through
'Sweden Democrats banned Political ad'
...threatening the TV racist bigot mongrels, (a
minority in Sweden), that they as the
"Democratic" government can only ever be at one
thing exclusively as why they must choose: save
your pensions that are being stolen, or stop
Muslims from shopping at our grocery stores. But
something even more two dimensional. Why?
Because their media as here, will refuse a
intelligent man or women to openly publicly
comment, or freely debate the illiterate slaves
into the proper place. Prison cells for pension
thieves no matter what the price of tomatoes is
in crazytown how about for starters? Perspective
with insight is greater than an American Glenn
Back fan who champions that Justice is a code
word for tyranny. We honestly would defeat this
nonsense in seconds, while some, for a fault that
is not completely their own, get lost in fear to
become what the TV pushes suggestively, to
proudly be, Bushite Zionist Nazi whores of Evil -
those who will to harm the innocent and godly,
done for the Bushite's hatred of Justice - as a
wise man or women speaking. THINK ABOUT IT:
every Bushite's wife, would leave the Bushite
dead for good in an instant, if they were made
savvy, not every male of Humanity is as their
magic TV sells, a Bush whore anti-Gay faggot.
Real men are not the Nazi grunter who wars
innocent women and children with torture and dope
pushing, bombing our cities indiscriminately,
giving their cowardly sick lives for the criminal
escape of those that truly done did do America
wrong as documented. Namely, Bush and Cheney for
closing 911 Police investigations. Case and
Bushite Nazi Grunts are Dying for Child Rapists
/ / So our troops are fighting and dying for child
rapists in a warped fundamentalist theocracy. \ \
The Talban would take child rapists, and have
them tried, then executed upon successful
prosecution. Bushite nazi grunts war to gang
rape women and children with their 'buds' at KBR
and Blackwater.. so what are You going to do?
How about, Killing a Bushite for Christ?, cause
the bushite doesn't care for anyone or anything
of Life, but what it can steal as a lawless TV
Bush whore of the for real Antichrist enemy of
Everyone as Creation. No evidence against an
accused is US being truly abused. Torture
warrants death - die Bushite die.
Afghan president says airstrike killed civilians
/ / "I am able to confirm that a very senior
official of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
was the target and was killed," Gates said.
[apposing the crazed tyrant of Uzbekistan, who
according to anyone, is clinically insane?]
"There aren't even any Taliban in this area,"
Taqwa said. "They were all working on Mr.
Khorasani's campaign." \ \
This is another why I beg all real men to kill a
Bushite for America. These bushite enemies will
gang rape your American wife, and claim that FOX
still sells they are heroic for doing so without
question. Zionist Lawlessnes is the enemy of
every last free man among US, and a Bushite LIAR
wars against a Just cause winning our Liberties,
as the dying loves of our INNOCENT families.
Kill a Bushite for Christ and be truly blessed a
man among men. They war to rape Afghanistan
children, to torture the innocent for false
confessions escaping the evil doers, and as such,
should warrant a death sentence alone without
much any further considerations. (let alone Bush
and Cheney escaping for 911) DIE BUSHITE DIE.
No One Can Doubt?
/ / Yet no one can doubt President Bushs support
for our troops, or his love of country and
commitment to our security \ \ Mr. Bush, the
Antichrist, closed 911 police investigations,
meaning the perpetrators are still escaping. Be
they blindly with bin Laden or otherwise. How
did bin Laden get the explosives into building 7
without an accessory? Bush don't want US to
know, and neither does Obama. Rather murder
millions of innocent Peoples to steal our values
of Justice as fair play. Plus, Obama is guilty
of extorting TRILLIONS from the American suckers
who refuse to champion a just cause, for, that is
where real men labor. Nazi grunters get off on
raping women and children, while bombing our
cities indiscriminately for ungodly Zionist Nazi
Satanism. No care for Justice in America, no
care for life in this universe.
War Criminals are shifty. But we are up for the
challenge. Justice for All means America wins.
The "No Mosque at Ground Zero" Protest
These ungodly evil enemies of Life, spew a hatred
for GOD and Man, without cause, without
understanding, without thought. Satanic enemies
of Christ they are as malcontents, that in ten
years, couldn't never bother to pick up a good
book, or read any of the Son of God's wise words.
Facts near never ever disputed by anyone. Why?
Because God is Just, and Americans hate that
because they KNOW, they are parasites of
Humanity, gearing to rape and pillage more of US
undefended innocent masses for the glories of the
lawless demon Antichrist.
American Zionist to the INNOCENT Jew "You deserve to die."
Bushite are not men, but true enemies of the
Republic, and on all we stand for Freedom.
Serving in Iraq Killed my Faith in God
Yeah right, it's God's fault Your so stupid as
EVIL doers dying for the escape of Bush and
Cheney as Obstructers to American Justice.
Sounds more like typical Nazi cowardice to me,
but what do we know of the innocent victims
targeted by Zionists as mass murdered on 911 too?
America is a nation of cowardly males, too afraid
to be men in our world demanding Justice for all
as truly ourselves. Bushites deserve to die
before the innocent they target for war crime
plunder, and you don't have to be God, or Christ
suffering on a cross everywhere to know so. Only
a man, an honest man. A true man. A real man.
Bushite Nazi liars are not American, nor nowhere
near honorable. They war God for the escape of
guilty Bush and Cheney for 911. They war
Afganistan for pension thieves Enron and to push
heroin. And We, the Human species have no one to
blame but their cowardly evil Zionist selves mass
murdering the innocent as Satanic enemies of
everyone and everything truly. They war to rape
women and children, to thieve and mass murder the
targeted innocent, and dying TV Americans still
claim them as Heroic.
Glenn Beck: "I didn't think I could hate victims
faster than the 9/11 victims"
American Patriot?
/ / "During the total darkness of the desert
night, the Flying Lion Battalion begins to move
towards the training grounds which resemble a
Palestinian village. The Marines are currently
split into two platoons, which are under the
command of Israeli \ \ Gunning for the nasty
innocent Christian families surviving in a
concentration death camp right? ..right? Of
course Commie Pinko Nazis always have to hide and
pretend their real men who can't hear what we're
Sound American?
Glenn Beck: "I didn't think I could hate victims
faster than the 9/11 victims" for demanding real
justice like they have some right to speak here
Again, American Patriot?
Ted Nugent, Chuck Norris, and the like say so as
'reasons' to kill some innocent other as
profitable, what about You?
John McCain introduced a bill into the U.S.
Senate which, if passed, would actually allow
U.S. citizens to be arrested and detained
indefinitely, all without Miranda rights or ever
being charged with a crime.
Treason is what that is called. High treason of
the most evil of Satanic natures. How McCain
walks free in our dying America, just trying! to
do this is in the public 'light' is beyond me..
Must be because he is on the NWOer's team, an
election rigging Republican Rightard aka Commie
Socialist Pinko. [see further down a page for
Picturing this; imagine there is no McCainiac but
a McCainiac, now what kind of world?
Ground Zero Islamic centers funding leads to CFR
Not a Muslim in the bunch.
/ / and that's no conspiracy theory. \ \
"Israeli Defense Force Bomb Jews?"
The Holy Bible is no Lie guy.
"Al-Qaida terrorists may pose as Ethiopians to sneak into Israel"
Islamophobia Israels Most Cherished Weapon
And as demon evil Mr. Bush bitch LIARS, the
bigots, the racists, a scumbag - will claim on
our TV and Radio, what all believers in God/Allah
believe about everything [NO EXAGGERATION], gets
to pirate our Public air space left unchallenged
for rightful ridicule on their irrationalism, all
because some here will have none of it for
anyone. No Justice for you, no Justice for them.
Rightards. Never elected Mr. Bush and Cheney
will escape for mass murder in America on 911,
and Your just going to have to sissy it cock
suckers. That's a "Conservative" for you.. No
wonder their almost exclusively anti-Gay faggots
wanting a uniform to boss teens around for
profitable war crime deaths as their personal
contempt for all that is right eh?
Get Real, God Is
American soldiers are being conned to die warring
God and Humanity for the escape of Bush and
Cheney, and Alex Jones sells, support
(pro-racists but not a racist himself - how dare
you] Rand and Ron, because they are dedicated to
attack the State. Not banksters walking away
with trillions extorted, not S.S. pilfered by
shysters, poisonous vaccines, ect., no, welfare
mothers, those in need of Health Care, and the
elderly. I'm telling America, right here and
now: Alex Jones and the con men Pauls are not
Constitutionalists, for if they were they would
demand the arrest of Bush and Cheney for closing
911 police investigations, and for the war crimes
of Iraq costing AMERICAN lives. AJ does not much
care to support anyone else but a bigot who hates
blindly like himself. What ever happened to the
struggles for Justice on 911?, or for Palestinian
Christians in a concentration death camp deprived
food and water? Corporate American Puppets don't
like the smarter folks speaking truths they can't
argue against in the light of day as evil doing?
Who cares anymore? Get real, God is. Forward
To support the arrest of those who committed 911,
is the actions of a true Patriot. Well said.
Well, at least it's not all bad news. When a
Bushite grunter dies, all the Angels in Heaven
rejoice. For another lawless demon minion of the
Antichrist is rightly dead, before another human
being, usually a child, falls as innocent murder
victim or tortured. Thank you from Christ to all
real men in Afghanistan for killing a bushite who
wars our innocent Humanity for the escape of evil
TV America's Antichrist Bush and Cheney for 911.
Death to the lawless Bushite, death to the
enemies of God and Man.
Why Rightly Bill WAR CRIME Bushite Grunters
/ / the Gitmo Kangaroo Courts constitute war
crimes under the Laws of War, the Four Geneva
Conventions of 1949, and even the U. S. Army's
own Field Manual 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare
(1956). \ \
Innocent peoples they torture to get false
confessions for terrorist crimes that the for
sure guilty party escapes because of. Enemies of
God and Liberty. Say it with Christ in God, or
as the Atheist's Atheist: DIE BUSHITE DIE.
Bushite are not men, but true enemies of the
Republic, and on all we stand for Freedom.
Justice is Freedom. A bushite hides in darkness
and pretends it's a real man to not demand
answers for these censored questions, regarding
their cowardly criminal sacrifice for the escape
of those who truly done did do America wrong on
911 partner. Bush and Cheney officially halted
American Police Investigations designed since the
dawn of Man to capture the actual bad guys. They
war Afghanistan to rape children, to abuse women,
to push heroin, to steal resources.. And we're
just saying is all.
"The U.N. said insurgents were responsible for 72
percent of the deaths -- up from 58 percent last year."
This is a war crime warranting death. No
investigations are conducted. And traitor NATO
claims after "Omar the Just" was arrested, to now
not have been arrested [PURE BS] advocating the
indiscriminate murder of women and children.
Documented Crimes of the Bushite Nazi grunters do
daily, while claiming school children are fair
targets when they war STUDENTS for the escape of
fellow bushite Nazi trash vermins. Die bushite
Top Al-Qaeda leader killed.... For the third time
See? A bushite LIAR, lies to mass murder
innocent defenseless families. Our families.
Never to speak of Bush and Cheney's escape for
halting our Police Services to complete our tasks
of victory over the terrorists of 911 at hand.
Take it from me, bushite dope pushers are
un-American evil. Recruited from third world
military dictatorships in who knows how many
cases as wearing our great flag, while picking
off Peoples randomly. Plus, KBR gang rapists
can't look good on any resume for a real man's
job to free ourselves of tyranny through Justice
supreme, but what do we know right?
Liar WAR CRIME NATO Enemy Forces in Afghanistan Killed Civilians
"Hunger Bill Cuts $14 Billion From Food Stamps"
Conservative Republican Libertarian good for
nothings will now advance the attacks against
poor people, not to demand the return of our
stolen trillions... or the public executions of
those who committed 911. do you care bushite?
The Demon Whore of Satan, Sara 'the retard' Palin
/ / It said "WORST GOVERNOR EVER". Kathleen
Gustafson is a teacher married to a local
commercial fisherman. She felt like Sarah Palin
had let the state down by becoming a
dollar-chasing celebrity and ignoring the oath of
office she'd sworn on a Bible. \ \
Well no doubt. She is a demon whore of Satan,
vying to kill American children (our cubs) with
demon lies like she tells about the war crimes,
extremely serious war crimes of Georgia against
all schools and hospitals, along with whoever
happened to be living in their homes, when the
forces united with Satanic demon whore Sarah
Palin slaughtered US indiscriminately. She
personally stole the bridge to nowhere money.
Everything she says like a Republican
Conservative tea bagger Libertarian, are demon
lies to escape the for real bad guys responsible
for destroying America with robing, raping,
torturing, and mass murdering. Bushite enemy
"I don't care."
Die bushite die.
Satanic Enemies of Christ at Demon Liar's Rally
/ / @mitchtibbens the U.S. went to vietnam to
help it's people from the communist, who wanted
to force the people into slavery, and after the
U.S. left [...]
The? Vietnam war was a great war, just ask Chuck
Norris. He was there in Missing in Action 1-3.
Palin/Huckabee 2012? \ \
Look at what dumb blind evil people do, to try
and hide from those wiser than all their years?
[you can truly sense, they know they are evil
pirates, when stealing the motto, "U.S.A.". They
know we know they are parasites looking for
ungodly sadistic pleasure to criminally escape
those who have done America wrong as mongering
tyrant enemy war criminals. Remember 911,
remember 911.]
The level of programmed ignorance is shocking.
This confident (false TV reality) 'expert', who
defines justice as criminal is a carbon copy of
Beck, but even weaker. Justice is Freedom.
Murder is illegal. Evil is Dumb. Stealing our
pensions is a crime everyone would say (or remain
silent), 'actually, no.. we're not going to
except that willingly as Repuglicon scum blaming
the innocent victims as censored for exploitation
by furthering the disenfranchisement of our
species', to the actual documented thieves
attempting to make their getaways by stupefied
Zombie TV mind control. Am I alone on this
The King Rules
Free open debates is all we are after here to
secure our Liberties. The American ignoramus
loses severely in open free debate with the facts
they have little of no real grasp as. Play
pretending they are worthy the respect a true
Patriot holds, as honorably committed against
lawlessness. What do these Glen Back/demon whore
of Satan Sarah 'the retard' Palin spin offs, know
of virtue? of honor? As Bushites, they don't
truly care for anything. as selling for sold as,
the magic TV excuses. No care for anyone,
especially themselves. See? One can not blame
God for our failures to communicate for our
benefits, if all we have is TV contempt for
intelligence ourselves broadcast 24/7 on near all
international media outlets. Glenn Beck
Americans would rather die it does seem, than
allow a real man or woman to speak on their
otherwised, unjust as evil national Zombie media
pronouncements, to demand justice meted fairly,
and that is a shame we can not further bare
without screaming for vengeance against the nine
eleven perpetrators escaping nowhere with the
trillioniare extortionists in tow. Spoken to our
entire Planet.
who can't see the reason for what Mr. Bush is,
in everything he has done for ungodly tyranny
home and abroad as war crime monger escaping
those who did 911, isn't a responsible literate
citizen. No evidence against an accused is US
being truly abused. Torture warrants death, but
for censorship to allow us free national debate
with any bush bitch FOX snooze fan still
breathing toxic waste.
Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate
warfare would better serve ourselves to halt for
our safety. The bushmob did 911.
1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta
2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers
Now, what cop in any right mind could blindly
support such furthering escape of those who have
truly done US all wrong like this answer me that.
We will not stop until we see Justice done
for US. God, and everyone else.
Bushite Nazi Grunters Murder Children in Cold Blood
/ / the soldiers told her she had to choose five
of her children to give as a gift to Israel. As
she screamed in horror they repeated the demand
and told her she could choose or they would
choose for her. Then these soldiers murdered
five of her children in front of her. \ \
(Remember: "American" grunters are now taking
blind as criminal command by Israeli Nazi forces
of godless tyranny for Satan.)
Funded by the American tax payers as a 'gift' to
God as Your stolen Humanity. Equal rights for
all, especially the Taliban's position in defense
of America, demanding evidence to form our guilty
verdicts. God Has Ruled: Kill a Bushite for
Christ and be Blessed by all as really worth
something here.
Again, a bushite has no commitment to defend
America, for it speaks nothing for the arrest of
the neocon traitors. traitors like themselves
whom will murder innocent folks like your Self to
steal our common values. Wouldn't you glory in
seeing these savage grunts who on video,
indiscriminately shoot innocent families, or bomb
a city entirely, executed by Christian Patriot
firing squads? or televised to fry in the
electric chair for these documented war crimes?
I sure would. It would make our world a much
safer place to raise a family secure in knowing,
bushite grunts as enemies of everyone, were
hunted to extinction for their crimes against our
Humanity. Hunted by Johnny Law, the True Spirit
of America. Who's in with the honorable and true?
John Cornyn: We'll Be Happy to Cooperate With
Democrats to Destroy Our Social Safety Nets [for
Paulson and the IMF trillioniare thieves]
Who could ever vote for this pro-rapist in a
democracy where the votes weren't rigged I ask
Cornyn defends Israel's right to kill innocent Americans
Remember, this demon enemy also supports gang
raping American women with FOX. And American men
don't care enough to murmur a concern, let alone
demand his head for treason. Again, all American
women, you need to find a real man like me who
will stand in defense of all that is right, as
all that is beautiful. Bushites deserve to die
for their treasonous crimes of mass murder and
torture against the targeted innocent done to
escape TRAITOR Bush and Cheney for 9/11. Bushite
are enemies of our Humanity, and God.
Tea Baggers to protest "high taxes and big government".
98% of working families received a tax cut.
Every state's average tax cut was similar. So
tell me again: What is it they're protesting?
Not the war crimes, not the banksters, not the
tortures, not the vaccines. Not AIPAC, not the
demon whore of Satan, Sarah 'the retard' Palin,
and not FOXSNEWS. Tea Baggers are Zombie dumfuk
Republican nazi whores who war America to escape
Bush and Cheney, and those at KBR who gang rape
America women left undefended. They champion
paying private insurance companies billions of
tax dollars irrationally as Ron Paul would
stupidly advise, because they hate, truly HATE a
wise man or woman being allowed to speak freely.
NWOers would rather see all of America die,
before allowing the truth be plainly told. It's
all about escaping Bush and Cheney for the
treasonous crime of Obstruction. A crime that
OFFICIALLY, escapes those responsble for mass
murder in New York City on 911. Americans don't
care for the innocent lives they steal for cash
profit, but, do you? Do you?? Then forward
these concerns, both pro or con. I demand open
communications to speak the facts, while You as
an American, would rather die for treasonous
liars who kill Americans for stolen gain? Your
call losering. We all could be Heroes.
How A Hero in New Orleans Was Arrested, Labeled A
Terrorist And Imprisoned by Lawless Bushite Enemies
/ / Meet Alan Simpson. He wants to gut Social
Security. And he's in charge of the future of
Social Security. How's that? President Obama
appointed him to lead a key Social Security
commission. Why? I have no clue. \ \
this writer at crooksandliars play the reader
so blinded?
"A New World Order Based Upon Collective Action"
is not as the blind ideologue claim, always must
be a failure to conclude what they can not
comprehend where they fear. The State is God,
good or bad. You choose.
'Deficit Too Large to Pay Unemployment INSURANCE Benefits'
'Republicans agree that tax cuts don't have to be paid for'
Republicans are evil parasites feeding to kill America.
Republicans for Rape [no, seriously]
[no, seriously]
Child RAPE Condoned by "Sexy" Rotten Rumsfeld
See in America, they have no gripes about
bushites raping children, or gang raping American
women, or torturing innocent peoples to death.
Let's as Humanity give life terms to those who
walk free in America that gang rape American
Women from KBR along with those 30 Republicans,
or those that rape/torture children as CNN's
"Heroes", the bushite nazi grunters of the demon
evil antiChrist how about?
Crimes Against God: Bushites are the Enemy
Street-Roving XRAY Vans
Did you know it isn't a socialist conspiracy but,
xrays do mutate the dna of human tissue? As a
person, you might ask, 'but what if the person is
a person who just can't care enough to know this
is an extremely serious assault being criminally
perpetrated against everyone by illiterate
grunters recruited as pro third world lawless
dictatorships?' You know, the pro-Bush gang of
Zombie like TV entertainment murderous rip offs.
Yah yah, like someone truly American, could
actually freely vote for Republican without shame
as publicly ridiculed, I mean, come on..
Republicans for Rape [no, seriously]
[Why can't we demand their arrests for gang rape?]
We must fight until the Patriots rise as Justice
calling to defend ourselves against these lawless
Zionist Nazi savages.
Bush team 'agreed plan to attack the Taliban the day before September
"if it refused to hand over Osama bin Laden"
For what? No evidence for anything was Condi's
war crime plan to escape the Neocons responsible
for mass murder on 911. Understand, THEY HAD NO
INVASION 'ESCAPING' the guilty Neocon.
[911 mass murder occured here] Pre-planned.
Look up the Taliban offering to hand over bin
Laden to Clinton and HE REFUSED! Refused for
more than 40 consecutive days!!! It's the inside
scoop on this crime against Humanity, without a
love for God or his greatly gifted Son John the
Baptizer truly. Not to worry all you bigot
minded losers trying to change your evil says,
I'm not gay that way dumfukkers. Though some of
my best friends are gay gay. I mean like Gay gay
gay gay gay gay - but well you know, to each
their own - and if you don't get all "gay" with
me when I'm seeking advisement on being
personable, like when developing my plan of plans
on how to meet chicks and influence people, I
think yeah whatever - I SIMPLY LOVE THE THEATRE!
Though, like I say, being gay is okay, it's just
not right for me. Freedom is here. Though I
have masterbated, then therefor, I was being what
then though? Transexual? Bisexual? Or if
American men watch their pornos where naked men
are present, doesn't that like, for sure make
them gay to be that way with an erection? If I
dream of pink panties on beautiful women, is that
not ME pretending to be something other.. But ah
yeah, these are just the musings of John being
gay to say, women women women women - pant -
drool - women women wommen women then. Ha I'm
funny sometimes to just myself I fear, so, never
mind all this lonely loser business ladies..
Back to me being the lonely winner who sings for
spare change outside as closer to the dime, er..
Hero I mean I am, yeah, a Hero. Great. Human.
Normal. Hungry. Man.
Muslim cab driver slashed by boozed-up bigot just
back from filming Marines in Afghanistan: cops
/ / The suspect also yelled, "Consider this a checkpoint" \ \
This warrants following probable cause by seizing
all his videos on his Zionist Nazi war crime
buddies treating innocent others for robbed
murder victims.
/ / Sens. John McCain and Joseph Lieberman on
Thursday [..] allow the U.S. military to detain
U.S. citizens without trial indefinitely in the
U.S. based on suspected activity. \ \
And remember, as many or more than 40 percent of
"American soldiers" are recruited from third
world military dictatorships. Mr. Bush's, most
closest, and bestest of friends. They torture,
they rape. They thieve, they bomb the innocent
as enemies of God and Man. Enemies of Freedom,
enemies of Justice. No evidence, person
innocent, but to a Tea Bagger, or Ron Paul, who
cares truly right?.
Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You
The Truth
Let US unite on arresting Joe Lieberman and
McCain for treason. It is without reason that
America wills to imprison themselves as innocent
persons indefinitely to prosper the Zionist
peenacker neocon CRIMINALS. Old school Humans
use to call that crime kidnapping. It is still
on the books however as un-American. Who are
ever going to believe in American, if not
Americans? This McCainiac move is patently dumb,
as it is way down low tyrannically evil, and very
very very much illegal. To everyone.
"Jewish" Society?
I am in favor of a Jewish-Zionist State. I
defend what has been rightfully mine for ages. I
would even slaughter, not only abuse, the Arab
[Christians] and the real Jews too
See? As a true Christian Jew Muslim dude, I
recognize these threats against innocent God
loving Peoples, are of the Satanically evil, just
as the Holy Bible describes. Who is a Jewish
Messiah? A murderous thief?, or a lover of
Justice as fair living?
America Is Going to Hell!! - Ha hA HAa haaaha
American Christians carrying placards and
yelling 'GOD IS A LIE' - Can You Believe It?
"The U.S. state of Mississippi recently reopened all of its fishing
AJ 'theys just puppets, don't fight or call for
anyone's arrest for a criminal offense.. '
Alex Jones actually said nearly this to a caller
today, who asked why can't Alex allow the support
of arresting actual criminals. AJ said, he
wouldn't because his Globalists want that...
WHAT? To have arrested rapists? torturers?
Bush for closing 911 investigations as
treasonous? Alex Jones sucks.
"Benjamin Netanyahu rejects demands to continue settlement freeze"
That is a criminal offense of STEALING an
innocent Christian's home. Paid for 'willingly'
by Alex Jones not demanding legal action in our
own defenses. Why? Too wordy.
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers
DNA - Hitler was Jewish?!?!?!?
SEE? Zionist Nazis.
"Israel's new army chief led Gaza war"
The guy who encouraged Christian children to
gather into the city center, than burned them
alive for Satan, is now the boss of American
grunters on how to further murder more innocent
peoples for "Jews"?
[they pay NO royalties toooooooooooooo]
Tea Bagger 'Yeah but, they's harder to
pick on than helpless welfare mothers.'
Not for the Faint of Heart, but,
we.... can't.... turn.... away..
Steven Colbert Has Lost His Mind
His guest outlaid that we have no knowledge of
the dangers to eating deadly toxins present in
the fish going untested, then they advanced that
Americans should think nothing of it, and join
him faithfully in eating tainted fish from the
Gulf. He wasn't joking though... spooky times
my friends, spooky times.. Fear not. I'm a pro.
Justice is Victory.
Colbert: Grunts are all Heroes "Because no
matter how you felt about this war, we Americans
sent them out to fight [START!!] it" needlessly
mass murdering the nation to rob from everyone
No, Zionist TV liars sent naive teen soldiers to
commit war crimes against Humanity for sadistic
pleasures escaping Antichrist Bush and Cheney,
murdering millions of innocent Peoples to steal
from ourselves purposefully left out of the
discussions as collateral damages to their stolen
private takings. They stole all of Iraqis money,
and by threats of continuing mass murders, gave
the entire country to the IMF with Allawi for
further plunders by private Bankster swindles
that are CRIMINAL FRAUD without question.,
(absent a bigot rightard complaining about being
truly too dumb to comprende' (don't let 'them'
speak! don't let 'them' speak!). The IMF
private Banksters do not cover the loans, WE DO.)
They have stolen all their oil resources, and
gave them to BP and Dutch Shell for lootings they
claim will continue unabated far into the here
after labor day. Remember yester? the millions
of Americans who marched in the streets against
what Colbert lies we/they wanted as sold before
hand already as the TV demanded through heavy
heavy censorship, (dummy Intel around the made
criminal policy - just act normal, just act
normal - bombing everything torturing whoever
thieving all things. ORHA or, ha not very
funny.) and CNN, MSNBC, and Jon Stewart with FOX,
refused the truths to be spoken by pretending we
weren't there. [we knew they have the internets
just as the true coward grunter did too to say,
"I don't care."] Just as today. Bush and Cheney
closed 911 police investigations on why there is
iron flowing like water out of the towers on
video - see "loosechange final cut". AND, Saddam
wasn't in violation of 1441, meaning there was
nothing asked of Saddam that he didn't
immediately comply with. Including offers to
give Bush all radio and TV stations, and offering
to hand himself over within the magic TV publicly
offered hours to save the lives of his innocent
country men. Antichrist Bush refused, while
Colbert and Jon Stewart blabbed about nothing to
defend teen soldiers suckered further to die
NEEDLESSLY through all the fireworks still
escaping the Peencaker Neocons, the DEMONS truly
responsible for the murderous crimes of 911, and
the CONS that stole America into Iraq for dying
US as innocent victims. Jon Stewart and Colbert
have lots and lots of our money, so I guess it
all paid off for them with America's criminal
sacrifice. I mean, now that the War is 'over'
and stuff..
Another good example for US is Social Security, a
Trust Fund, a Trust Fund that receives less than
2% in interest. The Rightards who hide in
darkness fear wisdom accepted for the Public to
benefit from as truly enlightened, (who ever
voted for Blitzer?) so refuse to allow Anyone to
gain by freely communicating, being humble in the
presence of all that can too. Why? Because then
they look truly dumb where they can't sell their
blinding excuses for not defending our America
from plunder sooner. Like dumb. I'm mean
dumb dumb. Alex Jones has near no knowledge
of subjects he pontificates as the world's most
renown expert of often. And many seem to relish
sadomasochistically in the comic bookishness et
al. Like the complexities of "American Health
Care". It's some kind of selfish delusion of
grandeur, where it's in the act of romanticism,
of just saying how you are so much better than
all others, but actually not being so in the
hyper-dimensionality of it balled, or as, when
the simple facts speak for ourselves. It's like
AJ is masturbating for US, and many juvenile
males get erections over the ease, that they too,
are masters of blind tyranny, or as, maybe just
really bad health care. I've said it before, and
I'll say it again. I am an idiot, often, and as
so, Count on everything lending a helpful insight
now and again.. So, I need pay attention in this
suffering world if I plan to make some headway
towards a better future as ACTUALLY measured. I
lost my ego a long time ago, when I learned we're
unbound here in a cool illusion that is confusing
to the uninitiated, until, until... well, that's
my story, and as you can tell, it's a doozy that
goes on for some length. The writer Kant is a
good start, along with the study on our natures
to light is where I would advise, or, just
believe in a Universe that is trying to do the
best we can as truly caring, a source of life as
Love if you will, or, just a happen stance that
things all work together for the better as
evolution through civilization, and you'll be
getting somewheres. But, in Politics, as in Law,
'Follow the Money' is the natural philosophy.
It's another of those, deceptively super simple
things though, that many get too difficult with,
when it's like simple man, truly simple. Like US
getting this all fixed up with the Banksters in a
couple months on the outside, if we work together
on cleaning this place up from war criminals too,
halted from persecuting the innocent as
Ourselves, as making something better with
everyone as a goal we will achieve if you
believe. It can be made into a monster if we all
pull together as a team! Haaaa.. Jeeze.. It
CAN be done though.. I'm counting on You. We
can do it if we try. Forward this to someone who
might care friend.
Your King Has Spoken
American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA)
/ / Imama Faisal Abdul Rauf himself is a member of the CFR \ \
Ha! It's funded by ungodly Zionists who preach
as devils: do not fight for a just cause, and
lie down to die innocent victim for the Satanic
Peenacker Neocons. Not a practicing Muslim in
the bunch. (NO EVIDENCE was offered against the
falsely accused as INNOCENT, while then, Bush and
Cheney closed 911 police investigations halting
the following of probable cause to nab the true
evil doers responsible for mass murder in America
- as planned before hand by Condi) Alex Jones and
his NWOers severely suck big cocks on this
subject he claims absolute authority on - but no
- wait! he's infallible, so I guess no, the
ASMA, funded almost exclusively by ungodly war
mongering Zionists, have only the worst of
intentions to encourage death to American virtue
with Alex in control refusing all calls for
understanding. This Word. Fuk, Alex Jones
severely sucks big cock here, when he demonizes
more than a billion people, to tell US what
'they' all believe at the top secret command of
ungodly pro war crime Zionists. Telling US what
all Mexico thinks was bad enough, but now all
those who believe in God too? (Allah is the
Muslim word for God if you as your typical
American didn't know much of anything already.)
Change your evil ways I
says, for here comes the Son, and he seems really
really pissed about something.. Hold on to your
hats!!! I've met this guy, and let him tell
you, he's got a knack for just this sort of
thing like, all high an mighty even. wow, you
thought I was a wonder.. take a gander as this
and give it to a nieghbour why don't you? Save
a life, save the Planet.
"FDA admits NOT testing for MERCURY, ARSENIC,
or other TOXIC HEAVY METALS in crude oil"
Obama admin 'the oil all vanished.. all the fish
is safe to eat... now eat up, your food is
getting cold children.' ..err.. 'and LOOK! I'll
risk the health of my kids stupidly without
question, LOOK! we're swimming in the Gulf
without a care in the world' (not really the
Gulf, and no actual scientific measurements to
conclude his falsehoods, but who cares truly for
American kids? Someone call CPS! Counting that
the American crowd will refuse to forward this as
critical to save their own dumb selves?
The magic TV will not correct near anyone
seriously either ever, lying to die the innocent
for stolen profits. 'whore yeh, whore yeh'.)
Forced To Release BP From Liability For Contaminated Seafood
Bushite "I don't care."
I tell you, these Repuglicon Demonrat Zionists
are desperately trying to murder every American
for Satan. They war the American Peoples with
tainted vaccines and poisons in the foods, for
fears, you will one day soon, raise your phone to
demon enemy George Noory, Rush Limbaugh and the
like, to demand Justice for this day. Where the
trillions extorted are returned, and the Neocons
along with KBR rapists and torturers are hunted
by every able bodied man, tried and executed as
war criminals escaping Bush and Cheney for 911.
It seems though, many Americans, like the Nazi
grunts who as NWOer Ted Nugent, a, pro rape, pro
torture, pro mass murderer, would much rather
have murdered all innocent American families
being robbed currently as forsaken, before a
wiser man or woman as true Patriot is allowed to
speak freely Coast to Coast for Liberation by
just cause through open fair talks on US winning.
Again, the reason a "Conservative", "Republican",
"Libertarian" refuses to allow Americans to speak
freely, is they know, man to woman, they can't
compete on equal terms. Why? They are blind
evil bigots to define themselves so weakly
stupid. They are where the Racists, the Sexists,
and the Anti-Gay faggots call your broken stolen
home their own unfairly as rooked already!. don't
even bother, it's over. 'life sucks' No wonder
they refuse open calls with we eh?
Tea Bagger Rand Paul "we allow people to be un-civilized"
Why are rightards so dumb ass evil eh?
God Wars Corporate America
wow.. this is going to be good..
The Unending Torture of Omar Khadr
See how the reporter reports his lies, like they
are corroborated by... by... What? Where the
fuk did we get these demon lies about the Taliban
fighting for anything but, American virtue? To
support the arrest of those who committed 911, is
the actions of a true Patriot. In other words,
bill a bushite for America and be blessed by God
as truly loved and respected. Good work, good work.
Gang-rape threat didnt prompt Omar Khadr confession, Guantanamo judge
Col. Patrick Parrish "There is no credible evidence"
"He had large gunshot-wound scars on his back and chest,"
Khadr was "ordered to clean floors on his hands
and knees while his wounds were still wet."
"Khadr has a large scar on his upper torso and a
cluster of smaller scars" all over his body,
indicating he had been assaulted repeatedly by
Satanic Bushite grunts for nothing but their
ungodly sadistic pleasures as innocent victim.
Remember, the Taliban were funded in August 2001
by Colin Powell with American tax money after
they knew in July 2001, they would be blamed
without evidence for 911 before the fact
according to CIA's Tenant on 60 Minutes. (and
didn't warn anyone, but apparently "Jews" who
worked in the WTC towers - who in turn, didn't
warn anyone else either. Who cares right?) To
support the Taliban, meant you were supporting a
just cause to defend Womens rights in
Afghanistan by executing KBR like gang rapists,
or arresting TIME Magazine type demon LIARS., and
AS REAL PATRIOTS, were in deed, supporting the
arrest of those who truly carried out 911 like
General Ahmad in Sept. 2001, and as such, were
doing exactly what the Antichrist Bush regime was
officially supporting as planned once top
secretly by Condi. As open public knowledge
never mentioned by an Alex Jones NWOer as
important to defending freedom by Justice
winning. Biggest secret in the Universe?
There is no secret.
Khadr has scars, and confessions of nazi grunts
are too numerous on their willingness to torture
and kill anybody innocent to steal our money as
Zionists, or rape our children as FOXNEWS Heroes,
claiming no God or real man can hold them to
account by hunting them down as individuals for
Christ, and having them all, every single last
war criminal, formally executed by our Public
Courts in the defense of God and country.. This
is why Americans truly own guns I say.
All Christian men demand this demon bushite fuk
Col. Patrick Parrish to be publicly executed.
Why? The grunt who shot Khadr in the back, had
shot countless children with the very same lie
according to the military police report Col.
Patrick Parrish has on his desk, but hides from
God and Man to escape child raping torturers, and
Antichrist Bush and Cheney for 911. Khadr had
already been detained, and was lying on the
ground motionless when shot in the back according
to the eye witnesses. While the grunt who shot
to kill the child, had already been found killing
other children in the area, and using the VERY
SAME EXCUSE. Side Note: The Haditha child
murderers did near the same thing. When it was
discovered, a private mercenary BY HIMSELF was at
the crime scene where the initial nazi grunt was
killed by IED, they as TRUE NAZI ZIONISTS, too
afraid to arrest the suspect, went out and
murdered countless unarmed children many SIX YEAR
OLDS at point blank range. Not accidental.
(Again, Christians must bill 'Conservative'
'Republican' 'Libertarian' rightard Nazi Bushite
DEMON LIARS to claim the title of true Christian
Patriot in my book. Kill a Bushite for America,
kill a bushite for God) General Mattis, woman and
child killer responsible for play pretending he
too was a "Judge", released the Hadditha child
killers stating, they had done nothing wrong by
deliberately murdering several unarmed innocent
families for fun 'as excuse'ed' ("back door was
open"). Just as he walked out from ordering Nazi
grunts at a wedding party to double tap all women
and infants, for, they were going to make it out
to look like a bin Laden hide out. So, he got
the bin Laden DVDS (war criminal Pantano's very
same con he used to kill kids too) and told us,
all the women and children dead, were not so as
Johnny the True Patriot claimed with the facts,
but top secretly bin Laden agents... well until
the videos surfaced of grunts killing unarmed
innocent women and children while chanting 'whore
yeh, whore yeh'. And to think all "men" in
America don't rightly kill Mattis on sight just
for that.. Why? Nazis. Fuking ugly ungodly
evil Nazi Zionist enemies of God, aligned with
the actual, for real Antichrist that, the at
worse, label him simply as Puppet. A Puppet they
war America with Alex Jones to escape by refusing
open free debate on the facts regarding these
matters. Example: Alex Jones claims falsely I
am cointelpro - trying to escape the Peenacker
Neocons with Bush and Cheney from formal
executions for 911. Christ Rocks!
Alex Jones Ain't All Bad
Every last "Judge" at Guantanamo deserves trial
for death. Hundreds of innocent victims have
been held there for almost a decade, and luckily
where the nazi grunts are confronted that they
HAVE NO EVIDENCE to form ANY conclusion, the
INNOCENT victim is sometimes released for fear a
man would rightly kill the bushite enemy, but we
find our torture victims only to be murdered by a
grunter later IF the victim remains silent as
threatened. For fear the victim will tell the
truth on who deserves death here in God's Holy
Name. (Not speaking against war crimes seems to
die completely just about anyone, in a living
universe that actually is intelligence ourselves.
(God is a real smarty pants as all forgiving.))
You, as a Christian, KILL bushites. Why? They
are war criminals who LIE CHEAT AND STEAL to
murder innocent defenseless families like the
victims of 911 to escape Bush and Cheney. You
kill the lawless minions of the demon Antichrist
George Walker Bush. Why is he the Antichrist?
He gave ZERO evidence to form ANY conclusion on
Afghanistan's guilt, closed 911 police
investigations, then claimed if we disagreed with
that false assessment conjured only by stealing a
weaker man's faith in God, we would be with the
terrorists apposing torture. Bushite aren't
Americans. Adults who can read like a Ted Nugent,
Chuck Norris, and Charlie Daniels deserve to
officially DIE by American firing squads for the
war crimes they are 100% GUILTY for. Texas' "Law
of Parties" I, as Christ, demand their formal
arrest, trial, and execution for supporting the
Iraq war crimes as godless demon minions of the
evil enemy Antichrist. For their willful lies to
murder countless innocent persons, they to this
day, express no remorse or regret for. Despite
Alex Jones and the NWOers forbidding the
knowledge like on so many other critical life
issues, The Iraq war HAS NO CAUSE, but to
torture, to rape, to steal, to mass murder as war
crimes. War crimes against GOD of the most
sinister. There is no excuse. Mr. Wattada
stated he would risk his life to defend America,
but refused to commit a criminal act against
innocent defenseless peoples by indiscriminately
bombing communities, and he is a true soldier on
the good side of Life for that. But that conduct
is suppose to be 'normal', not out of the
ordinary. Why? Soldiers take an Oath to God and
Country. And our Word is all we truly have. An
Oath is not a formality, used for bushite excuses
to bomb innocent families, to rape, to torture
and mass murder Humanity to escape the GUILTY
Bush regime for the crimes of 9/11, and Peter
Power with Ian Blair for 7/7.
(The IDF and Bushite Grunters are working
together now for war games did you hear?)
Zionist Nazi: I would gladly kill Christians,7340,L-3940064,00.html
IDF soldier Eden Abergil writes on Facebook 'I
would gladly kill Christians - even slaughter
them', then she claims 'In war there are no
rules.' and that is why she is pure Nazi Zionist
evil as publicly celebrated in Israel, as the
ungodly Satanic escaping retribution - so far -
just as described in Scriptures. But we know,
Nazi Israeli don't actually believe in a GOD, as
they burned innocent children alive as targeted.
Yeah, as the forces of Satanic ungodly evil, war
criming with no intention but to rape, torture
and murder the innocent freedom lovers, lawless
indiscriminate warfare against G-D is preferred.
Did you know: Nazi Israel steals the Peoples
homes on a routine basis as heinous criminals of
Satan? Don't believe? Read your Holy Bible
about a real Jew name Christ then.
Corporate America Blames God for 911
/ / Banks repossessed 269,962 U.S. homes during
the second quarter of 2010, which was a new
all-time record. \ \
1/3rd of Women in US Military Raped
When a Bushite dies, real Angels sing in praise,
that another Nazi grunter is rightly dead and
buried, before harming another innocent child, or
gang raping another American Woman as proud
"Republican" godless enemies of everything.
Christ says forever of the Antichrist's minions,
"Die Bushite die." And rightly so, they are war
criminals who run death squads against all
Sunnis, against all Shiites, against Bathists,
against anyone who was in Baghdad when as
Occupiers, they would drop 50,000 pound bombs on
neighborhoods because they claimed, a terrorist
"suspect" might have be at that general location.
Murdering tens of thousands with a single strike
- strikes they made in the tens of thousands on
just the first day of the carnage. They bombed
cities like Samara for NO REASON but to mass
murder - no reason, just for kicks, that
naturally did get many surviving Iraqis finally
angry enough to kill the Bushites enemies
themselves. Killing Bushite rapists and
torturers, bombers and thieves for GOD is a
pleasure for all concerned. Remember: in WWII a
Grunt would be executed for "looting" under the
"Rules of Engagement" Why? Because we know
still, what a Nazi is. Allawi. The Third
Infantry headed by a Saudi, A SAUDI!, (Buford
Blount) have thieving expeditions didn't you
know? Where they kick down your door, and murder
members of your family, just to see what you have
to steal. Shawn Hannity, Propagandist traitor
for the escape of the Peenacker Neocons on 911,
calls them Heroes (like the Hadditha child
murderers), while real Christian Muslim Jews call
them worthy public trial for formal executions as
the sworn Antichrist enemies to everyone forever.
The Iraq war has no cause. Ergo, no excuse
anywhere, but as traitors warring to kill
America. MY America. 1441. Millions of Peoples
were indiscriminately mass murdered. They stole
all our money, American too. (ex. 20 billion a
year for air conditioners - do the math) They
tortured, raped, and mass murdered children
deliberately claiming no laws in this universe
can hold them accountable in league with Satan.
It's true, 'the Devil is in the details', but so
is God. Die bushite die.
"6000 Veterans Commited Suicide Last Year"
CARVILLE: Islam did not attack us. Al Qaeda
did. And we ought to be at war with al Qaeda
and not Islamists.
BENNETT: Islamists did.
GOD did not attack America, but Christ, God's
Son, does demand the public execution of every
last Bushite Nazi grunter guilty of blatant naked
war crimes far and wide. We want Bennett
arrested for war crimes trial that will end with
his glorious execution along with every last
'military media advisor' who was paid billions to
lie on CNN, FOX, and MSNBC. Bush and Cheney
never claimed to be "Islamists". And the FBI do
not allege that 911 was funded by anyone else but
Bush and Bennett's business partner General
Ahmad, factually. Kill a Bushite liar and be
Blessed by God left forsaken. America might hate
God as they publicly allow the condemnation of
Religion as blamed for 9/11, our wondrous God who
remains silently forever forgiving, but not me, I
am a man. A REAL man is Christ who champions the
deaths of Nazi grunts until every last Repuglicon
Zionist Nazi Demonrat is rightly destroyed, all
to save the lives of their next targeted innocent
victims. It's what I was born a great many times
ago for actually. I am death to every Bushite I
reach, so trust God on this, Bushites will die at
the hands of everyone for their ungodly betrayal
to Life and Love, their hatred for Justice as
Freedom, their hatred for God as Great, for, God
is Great. And John ain't so bad either as a man
among men. Do what's right. Defend the
innocent, kill a bushite and save someone's life.
Christians carrying placards and yelling Islam is a lie
Is it about Christ being a prophet, or that thing
about Mother Mary? Or, is it the Justice for all
idea, that has the Zionist ungodly Bushite
Antichrist disciples of pure Nazi evil all in a
row? God is the Word. All words are containing
the unbound infinite of imagination to ponder as
scientifically provable. "Atheists" fear US
speaking freely because I am wiser.
ground 0 mosque opposition funded by Israel's pr agency
Rep. Nadler: We Do Not Put the Bill of Rights
and Religious Freedom to a Vote
"Cornyn: NYC mosque will be an election issue"
Oh right, not his Republican pro raping American
women as demon traitor to God and America Nazi
con though. What a demon enemy to all living
things eh?
Understand, those who have STOLEN trillions from
Social Security support the illiterate Tea Bagger
Can You Believe It?
Can you believe it? The bushite enemy at
Guantanamo, have insisted, that our Jury must be
war criminals, war criminals who support
torturing innocent people to get false
confessions to escape themselves as demonic
traitors to God and Man. All honorable soldiers
must demand the arrest, trial, and execution of
the bushite nazi grunters, pretending to be
'judges' of men in a society that respects the
rights of all. DIE BUSHITE LIARS DIE.
Justice for God
Remember, the Peoples simply asked for evidence
to form a conclusion. And the American TV
Zionist, as ungodly criminal in the silented
majority, refuse to defend the innocent rights of
all others by not demanding freedom rule for our
benefits as Humanity. Defended for the innocent
crime victims of terror. Instead they preach as
devils for division to side quietly while war
criminals torture, rape, thieve, and mass murder
escaping Antichrist Bush and Cheney for
Obstruction on 911. For the banksters walking
with trillions. trillions man, trillions. Have
poisonous vaccines, and made so, Mexican Gulf oil
death products instead how about. Naaahhh.
Bushite Nazi Grunting War Criminal Who Wills to
Kill Innocent Kids said, "it's their fault for
bringing their kids into a battle" An innocent
husband and wife, along with near hundreds others
too picked off at random don't forget. Can't you
just hear him then singing, "nah nah nah nah nah
nah"? Or, as was recorded elsewhere, put his
tounge to his nose and giggled, "it's all above
my head" when asked why he was murdering helpless
innocent people in Iraq as they did upon entry,
and in his words recorded then were, "I'm getting
them back for 9/11" Bushite 'excuses' are sold
for a dozen innocent lives with less than a dime.
And refuse, as enemy nazi cowards, to support
just actions to capture the true bad guys. While
they attack innocent Peoples to steal Justice
from ourselves. We are Freedom, if and when we
ever get our facts together. Justice is Victory.
/ / the same US Government that worked so hard to
justify allowing the opium to grow to now justify
spending US tax dollars to cure the plant
disease. \ \ Bushite are women hating dope
pushers of tyranny is what they are as cowardly
refusing to defend America from Bush and Cheney
for closing outstanding 911 Police
Investigations. Pushing their dope into America
as an illegal narcotic. Not in Johnny's America
this wouldn't be happening I can assure you if
you'd listen to reason as supporting our popular
rise against ungodly evil bushite Zombieism
They deny us as the enemy real resolution for
hard copy indictments against actual terrorism.
The facts forge our freedoms. bushite are liars
who cheat ourselves a free world by bombing
defenseless innocent Peoples, who torture, who
rape, who steal. And that's a fact Mac. Let US
bring America back to where the People's rights
are defended, and nazi war criminals bare our
vengeance instead of ourselves left forsaken.
Or, do you just want to silently fall down as
innocent victim to third world military
dictatorship, fallen due your refusal to defend
yourself now, today. Justice is freedom, we're
arresting for public trial the criminals
responsible for 911. We are America, and we are
no greater than any other to proclaim, this is
our right, this is our destiny.
Johnny America - The True Patriot
"Two-year-old toddlers being dosed up with antipsychotic drugs"
As King, I would make this a criminal offense
earning the "doctors" ten year prison stints.
Matt Simmons: "Theres another leak, much bigger, 5 to 6 miles away
Corporate Amerika refuses to correct ourselves.
Mr. Bush the War Criminal Antichrist
"we don't need any evidence"
The Peoples
"yeah, we do."
Americans refuse to humble themselves to wise men
or women speaking, because we make them out to be
what they truly are. Moronic imbeciles.
There are no liberals
DOJ Gags Scientists Studying BP Disaster
"Feds confiscate independent LSU scientists
samples because project not approved by BP"
A No-Brainer
'The result: saved more than $60 billion'
President Obama called it a "no brainer". Now,
why would not the same be thought of Health Care
that NEEDLESSLY funds private insurance companies
to the tune of over 1,000,000,000,000 DOLLARS
each year?, paid out to those who would rather see
all die before eating into their thoughtless
takes. After all, Obama called it a
"no-brainer". The "Professional Left" like a
Randy Roades or Bill Press, Ed Shultz and Maddow
[that's about it!!] in America don't want US to
discuss this freely, or on the continuing
criminality of Israel, or Bush and Cheney, for it
effectively destroys their CON on how we are
divided for plunder by shysters who deny everyone
free open debate with the facts that stand as
such, regardless of whether you are a blind Bigot
rightard Ideologue or not. A blind Bigot
rightard Ideologue claims as a goof with little
of no specific knowledge that, 'government is
always bad [as themselves]', while the, some
labeled smarter camp, of every else under the sun
is called Liberal, or socialist, or Commi pinko
lefty. stupidly. Example: no one wants to be
cheated a fair wage, or say, and...
Right Wing Americans are true Socialist Commi Pinkos.
Conservative/Libertarian/Republican Americans as
COMMIES will go on and on about no improving
Health Care for America, (for a truly clever guy
or gal who knows the dollars and sense, might be
seeked) but Ron Paul and his Republican family
get socialist (no middle man for them) health
care without a complaint as top secretly
Members of Congress and their Families are Blessed
/ / Members of Congress and their families are
blessed with their very own gold-plated,
taxpayer-financed, Washington-run health care
system. \ \
Imagine, Ron Paul says nothing about demanding
at least half of HIS Health Care fund, be
thoughtlessly given away to trillioniare
banksters for nothing. But he will for
Your fund. Do you care as sacrificing
to die thoughtlessly American?
Commie Bushite "I don't care. I'd rather die than
my sickened family learn what a real man is."
/ / Rather than abusing him, U.S. military
officials had said they acted swiftly when they
learned that Khadr who was badly wounded in the
firefight with U.S. soldiers needed emergency
surgery to save his eyesight. \ \
He was shot in the back while lying face down on
the ground. While according to the Military
Police Report, the bushite nazi grunter who had
attempted to murder the child, had done so
successfully earlier in the day to, no one yet
knows the true totals. But the MILITARY POLICE
did DOCUMENT for OUR COURTS where the very same
nazi grunter succeeded in murdering a different
innocent child near ten they were able to identify.
More than twenty Prosecutors have resigned before
persecuting an innocent person tortured by demon
liars that truly deserve death. An Innocent
victim never defended by CBC, CNN, MSNBC, and
FOX. Powell gave the Taliban 43 million dollars
in August 2001. See? Real Freedom demands we
send the military in to take out these nazi war
crime judges for public trial on their naked evil
ungodly seditious refusals to allow Justice rule
in this regard. Just as they war for the escape
of 911's Bush and Cheney for Obstruction as
TRAITORS to America, and on all she truly
stands.. Justice for All. Death to all
torturers is an order all soldiers must
be trained to shoot for.
Why is BP and the magic TV lying to kill Americans?
/ / "We had solid evidence, rock solid," Asper said.
"We weren't speculating." \ \
Lubchenco is Guilty of TREASON.
EPA's Senior Policy Analyst, Hugh Kaufman,
"both EPA, NOAA, etc.--have been sock puppets
for BP in this [massive crimes] cover-up."
Hugh Kaufman, EPA's Senior Policy Analyst
Office of Special Plans
Those in need of arresting for naked evil treason.
Study: CIA doctors gave green light to torture'
This warrants death according to the Patriots
like President Reagan. War Crimes Act. Death,
and rightly so. They war innocent Humanity with
demon Zionist lies all for the CRIMINAL escape of
those that TRULY do US wrong as the for real bad
guys. Sadomasochistic nazi faggots is what a
Bushite is as war criminal enemy to all living
beings. These less than men, "doctors", war GOD
to escape those guilty of 9/11 like Bush and
Cheney for Obstruction, or as 'Mr. al-Qaeda',
General Ahmad they honestly make NO MENTION OF..
Rightly so a bushite war criminal deserves death.
Corporate Amerika refuses to correct ourselves.
Mr. Bush the War Criminal Antichrist
"we don't need any evidence"
The Peoples
"yeah, we do."
Americans refuse to humble themselves to wise men
or women speaking, because we make them out to be
what they truly are. Moronic imbeciles.
96 percent of the special fund created from the
sale of Iraqi oil and gas-and frozen Saddam
Hussein-era assets is missing - according to the
Pentagon ["we"] is "unable to fully account for"
Fuck you America. Bremer with Greenspan stole
19 billion, and we all know it.
MARKETS INTO [rigged as Illegal] CASINOS
"Stand Together or Don't"
CIA admits faking bin Laden confession video
Thus, it means bin Laden had no complaints known
to make. Why doe CNN and FOX think America not
news worthy to have America die innocent victims
suckered escaping those truly guily of mass
murder instead?
Example: Forbidden NWOer knowledge,
Saddam wasn't in violation of 1441.
Remember: Ron Paul calls these war crimes of
millions indiscriminately mass murdered, all for
the TREASONOUS LIES of the grandson to Hitler's
banker, simply, "a Police Action"
Failure to Communicate
Extortion is against the Law in America. Let's
start there.. back on Sept. 18th 2008. Either
we pay them without question, or come Monday
morning, they would run the country into the
ground. Bailed JP Morgan had more than a
trillion dollars in capital, through out the
entire so labeled "Crisis". Surprising to most
however, is that banksters do not actually cover
our loans, we do. As Extortionists, they
illegally took all our trillions of dollars for
'free' as private individuals. Stupidly. Crazy
man crazy. It's a good thing we're here.
/ / Audit shows 95% of the funds for rebuilding
Iraq 2007-2009 is MISSING and 100% from the years
2004-2007 is unaccounted for \ \
Obama "Nothing will be gained by
laying blame for the past."
The Story of Cosmetics (2010)
TV America - Where The People Don't Count
Oh for Pete's sake.. Republicans give themselves
"Socialized" Canadian like, "Socialist" Health
care, but not for the suckers who pay more for
less to die as losers to the commie con men
absent my logic. If this system is good enough
for Obama and the Repuglicons and Ron Paul, why
isn't it good enough for blinded as lost in
indifference American dumfuks? Good question.
This is war. Repuglicons and Demonrats are
poisoning ourselves due our failures to
Truth about Israel's last war
again, as God
states, Satanically evil in it's affront to all
our Humanity.
Lieberman who advocates incarcerating Americans
indefinitely without trial tells internet
universe to 'relax' about 'kill switch'
Yeah, but he doesn't support the arrest of the
911 conspirators to judge, so what cause is he
serving to stop free speech from winning over the
murderous cheats? A cause that he believes
American men don't have the voice to freely
debate himself for public trial for the traitor
he is? The guy is a naked godless traitor, plain
and simple, who wars the good of America to not
allow the truth be told, that we all know, the
bigots and racists of FOX news like you that way.
Still nothing to say?
What is consistent with AIPAC? They are demon
liars who cheat us the respect we have for
innocent life.
Republicans just can't stand freedom of speech.
Again, Americans must demand Mr. Bush and Mr.
Cheney's formal arrest for high treason. Anyone
who can't see the reason for what Mr. Bush is,
in everything he has done for ungodly tyranny
home and abroad as war crime monger escaping
those who did 911, isn't a responsible literate
citizen. No evidence against an accused is US
being truly abused. Torture warrants death, but
for censorship to allow us free national debate
with any bush bitch FOX snooze fan still
breathing. Reagan warrants as, still standing,
death to the grunts of Guantanamo, and Americans
would refer to the War Crimes Act to confer.
Cory E. Jones tortures because he likes it, and
like many before him, falsely believes the men of
Humanity will do nothing whatsoever about it.
Like TV Amerika Inc. near haven't regarding Bush
giving zero evidence to form a conclusion on
anyone's guilt or innocence to argue a war crime
as "Patriotic", premised on whether you form your
own conclusions by facts, or follow blindly in
irrational fear against innocent others for evil.
And if you do, then your with them. Who's that?
All those people out here who think for
themselves - Simply, Bush and Cheney closed official
911 police investigations, designed since the
dawn of civilization, a pre-requisite to arrive
at the identity of the true guilty party, and
those that disagree are those who disallow such
knowledge shared.- As Freedom for All. Including
Space Case Johnny Victory.
Nature is freaky.. and war is hell.
Mitt Romney Calls Emergency Rooms "Entirely Free Care"
Now..see? Corporate Amerika refuses to correct
Mr. Bush the War Criminal Antichrist
"we don't need any evidence"
The Peoples
"yeah, we do."
Americans refuse to humble themselves to wise men
or women speaking, because we make them out to be
what they truly are. Moronic imbeciles.
Hans Blix: "The Iraq War Was Illegal"
No Evidence, Person Innocent. Who's In?
/ / President Bush was expected to sign detailed
plans for a worldwide war against al-Qaida two
days before Sept. 11 but did not have the chance
before the terrorist attacks in New York and
Washington, U.S. and foreign sources told NBC
News. \ \ What would have been the Justification
used then without 911? A lawless war against
'terrorism' world wide without end? Did you know
a spy had inflitrated the FBI and actually was
responsible for providing the explosives that
near brought the WTC down the first go around?
This is a critical communications issue that is
still costing innocent American lives because the
nation is a land of cowards who refuse to demand
the likes of a George Noory and FOX Snooze fans
to take US seriously in these demands for willing
just causes. Millions mass murdered, pensions
stolen, bailed out to the tune of trillions
banksters foreclosing on everything by refusing
all new loans, WAKE UP, while BP countinues as
criminally negligent un-hampered with Obama still
stating, "nothing will be gained by laying blame
for the past.", With bonuses of billions besides
not paying our continuing costs. Very expensive
this passive, Americans, 'I don't care' for You
dying attitude. Peoples are being poisoned by
deadly COREXIT, and CNN, CBC, and George Noory
don't think it's worth demanding an account here
to save our falling loves. Banksters do not
cover our loans, Zionist Neocon Nazis must not
succeed against our species. Fight back for
Christ sake God damn you. For we're not going
anywhere until we get this solved for the
betterments of everyone. I wish to host Coast to
Coast in a five hour special on why Justice is
Freedom. No evidence, person innocent. Who's
/ / plans for a worldwide war against al-Qaida \ \
This is a lie by Jim Miklaszewski. MSNBC was
told that the plan was fully implemented, as was
fully comfirmed by his Pentagon sources. Then in
2005 or there abouts, MSNBC scrubbed the story
that sat for years on the public server, to
presumably hide the war crime from America, as
Jim done did do, doctoring the story to now
foolishly say, the plan of Condi's wasn't carried
to completion to have soldiers suckered to die
escaping the actual bad guys guilty for 9/11.
The Plans were top secret and provided to Jim by
someone from Condi's office trying to save
America's ass from these Neocon Zionist Nazi
Liars, and Jim sold US all out to see America die
too apparently, before returning the facts for
America still falling to their personal contempt
for Freedom to not demand Justice for this day.
(Bushite enemies to Life, who rape steal and mass
murder say, "I don't care.") By closing
investigations as Bush and Cheney did and that
Jim failed to report as critical, and then as
they did, bring forward no evidence to form a
conclusion by anyone, would secure criminal
invasion for Enron as the bad guy enemies of
America. God's actual for real Son says, "die
bushite nazi fuckers die."
Cheney's Daboul Working Group explains much..
This is a crime to do if you didn't care enough
to know still.
Can it rain oily compounds in the Gulf of Mexico? Yes!
Thank you good sirs..
Halliburton is warring to
kill America
Afghanistan war logs: Task Force 373
special forces hunting school teachers
Kill a bushite enemy for Humanity as a blessing.
/ / claimed that troops "had surveillance on the
compound all day and saw no indications there
were children inside the \ \ SCHOOL.
"all day "
To support Israel, is to see Netanyaho convicted
the war criminal he is, and executed as such
without delay. He broke the truce getting Jews
killed for stolen charity. Satanic.
Cops Charge Irish Government With Treason
'HIV test a crime, AIDS 'cure' killed a whole generation'
IDF: We don't have to promise not to hurt [innocent] civilians
[exclusively as Satanic],7340,L-3923421,00.html
They as SATANIC broke the truce to get killed Jews
for stealing our good charity as vile evil enemies
of Christ in G-D man.
Los Angeles Times
"BP officials knew about a problem on a crucial well
safety device at least three months before the catastrophic..."
That is a crime that Obama and the Crew don't
want arrested [aka stopped] for continuing their
onslaught against our suffering Humanity?
Generation.RX.2008.DVDRip - "Will we surrender,
or will we fight these medical dictates?, will we
embrace the truth, or succumb to the lies?"
Ron Paul Warns of Social Unrest and Martial Law
"Ron Paul: Chaos in The Streets and Poverty Coming To the USA"
"police" work isn't inherently bad. To believe
Ron Paul is to believe no one has ever been
rightly put in prison for a crime they were for
sure guilty of.
Jeeze Ron, what about Justice winning? Never
heard such a concept expressed down there in
Washington? Crimes Ron, massive cons of fraud,
rape, mass murder through contempt for
constitutional freedom. People who faith in
everything whoever is, understand: 911 police
investigations were closed by Bush and Cheney,
two guys that Ron formally doesn't support the
arrest of for treason on that unanswered question
either. Is he still a good man opening the door
for ladies, well sure. So maybe you say, Bush is
the archetype antichrist, and Ron's just too
fearful of evil personified.. okay, but then how
about Sachs for selling frauds?, then gambling on
that Securities fraud with yet other Shorts
fraud, then through the FIVE bailouts of AIG, be
paid off again again and again for like frauds of
the TARP funds. EXTORTION - banksters don't
cover our loans! we do.. Goldman Sachs didn't
even do commercial banking!, until the bailouts
were announced I read.. This isn't suppose to be
funny anymore.
"US says it may kill Americans abroad"
That would be murder, and no you may not.
Obama Knows: "troops just air raiding villages and killing civilians"
Kill a Bushite for America, kill a Bushite for
Humanity, kill a Bushite for Christ in God.
Bush and Cheney's Escape
"'US Army sent 'hardcore' neo-Nazi troops to Iraq and Afghanistan'"
Not American. Yeah, I've been calling them
bushites, but whatever, not freedom fighters
that's for sure.
We are having a communications problem
about freedom here. Peace sells.
I think we need desperately to look at Bush and
Cheney still attempting their get-a-ways with
Humanity in tow by Clinton and Obama just now..
Rise up for innocent life American, or don't and
see where you'll get yourself in the end,. Do
US a favor, and Forward this post on. Your
King has spoken.
Honorable American soldiers do not obey criminal
orders to escape the Peenackers for 911 as
ENEMIES of the LORD and Life.
Torture Memos Admits Techniques Were Not Approved By DOJ
Judge Rules CIA Can Suppress Information About Torture Tapes and Memos
No he can't, unless he's telling US he's a
war criminal
/ / Should we release KSM because he was tortured? \ \
What is he guilty of demon fuk, and shouldn't we
try Rand for treason to suggest any other such
[UN-CONSTITUTIONAL - where's Ron Paul and the
"Constitutionalists" here?]
no, torture innocent peoples to Death with
private mercenary Cofer Black while pimping child
rape. Just keep it hidden from US, the Public
like they do regarding banking, vaccines, and the
notorious VLT. Ergo, Palin and her crew go, 'no
public option! no public option!' and the self
labeled Libertarians, the Conservatives, the
Republcans, with the Tea Bagger racists and
bigots, rapists and Satanists all chiming in
unison - no fair share. No to the Public having
a fair say in these matters of your survival.
Still don't care to get involved in forwarding
these concerns as Your own? You'd better. I'm
just saying is all.
President Reagan warrants Death for
torture in his War Crimes Act, and we as
Humanity, will go with that. It is the standing
Law of America after all, and reason rules
supremely greater, than the bushite amicakan nazi
fukhed that doesn't champion the arrest, trial
and executions of the private mercenary firms
Blackwater and Aegis (along naturally 911's Bush
and Cheney). They mass murder innocent people
for stolen money if you didn't already know
anything of military history. Always for ever
the bad guys, who war Life not for a just cause,
but as war mongering war criminals who openly
support lawless military dictatorships presently
in near every so named dictatorship of slavery.
Example: Blackwater pimps child rape, and, Eric
Prince, war criminal deserving of Death, admitted
to tape that he supports the dictatorship of
Royal Dutch Shell over all the Peoples of
Nigeria, and wars those innocent Peoples for
stolen revenues today he openly claimed. Do you
care? Why do Americans own guns? He admits that
the bushite nazi grunts in Evil Florida, allow
him to call in Nazi air strikes against anyone he
wishes, then went on to tell, how he and his gay
faggot friend murdered that chap who had thrown
his shoe at war criminal Bush. That is called
murder in these here parts, and it is for that
crime alone, I ask all men who carry guns to
demand his formal arrest with torturer Cofer
Black as war criminals taking us all out for a
hangin', now, before he measures another Soul
with just as much distain he does to the millions
and millions of INNOCENT Nigerians.. Apparently
he with Aegis doesn't like us Niggers, and would
rather see them all enslaved or just made dead if
he has anything to say about who he wills to
murder next as disciple of the demon Antichrist.
TYRANNY. Bushite Nazi Grunts Said, "I DON'T
CARE.", and now, not surprising, they is dead
without sound principle as was dying cowardly to
'lawlessly' escape Bush and Cheney for the naked
treasons of 9/11 as it was. Still dont care for
anyone corporate TV American? Your call, your
country, my voice, this world.
you care to remain silent still?
Dying for These Lies is the Silence of a Coward
The bravest, most eloquent 9 year-old kid in the world (English
"Germany" owtlaws Freedom for ties with HAMAS -
HAMAS who won the, Bush Administration pressed
democratic elections in 2006. To, as REAL demons,
deny innocent Christian children cookies, health
care, education, and free from pre-mediated first
degree mass murderers indiscriminately attacking
our Humanty as Satanic evil enemies of all that
"Germany has insisted the killings were appropriate"
"Germany" said no such thing, but death to the NAZI
who has PIRATED the German Peoples to spew such lies.
One Reason - Another Wizard's World Wide Work of Wonder
"Intelligence Chief"
/ / Obamas pick for intelligence chief thought
Bush was right about WMDs in Iraq \ \
How is this not sabotage? A mind that for
criminal gains, or being dumb to the facts of
reality, is going to now, head up as,
"Intelligence Chief" of these entire United
States of America? Do you think as I, that
President Obama needs a friend like us to better
judge our options here? Justice is what we will
to defend our freedoms understood. (WMDs was a
con, a con naked, a con treasonous. The bushmob
doctored the NIE for example) Not to war denying
others a right to liberty with false accusations,
false arrests, torture, bankster extortions and
so on far into realms a repuglicon demonrat
refuses as fathomable. Anyway, I'm King Johnny.
I am neither one without another even fancier
label system as a dynamically alive individual, I
am not left at the exception of being measured
correct, or right when I say, blind loyalty for
bribe money as stolen gain with fuzzy facts not
corrected as unstable in corporate America is
boulder dash. It's the groupings of celebrated
truly blind Ideologues, who insist their narrow
limited view like a bigot or racist does, could
stand as long as those who know better,
mathematically or as such logically, are not
allowed polite speech through open public debate
in defense of the innocent left victimized.
Starting firstly with, the deeply illiterate,
(fan of demon whore of Satan Palin for example)
on the issues that are highly important to
everyone. Peace. Debates on our political
stages to garner the minimal facts for action,
could be a great windfall if we put our minds
together fairly for actual freedom for any
individual. Not flailing madly through the
maelstrom of hell laughing at the passing of gas
plumes. I stand on my own sides. I'm old school
human. Multi dimensionally. No evidence person
innocent. A free man shall not be imprisoned..
While torturers are the serious bad guys with
Bush and Cheney we must bag as the law Publicly
Leaked Corexit Information
SEC: Government Destroyed Documents Regarding Pre-9/11 Put Options
That is a terrorist crime that should be tried
for death don't you think without the magic TV?
BBC "An Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound ship in May killed nine Turkish
/ / Correction, the Israeli raid killed eight
Turkish activists and a 19-year old American
from New York carrying a US passport \ \
And Obama, the traitor, pledged more America
tax give aways for AIPAC kickbacks, while
shaking the hand of the grinning demon liar
who broke the truce to get killed Jews for
stolen charity.
5 of 9 people killed on gaza flotilla were shot in the back
Toxicologists: Corexit Ruptures Red Blood Cells, Causes Internal
The Watson Report: BP - Criminal Negligence or Deliberate Sabotage
RETARD ALERT : Alex Jones, "Liberals don't like Bush."
for mass murdering Humanity as never elected demon
enemy of God he means?
Obama's Scheme to Kill Public Housing and Give the Land to Banks
Again, Obama the extortionist is a 'lefty'?
'Another KBR employee says she was raped'
Obama a 'lefty' by refusing to order grunts to
kill all still remaining at KBR for this? I
would tell, quit, for in two days, we'll as the
world's men, be hunting them down to the ends of
Earth for these rapes they FALSELY believe they
are 'magically' never to be held account for,
just because those 30 Republicans ruled so as war
criming traitors to the flag, and on all we stand
United. ? Paleeze.
Why can't AJ go with the better ideas? Like an
Ideologue of which he is, he thinks he's playing
football here. He's on the Conservative team,
the true Conservative team, his team where you'll
get robbed by puppets because you're falling to
look at this as Alex's big story board. All
these war crimes of high treason, pay little of
no attention, it's that they want to institute
something up ahead where wise men and women will
truly prevail because the bigots will be properly
exposed as, the weaker thans. Tea Baggers do not
have an ability to conceive a fair to speak forum
where the truth trumps all evil. To an
ILLITERATE Tea Bagger, other Human beings can't
be judged fairly in any context, because..
because... they just can't do it. Rightards.
They as tyranny's whores, idiots, they hide from
the facts they knows others can speak fluently of
as Just causes. With everybody else that doesn't
follow blindly like themselves in error, is known
to a conservative as Liberal. While Canadians
know this as complete hogwash. Liberals in
Canada are a right wing group that advances
soldiers who refuse criminals orders should, and
have, go to prison. I allege its truly the
other way actually, (honorable soldiers need
defending, and our Governments have excepted ZERO
evidence from bushites to make false claims that
do not stand to reason.) but what do I know about
war with the bad guys who rape, torture, thieve
and mass murder for Bush Co. right?
Donkey, Horse and Cat in Israeli Jail
Alcohol ban after BUSHITE MCCAINIAC staff were
'too hungover' to explain airstrike that murdered
many many innocent God Loved Peoples
"Germany has insisted the killings were appropriate"
"Germany" said no such thing, but death to the NAZI
who has PIRATED the German Peoples to spew such lies.
This is war.
This_is_War - another Wizards World Wide Work of Wonder Audio
Is God's Will not Just?
Gaza villages Wiped off the map by Truce
Breaker Amerikan TeaBagging Zionist Nazis
/ / The? Gazans are the original Jews. The
Israelis are mainly converts from places like
Georgia. \ \ remember: Nazi Israel targeted
children diliberately, along with 239 Police
Officers they allege were innocent Peoples
loved by God.
Is God's Will not Just?
Massachusetts State Police Issue Death Sentence For Smoking Pot
/ / although ruled a homicide -- will not
be treated as a crime. \ \ Homicide is a crime.
Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You
Quietly, Israel is preparing the biggest illegal
land grab in recent memory, all on Obama's watch
/ / building of tens of thousands of Jewish-only
apartments \ \ Why do Zionists keep on insisting
"Jewish" People are crooks? Life
could be so much better if we realized, we are
the greatest of great, in this land of the blind
as being dumber than rocks. Hmm.. I
think these corporate NEWS heads, who decide what
values of public interest we hold to defending
ourselves from lawless 'big money' screw overs,
are largely feigning ignorance on, what should be,
OUR, Top Priority subjects like needless Wars for
stolen profits. Answers to the tyranny of America's
NewsCast Elite parading as moronic imbeciles, WE DO
have well established, as a once, Civilized world
where we believe/d in ourselves as a rule of law.
Common law. Take a Simple law stated like, 'A
free man shall not be imprisoned', of with which,
pressed TV Americans could maybe write a pamphlet
as chored to do so, and where we, have written
important life altering Books about, that go on
for as long as we seek. It's an important
principle, this, the government of The Peoples,
is of ourselves respected in kind to claim
freedom as found defended by just actions ruling
in our favors truly being.
heh.. Okay, back to work.
001:011 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb
yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his
kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
See? That's as true today, as the day is night
someplace, and.. See? It's like a doorway into
imaginations of incredible possibilities man..
I'm just saying.. Legalize Pot! Or decriminalize,
what ever it takes.
aeeeiihhhhyeeeeh, back to square one:
The Tea Bagger's Tea Bagger?
"One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic
altar, and I didn't know it. I mean, there's little
blood there and stuff like that," she said.
The blood of an innocent American infant ugly
evil demon nazi kunt? Can't you just wait until
the demon whore of Satan comes to her rescue
to tell how fucking anyone in a Satanic cult
covered in the blood of American innocents for
Zionism is what all the greatest of TV Elites
pay homage to without thinking? Bushite "I don't care."
"Obama Oil Spill Commission INTIMIDATING scientists -- ILLEGAL TO
It only has to do with a threat to all American
life, and CBC, CNN, and FOXNEWS doesn't believe
it's newsworthy, do You?
Thimerosal [Hg] Accumulates in Rat Brains, Study Reveals
Millions of American children.
Vaccines, GMO's, and Viruses
Obama Admin: 'For the seafood to pose a health risk'
Obama Admin: For the seafood to pose a health
risk, the food would have to be heavily
contaminated with oil, and would therefore have a
strong odor and taste of oil.
While GOD WILLS the war criminals hunted down
to the ends of Earth to be formally Publically
TV tried for exection by the Patriots for war crime
thieving, torturing, and mass murdering. Real
Patriots, not the 'big government' cult that
forbids the intelligent defense of following
probable cause to arrest the actual bad guys.
Not the "globalists", the actual for real
criminals. Starting with Zionist Bush and Cheney
for 911, and Zionist Obama for extortion, funding
terrorism for Nazi Israel and Saudi Arabia, and
attempting the first degree murder of innocent
Americans. And those 30 Republican/Conservatives
for the gang rapings of American Women should
have every real man demanding their immediate
arrest for KBR GANG RAPE. Corporate America has
never mentioned the 30 demons as important to
identify.. So, what kind of Nazi Amerikan haters
of Justice does that bring? Corporate whores do
us little good being ambivalent about Bush closing
911 Police investigations, so pray tell, how will
we ever get the actual bad guys until we reopen
the case, with honorable soldiers gunning for
free speech rights against who disagree on freely
communicating the FACTS with Justice winning
our Liberties as a strong word or two on the
subject, plus more?
To All Men
"Anytime someone in your line gets hit by an kill every motherfucker in the street,"
Kill a Bushite for Christ.
'Deficit Too Large to Pay Unemployment INSURANCE Benefits'
'Republicans agree that tax cuts don't have to be paid for'
Republicans are evil leeches feeding to kill
Ministry Lies Lies Lies
Be a Force for Good
The NWOers will blindly let all America die,
before Mr. Bush, their magic cash cow deity is
brought up on charges for the war crimes he is
for sure guilty of. Freedom is what I bring, how
about You?
Jesus vs. Christ: The Gospel of John
/ / There is no better proof in the absurdity of Christianity \ \
/ / The Word (Jesus/God) was capable of human emotions, \ \
/ / or so the theology teaches. \ \
These words. Man, don't be dumb son.
/ / Christ was with God in the beginning. He
knew the past. He knew the present. He knew the
future. This last feature eliminates the
possibility for Christ to be fully human. \ \
No, now. I know now. But, listen, my friends,
the writer here is a con to only his foolish
self. Anything to mock the innocent in God with
his blind blank stares, as cheating Creation with
our time to steal our Rights away, for the final
escape of Mr. Bush of 9/11 fame as he was, the
official closer of Police enquiry. Then, that we
were with him, or the terrorists, no other
possible choices. Antichrist. The average
Atheist is forgiven for being ignorant of
Scripture as absent the considerations offered,
because they don't believe in any of it, fine.
But this guy, suggests
he has given it some consideration, and has come
up with a website and books as continuous streams
of irrational fairy tail lemon drops just near
anyone would know to be as so if they were honestly
thinking. Even the studious Atheist, that is
honest with them Self, knows it isn't a hidden
fact that no one knows but the Father in claim,
yet, this jacket needs to not know that, while he
paints his hackneyed "Bible" version of what he
does not want his reader to honestly believe..
Self promotional Atheists are universally
committed to naked censorship in my personal
experience, (you can't interpret anything but
what I've falsely absolutely concluded..
nowordnowords) with very little of rational
skills they hide from as when free speech reigns
with a super dude like myself. Despite how many
convincing times singlely said "absurdity"
privately while repeating sourly on their exercised
greatness in a delusion of superiority, to the
immovable scientific facts present here, one can
not miss if they read a few books on the subject.
(let's all blame the idiot box) (example: how
many people even know whats Darwins book is
about? not flunking many Ill tell you that
all right now in America) Atheists such as this,
who speaks nothing present for Justice all
notice, will define absolutely who "God" is as
something not willing Freedom. AS Weaker than
their pathetic attempts at convincing US that all
reality without doubt is to hide their personal
cowardice of becoming true men or women in this
world. That which is true of uncertainty in
Life, is of a god's will for personal liberty
above all prized. Freedom is Justice. Which
when pressed, a foolish Atheist could likely
suggest is not of themselves. They due tell 'God
is this, God is that' but never with themselves
castigated as the dummy dummy. "Duality" is the
term, but it's meaning has been somewhat skewn.
I'm the Human. Fully. Johnny Human, and your
the freak of Nature. Welcome. Your buying.
Please donate to my cause. Thanks.
/ / ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement]
Special Agents acting under border search
authority may search, detain, seize, retain, and
share electronic devices, or information
contained therein, with or without individualized
suspicion \ \
"individualized" - What? Huh? Who? Magic?
Err, no they can't, for that would be the
crime of theft.
"Intelligence Chief"
/ / Obamas pick for intelligence chief thought
Bush was right about WMDs in Iraq \ \
How is this not sabotage? A mind that for
criminal gains, or being dumb to the facts of
reality, is going to now, head up as,
"Intelligence Chief" of these entire United
States? of whose America?
AIPAC Zionist to the INNOCENT Jew "You deserve to die."
Why do Zionists keep on insisting "Jewish"
People are crooks?
FBI : 9/11 Cell Phone Calls Fake
America is a nation of cowardly males, too afraid
to be men in our world demanding Justice for all
as truly ourselves.
Nazi Israeli Guns Down an Innocent Unknown
"Iyad Asad Shelbaya, a known Hamas leader,"
But he is not. I never ever heard of him, nor
has the entire Internet since yesterday. And,
what was the charge he personally was guilty of,
that they needed to be so reciprocal against a
concentration death camp? Listen: When Satanic
Nazi Israel broke the truce with Humanity and
burned our children alive as targeted on purpose,
while murdering at least (their numbers) 239 of
our Police Officers trying to defend the
community, they would contact member's of Hamas
at their homes to let them know when they would
be striking, so they could leave to a safe place
avoiding the conflict. Remember: Hamas is
funded by Nazi Israel OPENLY, to cause division
among the illiterate hordes, while executing
innocent Palestinians for something only a
Zionist could conclude falsely as warranting. A
liar, a murderer. The trouble we have with these
Zionist demons, is your TV Rightard mind will
refuse to except this as Gospel. Even if I give
you the press reports of resigned Officers
confessing to just as much, or show their Nazi
prisons filled with honest Israelis, imprisoned
for simply refusing to commit a criminal offense
against an innocent other. It is an ungodly
"law" in Israel to agree to steal a Christ like
Home and their possessions, or go to jail, do not
pass go. God calls it Satanic, I call it
Satanic, Moses does not approve with Abraham, but
you, little you, swimming in doubt, go where on
TV there? In this turmoil of challenging eternal
confusion, your expected to forget to care for
those Christian children targeted on purpose by
ungodly Nazi Israeli, ON PURPOSE, who as SATANIC,
started the conflict by breaking the Truce with
an action they titled "Cast Lead", casting the
direct first degree mass murder leads, against
children they willfully gathered, and then set on
fire. Can you hear us now? Or! those 239
Police Officers that uruknet has photos of, if
you can bare to look at this great sorrow brought
against ourselves by escaping super evil Zionist
war criminals hidden by the scope of the magic
'all seeing' TV box of corporate degenerates
selling our, bartered in their name glorious
wonders. To know: This is the "hidden" Satanic
works of AIPAC, and their diabolical control over
the American soul terrorizing through national
syndication, the willful silence against these
un-addressed continuing war crimes in our dying
names as the less thans. Christ says no more.
No more. Support our rise to popular acclaim in
my name of John I do say. The truth must will
over the lies of the bad guys who hide in the
darkness to pretend they are our friends on equal
terms. While they rob US blind a Life and Home.
U.S.S. Liberty. Please support Justice for our
says, and make your rightful claim, in this
frame. (hint: this is big)
Hey! People! Don't Be Evil.
God calls it Satanic, I call it Satanic, Moses
does not approve as yogh!s brother Abraham, but
you, little you swimming in doubt, go where on TV
there? Let's Defend America by demanding Justice
for 9/11. Those who would say otherwise in TV
censorship, to escape the heinous culprits of the
mass murders, should be thought to act, very
un-American in a free to speak world of
Liberation from Tyranny.
"Not Guilty. The Israeli Captain who Emptied his Rifle into a
Palestinian Schoolgirl"
Remember, it thought the girl was ten years old
before pulling the American paid for trigger.
PAYING ISRAEL TO SPY ON YOU [declaring the innocent for
Bomb-Plot Witness Says FBI Sent Him to Terrorist Camp
Jeeze.. we gotta get the cops on this. Someone
called we, the media, as abling ourselves to get to
the meat of this situation. For, it appears we
have some, I say a small some of "FBI" actually
al-Qaeda trying to kill innocent Jews! American
Jews. Or when they sent the Anthrax against any
as all Postal workers. A bushite won't traverse
here because it's a nazi coward, but real men
will rise to the challenge if we could freely
communicate REAL JUSTICE for our time. Let's not
allow these bomb plotting terrorists to walk
freely out of that Public Court proceeding back
onto our American streets as they usually do to
murder innocent others absent the LORD, okay?
You know, having a King on the scene could be a
greatly good thing. I'm just saying..
CDC Allegedly Falsifies Reports Ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages
From H1N1 Vaccine
Jeeze.. we gotta get the cops on this.
U.S. Drug Firm Penalized $300 Million for Criminal Actions
/ / promoting an antidepressant to children \ \
Jeeze, I was on that. However I demanded ten
year prison terms, looks like these
trillioniares(?) are going to get off with a
small fine, and a promise to continue on? Well,
it still was a good job done well by our Police
services, taking action against these monsters in
our midst. Imagine, giving American infants
antidepressants? No prison time? Why?
Broke Towns Cant Afford to Drug Constituents with Fluoride
Maybe as a funny consequence People will wake up
and realize we're being drugged and left for
dead. Few would be laughing though..
"Israel OKs US Gift of Billions of Dollars in Warplanes"
Interestingly, I called this publicly on the
radio BEFORE it happened. It's has to due with
cycles of error in ungodly evil. and me being a
man. Old School. A real man.
This is Explains the Million Man Terror List
/ / Group Demands Investigation into DHS, Long
History of Labeling Americans as Terrorists
(Israeli Company Used) \ \ gays, smart folks who
read books, and those with a command of their
faculties. Those who Empathize. Israeli are
anti-Jewish evil Nazi bastards of Satan. Or, the
bad guys in the X-Men. Just as explained in
Scriptures, or stories by Stan. Boo. Yes, it's
true, I am what is referred to as a man. That's
right. A man from a time where being as such
really meant something good. As mythical Boy
Wonder, I would suggest closing Homlund Skirty by
rightly seizing everything there as evidence for
FBI indictments of high treason, including,
spying for a foreign power. Plus the deliberate
false accusations created quite an expense for
everyone concerned. Billions and billions of Tax
dollars from last I read. Wasted Police
services, yes redrawn off following leads at
major Zionist crime scenes, yes, but also jamming
up the lines at the airport.. oh.. am I finally
getting the selfish American "Patriot" spirit
jerked into a miff? Well, it's about time.
We've only had several million People so far
indiscriminately mass murdered, the world
poisoned, and trillions plundered, but, well,
better late than never. Welcome to the Cause of
Man. Send this post to whom you believe should
be concerned. Just be it.
Mr. Bush closed 911 investigations and claimed
if we weren't with him blindly to mass murder
millions indiscriminately as the established
COMPLETELY INNOCENT, we were therefore to only
be, with the Terrorists of 911 apposing torture,
high taxes, or Banjo playing at 4 am, without any
distinctions drawn. Can you hear me now? Does
the truth hurt more than losing a home? or teen
son or daughter for stolen profits? How about a
country? Art Bell thinks so, as he has said as
much without a Johnny Justice broadcasting yet.
Let's Change things better, by speaking out for
Justice today as tomorrow and beyond for our
U.S. Military Officers Demand 911 Investigation
Well now, that just sounds American to me.
How about You?
Israel Blocks Noam Chomsky Speech
Can't compete as the ungodly, so need to
advance those who speaks truths, shouldn't
be communicating, otherwise, we'd all
be hunting the Zionist down to the ends
of their war crimes for fair to us
prosecutions that benefit us all. Christ,
I am a Jew, and Zionist liars are our
enemy who steal, rape, mass murder ect..
Obama "I will not walk away from this fight."
Talking on how his "America" has plenty of south
African death squad goons who are into killing
Niggers, Or Uzbek Christian Muslim Jew murderers,
ungodly Saudi fundamentalist crazy persons? why
not, who'll be happy to become "American" to
"fight" for his criminal cause if the price is
right. It's only at the cost of taxing all of
American. You know, my friends, I really do
believe Obama has stepped over a line here, not
providing his Birth right as American, to make
such decisions as the "Democratic Party" in our
Names contrary to American values, but that is
just me..
"Birthers"! Hey, you know when I.. Never mind..
Where is?. .Obama's. credentials?
Obama's US Court OKs Torture and Extraordinary Rendition
I've written on this. It is a war crime
warranting death. Please defend America.
43.6 Million Americans Living In Poverty
Did you know that "Poverty" in America is when
you earn $21,900 as a family of four before
taxes? Now, everyone of the developed world who
doesn't know, rent for a small bachelor apartment
in Manhattan for individuals who are COMPLETELY
Bagger's brightest Scott Brown would leave not
paying taxes whatsoever) costs about $18,000 a
month. In California, as like many of the
southern States (Commie Pinko Alex Jones would
tell as the best in the world), many People can
not afford a phone, electricity, or water because
the Publicly paid for companies have been often
out-right stolen by a Republican Conservative
'Tea Bagger' for nickels on the dollar. I know,
I know, who cares right? Americans refuse to
forward my words to defend their own dying
selves. It's a TV nation comprised of almost
entirely bigots. At AJ's website, they'd never
know this. Why? They don't seem to really care.
AJ has gold, so.. who banking cares for the
plight of the little guy right? 'The Best in the
World'. You should have heard Alex shut down a
caller who's brother was expected to die because
the family couldn't raise the cash for an
operation to save his life. Alex said speak no
more. 'No way' he claimed, TV America has the
best health care in the world - in fact he went
on to tell all like Ron Paul does with a straight
face, you can get free health care anywhere in
America. by just simply asking - I AM NOT LYING.
Being an Alex Jones Commie Pinko sucks, where all
Americans give and give and give for only the
Elites of the Elites of his New World Order.
Americans pay twice as much per-capita as
Canadians do that recieve Universal coverage,
while the TV Rightard's censored poor victims are
expected to go out then and buy some private
insurance now. The Iraq war has no cause. Commie
Pinkoism. Now,.. Am I alleging Alex Jones wears
pink panties as a sadomasochist depriving US an
equal right to speak freely with the facts? Yes.
Bush and Cheney closed 911 police investigations.
Alex Jones "Liberals don't like Bush"
Alex Jones "Republicans are Constitutionalists"
Cause and effect is our true State.
Catch this pod from,
At 195 minutes into this Alex Jones podcast, a regular
listener, and often caller, Peggy, points out that Alex
unknowingly could be playing into the market of disinfo, by
not supporting covering the fixed election of Ron Paul Vs.
McCain, then... he loses it, by calling her names, and
hanging up on her. Refusing still to this day to deal
US in on the millions donated to Ron Paul by those
interested in Justice to preserve Freedom for all.
Soldier Killed for refusing to Torture the Innocent
"Peterson objected to the interrogation
techniques used on prisoners. She refused to
participate after only two nights working in the
unit known as the cage. Army spokespersons for
her unit have refused to describe the
interrogation techniques"
/ / she had been "reprimanded" for showing
"empathy" for the [innocent] prisoners
[randomly kidnapped] \ \
I would order all soldiers to arrest try and
execute these Nazi grunts for America, as
America. Nazi Bushite Grunts deserve to die to
defend their next innocent victims says Christ.
And we would know. Again torture warrants death
everytime according to President Reagan. Kill
the bushite as a Man in this God forsaken world.
The Johnny This Week
Normally I wouldn't make a deal winner, but this
work by The Daily Show crew I feel was
incredible. It was. So powerful, and the
audience, well, we were them when Mr. Stewart
covered the veiled threats that we've witnessed
Publicly, but maybe not entirely heard before
like that in his, high brow low brow context with
everyone present. Then the needless conflict.
As who is pushing who. Bravo.
..and honorable mentions for the Johnny this
week... goes to.. Mr. Eddie Bravo, who on Alex
Jones stated something like, 'yeah that movie
Machete, that was good.'. Awesome. I thought It
weren't bad neither, not fantabulous or any
thing, but it certainly was a page turner. Broke
some new ground too If I recall.. I hadn't
thought of writing something about it till this
moment, so I'd need to watch it again to get that
second look to confirm my shadowy dynamic
assessment in whatever. But, it clearly wasn't
about Race, it was about injustice. It was about
the circle of life getting our way, good or bad,
(breaking in on all story telling with the, fence
and the saved changed assailant not being able to
undue "The Law" was timelessly unique as a
collage of forces nearing the god dilemma with
big politics as it's over view to consider) and
then, wow, as religious female figure enters out
of nowhere, and shuffles the seeds. That was
cool. I considered a little mabe too exessive
violence caught the movie off guard on the
accounting in the big scene I thought - where in
those indiscriminate lodgings, it would have
brought much worst consequences in the real
world. For fairly, as you would easily know, the
premise can be notioned as turned which any way
to state as such in metaphoric illustration, but
it had a strong core of realism that didn't lend
to the avant-garde, those actors were living.
Actors, unlike Politicians generally succeed
because they actually have talent, and that kind
of talent doesn't just magically appear out of
nowhere, but as individuals who have pulled
thoughtful reflection out of living this dream.
Least that is where I was when I experienced at
the ending.
So, it was about Bush too. And, maybe it was a
little about myself as well. and yeah well,
maybe not enough about Mexico. 9/11.
Rockefeller.. But I digress..
Have you guys ever heard of W. C. Fields?
And I of course, as probably many Joes, thought
Alex's interpretation was shallow as he usually
paints with his typical definitive conclusion as
everything through the mind of the absolutely
foolish sometimes. Least we know better where
our bigots are pat. But Alex isnt all that bad
a guy.. Truly. He HAS strengths. I tease him
like a brother might sometimes, but it's only
because I want to see him succeed in this world
by learning it's not all or nothing. And we are
really something. Honest John. I want us all to
Maybe when I get some time I'll right a short
book on the experience to just try to do it a
better Justice. Or, maybe even, someone might
want to make my production company a film offer
for how it all came to be? Hint hint?
Downers to UFC's spokesperson joking about women
being less than respected in his, Grunts are "us"
climate however., (Bravo's dork friend), showing
we still have a distance for some to become men
in this forsaken world. Everywhere. I have
hope. We have much to do however in this place
we will free, for you and me to be we alone in
company. Justice is Victory. Heaven is a Beauty
to Imagine. This is far from impossible that I
bring these ideas from the Universe we are born
timeless as. measured scientifically. First
step: No evidence, person is innocent.
Therefore, no evidence against the accused for a
capital offense, means we as anyone, are being
taken by a false accuser. Not a big deal in the
normal everyday, however when it's used to
destroy innocent souls mass murdering People to
steal all our monies I get quite Irate. Why? I
know these things. If they were we you'd be just
as steamed too probably. Well, they are. US I
mean. I heard something about someone showing up
to see how we've been doing, so let's put on some
Sinatra, and try to get them to understand, we
won't let it happen again.. okay? Don't make we
look bad. Thanks for helping. We have a job to
do. Just Do It.
That's right,
I did that,
King Johnny
Military Contract for American Paid for $100,000 Buckles
/ / You heard me right; soldiers were ordered to wear
body armor made by David Brooks even though it
was inferior to other available types. The order
to enforce the soldiers' use of Brooks product
came from "very high." But note that Generals
in the war zone wear Dragon Skin! \ \ [frm WRH]
Hi all Soldiers. My name is General Johnny,
or Johnny Patriot, or Johnny Two Tone, or
as just yourself all by your lonesome. So,
together we are now championing for Justice.
All Peoples will be treated fairly for our
benefit. Torture is criminal, and Capital
Punishment will be outlawed I will
successfully win for free international
debate in Peace Time hands down. With
fair elections by paper ballot I will
encourage it Politically we decide
to inform ourselves about the trillion
dollar private bankster scams [Yea or Nah]
as relevant to the Presidential Office
taking a stand against such extortions.
I will call for the, who is who, dropping
radio-active toxic waste bombs to get
anyone murdered for centuries to escape
Bush and Cheney as our top priority - IF - I
say if, we can get this ball rolling.
Let's Roll!
[Are we blowing your mind here or what?
We are as could be even more Incredible
for others to know so too. So, why don't
you forward this post top secretly even,
Justice as Freedom is Good.]
Bushite Nazi Grunt Enemies Pushing Heroin
INTO AMERICANS. Teens. Life term prison
sentences to those who get addicted as third
strike felonies, but not death to the grunts
displayed in this video, that FOXNEWS Tea
Bagger parasites will claim are Patriots.
Like themselves. Patriot's to what? Satan?
You got it. Liar evil enemies of Life in
the Universe to not champion Justice for
American murder victims on 9/11, and so on.
Claiming "FUNDAMENTALISTS" are not
"FUNDAMENTALISTS" who disagree with selling
heroin to send Americans down the river?
(Again a Shrine to the Taliban right on
Ground Zero, right on it, will be the
victory of Christ in Justice. ) Do you care
to still refuse to forward this to someone
else, that would care just as much about
our dying futures here as Yourself. Or
no.. you'd rather see freedom lose wouldn't
you. TV American males suck the Devil's
greasy Cock as the Anti-Gay faggots, while
the Women can near only Dream what a real
man is who truly defends The Family. with
honor as virtuous. America near no where
make those any more with their refusal
to forward these words of brotherhood for
Life. They hate We. Become a Man for a
change losers. Time for the arrest of Bush and
Cheney for Obstruction on 9/11 to continue
ourselves on following probable cause to
get the rest of these ungodly war criminals
responsible for mass murdering Americans.
...Or get back to what you weren't doing
'American Citizen' you'll be frantically
telling the lawless Bushite "Cop" when
it arrests you without cause just to see
what you have in your wallet.. Why not
TV American? "No Justice for them so you
can have it all as yourself" Right? (I
swear, that is very near a verbatim quote
from Palin/Huckabee 2012? - and not
far from AJ on AZ either) [..] Decide
"The Truth About the 2009 Gaza Massacre"
/ / This video or group may contain content
that is inappropriate for some users \ \
How so? Did you notice the counter of
"Gaza 2009: We Will Never Forget"
linked at near 100,000 separate locations
for more than a year seen by who knows how
many greater than what Google is tallying,
has more than 1 for every 10 views a
comment? With largely people furious over
our failures to fairly communicate for
freedom? And the Rightard liar vids that
sell the mass murder of our innocent
families with Zionist demon lies weaker
than a seven year old tells, (youtubed
without restrictions!) is topping nearer a
million with comments in the Tames? Tell
God honestly, do you hate us because we
are wiser than you, as a TV "Rightard"? Do
you enjoy being a TV "Rightard"? I hate
Rightards with the evil minds of a bigot
who pirate our free wills to levy Justice
for our time. Don't You? Eh? Care at all?
This should be front page. Forward March.
Hey! People! Don't Be Evil.
Congressman: BP "Openly Blackmailing the American Government"
We have no real leadership. The Iraq war
is not a "Police action", but an info crime
against American teens to die for tyranny..
Petraeus: Afghan War Could Take Another Decade
Why not save our soldier's lives, by fighting
for a just cause? Oh yeah, he wars God and
Humanity with lawless tyranny, to rape
women and children, to push heroin, all
to escape Bush and Cheney for 9/11 as
naked traitor. He's into running death
squads against every last one of US as
innocent victim, if it means more stolen
values into the ungodly evil pockets of
the enemy Neocon demon liars. He gets
teen soldiers killed for the escape of
those like himself who carried out 9/11.
Brothers in Arms
I cry for ourselves here, and your failures
as my reader to sent this post out to everyone
you can.. I've tried and tried for so long,
and we just can't go on all alone with
this if you will to not support our callings
for Justice to defend the innocent, real
Justice.. So I will pray there is another out
there who sees our desperate needs today for
open free communications above our TV clowns
for the cause of all fairly as freedom being,
Brothers in Arms. Please.
U.S. Military Officers Demand 911 Investigation
Well now, that just sounds American to me.
How about You?
CHRIST SAYS 'Israeli are Anti-Jewish'
.. on the naked lies of TIME magazine warring America
for the escape of the Zionist Neocon Peenackers in
/ / Deflecting criticism of [war crimes] Israel by
screaming "anti-Semitism" makes as much sense as
deflecting criticism of the Nazis by screaming
"anti-Germanism!" \ \
..or anti-Jewish because without argument from
anyone, the Palestinians are the Semite Peoples
here, and too, the millions of Iraqis dead or dying
from all the bushite Nazi indiscriminately mass
murdering. But the TV trained Zombie Rightards
we guess either go insane from programmed lies
in their personal self inflicted hellish cries,
or become Human.
Innocent Held Without Trial by Bushite for Torture
/ / Tens of thousands of detainees are being held
without trial in Iraqi prisons and face violent and
psychological abuse [..] [bushite nazi grunt]
military spokesman insisted Iraqi detention
facilities met international standards. \ \
Bushite "I don't care."
A Bushite isn't American.
AIPAC is a treasonous act against all Life in America,
that should warrant Public arrests without bail of
all in Congress inside the AIPAC club. But, my cowardly
dying American readers refuse to forward these fine
words, not because they doubt I am right, but because
they know I am not wrong as real Freedom I do
proclaim. TV'ed Americans would rather die than
learn what a real man is, hence is why they refuse
the light of God's incredible vision. A Bushite Nazi
Grunter was quoted saying, "I don't care." about who
did what to America left still undefended, and now,
not surprising to US, they is rightly dead for their
personal contempt for God as Mankind.
Obama's Naked Hatred for Christians and Jews?
"kill Jews" This is taught for
14-year-old boys in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia oppresses Christians, they oppress
Jews, they OPPRESS MUSLIMS. They are direct
enemies of Allah as life ourselves, when they do
not respect Muhammad's teaching on treating all
fairly, ESPECIALLY ALLAH, by respecting the
Gospels and so on as divinely inspired through
God. Saudi Arabia speaks nothing of the
indiscriminate mass murder of millions of Muslims
in Iraq and Afghanistan murdered needlessly by
war criminal forces aligned with Satan. Bush
gave no evidence to form any remote conclusion,
that bin Laden was tied in any way what so ever
to the crimes of 9/11. Crimes of which our
Police Services were near immediately halted from
acting upon by following the crimes scene leads
at the real mass murder scene. But the UNGODLY
Arabia dictatorship needs to buy the family
another fleet of multi million dollar cars
painted in blood red, that will sit in a garage
visited by vampires doing nothing as a Testament,
to their direct hatred for our entire Humanity by
LEASTLY, not using a thousandth of that money
wasted to provide safe clean drinking water to
the Innocent Iraq Peoples being directly deprived
to die by Bushite Nazi savages. Allah says to
those demon enemies hiding as "Royal" in Allah's
Saudi Arabia, fuck you evil tyrant enemies of
every thing imaginable, FUCK YOU. Now, where's
America's Obama on this growing issue of his
refusal to publicly address ourselves in honesty
as our best policy? Saudi Arabia OPPRESS MUSLIMS
How To Destroy a 9/11 Truther
Republic Radio's Dr. K uses much of this on his,
'there was no planes, I be the real deal'
nonsenses. It was all cgi we can only guess
then, while every witness offered is a plant by
the "Jews" he actually claims - no exaggerating
here that he can't be defeated on his baseless
falsehoods of "fact", "facts" of which he now, at
his worse, won't allow any to disrupt his train
wreck of total quackery. An actual half
intelligent person committed to Justice by
following probable cause he has suggested is
working for the Jews who did the 9/11 crime, no
question, no question. Dr. K alleges that just
because no evidence was offered for the arrest of
Laden by Bush, or through General Ahmad who was
officially sent to the Taliban to tell the
Fundamentalists as much directly matters not to
Dr. K, because those who say so, are those that
work with the Jews who carried out the attack
too. He Publicly supports NOT following Probable
cause, to get those truly responsible, as a high
jacking 911 truther who discredits US all being
irrational. Pure Zionist lawless control he is
attempting foolishly as a lashing blind man in
our presence over the minds of the weaker thans,
who refuse as himself to humble themselves to how
Freedom is defended by Law fairly practiced. Dr.
K is not being helpful to helping others to
discern what can be thus far proven correct like:
NO EVIDENCE was brought forward against the alleged
suspect, while then investigations were halted by
threat of false arrest by the ungodly bushmob
cabal of evil doers escaping still in progress.
(Not one of the alleged 19 suspects had been
found with any connection to Afghanistan or bin
Laden! just as Condi planned with her "Top
Secret" Presidential war crime plan to invade
Afghanistan dated two days prior to 9/11) Now, I
actually am a genius to be able to explain this
so simply, that near anyone world wide should be
able to understand just as much with minimal
effort. Effort banned for open Public consideration
by an NWO Alex Jones wannabe devote cult follower.
Including Dr. K... So why is he still spewing
crazy talk that way as he as done for years now
with no marked improvement on his reasoning
skills? Have you seen his ridiculed web site of
no content? Who cares for what here? Did you know
that Satanic war criminal Nazi Israel steals
innocent Christian homes on a near routine basis
from ourselves as innocent victims? If he hated
all Jews as the weak minded bigot he claims
strongly he is, wouldn't you think that would be
a, 'blame the Jews' issue with him too?? Why
not? Hmmm.... He's a Zionist (Jew hater) plain
and simple. A Zionist playing right into Nazi
Israeli interests. And yet, he's not all the
bad in the following vid.. (but fuk, who knows
what tomorrow will spin further down in London
AIPAC Zionist to the INNOCENT Jew "You deserve to die."
Why do Zionists keep on insisting "Jewish"
People are crooks?
FBI : 9/11 Cell Phone Calls Fake
America is a nation of cowardly males, too afraid
to be men in our world demanding Justice for all
as truly ourselves.
We Will Never Forget
"In a strange way, I'm here to defend his right to
do that. I happen to think that it is distasteful,"
NYC's Bloomberg said about evil ungodly American
Kristian false accusers burning the words of
Christ in the Koran.
/ / Actually what Palestine refuses to recognize
is Israel as a Jewish state having a right to steal
Palestinian land. \ \
Bingo. See the Zionist insist Jews are evil crooks,
and if you disagree they call you an anti-Semite.
Now Semites are not Caucasian, nor are the real
Jews from the Bible. But to the truly SATANIC,
the facts matter none to how many innocent
Christian children they can target for mass murder,
by TV tricking the dying American suckers to pay
giving more in blood sacrifice to have it continue
as demonic criminal AIPAC. Why? (sorta..) Because
TV Americans are trained to hate the intellectual
that makes them to be what they truly are without
their evil ungodly war crime bigot bullshit. See?
The glory of God, is as such, that the honorably
committed Atheist would find themselves 100%
in agreement also on Justice for all ruling for
everyone's benefit. Not only on this, but near
absolutely everything else. Big G can seem like
something of a jerk, to not jump right in to rip
Bushite limb from limb, but there is even a
greater gift called Universal Liberty to KNOW,
that you can't even fathom just now, but God
really is amazing to not be doing much of anything
but relying on ourselves to make the right moves
for Freedom in our Time. The hope is that it will
all pay off in the big picture than no one can
see, but, we can believe. Make the right choice:
Kill the Bushite and save an innocent person's
Reasons to Kill a Bushite for America
A Bushite speaks nothing for the arrest of those
that truly did America wrong on 911. Kill the
Bushite for Christ to save an innocent's life.
/ / The father of a U.S. soldier serving in
Afghanistan says he tried nearly a half dozen
times to pass an urgent message from his son to
the Army: \ \ See how the Bushite Nazi grunt
leadership would have rather the honorable
Soldier die, than have to face the Nazis in our
rank who deserve death? Like Saudi Buford
Blount, Steven Russell, Sattler, or Mattis?
Godless war criminals who target defenseless
innocent Human beings for mass murder, on hopes
the surviving victims will rightly kill the TV
Grunts under their lawless charge? A grunt takes
an Oath, an Oath that means nothing, for the Iraq
war has no cause but to maim and kill the
innocent of our Humanity for the glories of the
Antichrist enemy of Humanity, George Walker Bush
and company.
/ / the US government has videotape of underage
boys being sodomized \ \by escaping Blackwater
Children raped by Bushite Nazi grunts, Nazi
Grunts defended by Obama with the War Crime
TRAITORS in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals,
claiming it's a secret that Obama WITH the 30
Republicans, and 'escaping' Blackwater, refuse to
disclose to America, for fear every able bodied
man in America would actively hunt to kill every
last Bushite Nazi Grunt still breathing our air.
Cofer Black and Eric Prince. They rape Women,
they rape children, they torture innocent Peoples
to death while shooting Peoples at random for
entertainment in your name "It's a Turkey Shoot!"
and the Republicans who have watched these said
videos for entertainment (for why then?) refuse
all to push for formal executions of all grunts
who serve silently at the American torture child
rape facilities, at home (NYC) and abroad. Kill a
Bushite for Christ. Kill a Bushite for America.
A Bushite speaks nothing for the arrest of those
that truly did America wrong on 911, while mass
murdering now millions of innocent souls to steal
our worths. Please, as King, I beg you on behalf
of our suffering once truly loved God as our
dying worlds, to proudly in God's Holy name, Kill
the Bushite. Please kill the Bushite who speaks
nothing for the gang rapes of American women.
Rapists who are officially defended by those 30
Republicans that deserve public trial for death
because of it. Republicans and Demonrats care
not for American women being gang raped, for all
cowardly evil Americans need do is blame
Liberals, or Muslims, or Niggers, or Mexicans.
or the Globalists, not actual for real war
criminals that will to kill any of US for
everything. Kill a Bushite for Christ, kill a
Bushite for Yourself. Done for nothing but the
respect of calling yourself, a man.
'Afghanistan Enacts Law That Gives War Criminals Blanket Immunity'
This is not the action of a Muslim country, but
of those Satanic, warring Allah for the escape of
the Tenth Mountain Division. The group of Nazi
savages, who instead of gloriously killing their
commander, would go into villages in Afghanistan,
and mass murder every inhabitant, to please the
demon Antichrist and "sexy" Rumsfeld. Likely
raping the children and dogs too, as sanctioned
by Rotten Rumsfeld as a way to war with
terrorism. You know me, "die bushite die". When
you see them, you bill them as any real man of
any nationality, or religion naturally would.
Just like Christ as the Mahdi would also. They
truly deserve to die, not to live warring as CNN
"Heroes" collecting expensive free health care.
Bushite Nazi Grunter Theres no doubt that there
were insurgents there, and there may well have
been an insurgent leader in the house, but that
doesnt justify executing eight children who were
all enrolled in local schools,
No doubt what? That the Term Taliban means
Student in Arabic? And that a leader of 10 year
old Taliban are called school teachers in the
western world? Again, it was bushite who figured
they had an excuse to murder some innocent
children. Someone over there should look into
it, for these enemies of Life, are Satanic
enemies of Christ. They'll gang rape American
women, and Americans will "vote" for more of it,
without near anyone phoning George Noory, the
demon enemy, and complaining about his lack of
care, or respect for Americans falling further
victims with his laughter and chuckles. Bush and
Cheney closed 911 Police investigations. He
doesn't care, but, do you?
They, the Banksters, are trying to kill US.
Fight back for Christ Sake God Damn you.
NJ Watchdog Sues State Over Carbon Auction Secrets
Understand you NWOers out there. AJ will go on
and on about how you must argue against Gore,
when what we should be asking, is why would any
nation will to be taxed by private companies in
secret? It is beyond dumb, as evil to the core
to freely 'allow' these Zionist Banksters proven
to be fraud artists 30 trillion times over
already, bandits, to make off with more of our
money like this. Look, say Gore was 100% correct
for argument, but then why even if so, would we
allow them to take trillions of dollars because
of it?? Can you hear me now? This page has now
rung too long - I can't cut anymore to add for a
sacrifice to what is critically important to save
American life. So now, I may stop completely if
Americans will continue to refuse forwarding this
post to all others. I am forbidden to speak on
Coast to Coast, Alex Jones, and much of Republic
freely, not because any allege I am false in my
statements, but because I am correct. And many,
would rather every American die, than look like
they haven't lived up to the task at defending
America by demanding the re-opening of criminal
investigations by our police services to arrest
those who actually did US wrong by following
probable cause. To do so, is to recognize, not
all People have these intellectual skills -
especially The Republic's retard Dr. K - the 'no
planes, we don't need evidence because Jews set
off the bombs' mental state. And apparently now,
he gotten much worse not allowing anyone else
highly more intelligent ever to speak about it
freely without going into an irrational conipshit.
Why? He's defeated as a loser without cause but
to stonewall dying America in seconds.
If all Americans who read this work can't truly
care enough for their dying furtures to take
these words to the highest mountains, then so be
it. They'll deserve what they will in silence
against mass murdering Nazi savages. Demand the
arrest of Bush and Cheney for Obstruction on
911, or be damned by your refusal to truly stand
for the Rights of Man.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure
and the intelligent are full of doubt." -- Bertrand Russell
Depeche Mode - John The Revelator (HD)
American Workers to be Fired if they Refuse Poisonous Shots
/ / Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
(SHEA) calls for mandatory flu vaccine for all
healthcare personnel. [of all America] \ \
As King, I will demand the arrest, trial, and
public execution of those responsible for this
terror against the American mind. Mercury causes
massive brain damage 100% of the time, and
influenza is a constantly mutating virus. It is
for this planned assault I assure you, if you
were informed of the facts I give without
argument from anyone on Earth but our mutual
enemies who refuse US to speak freely on magic
TV, all we as Humanity would rejoice to see these
Zionist Nazi filths publicly executed on Prime
Time. Wouldn't You? Or would you rather die for
pirate Glenn Beck and the demon whore of Satan to
become wealthy over the sacrifice of all innocent
American lives? Remember, Sarah Palin wills to
mass murder American cubs with a smile on her
face. According to who? According to the demon
whore of Satan herself who claimed the will to
kill all defenseless children at school, and
health care workers in our Hospitals as
Sakkasvilli did as planned with herself and
Cheney, which, if she'd have had her way, would
have turned into a gold mine of millions of
Americans mass murdered for her demonic liar's
benefit. (Look at the riches stolen from America
through AIPAC members.) Billing lawless Bushite
grunters means real American lives are defended
from furthering her Satanic plunder.
/ / The lethal laser gun, a "People Cooker" used
to torture and kill innocent Iraqis and innocent
Targeted Individuals is now ready to aim at Los
Angeles inmates, 75% of whom have committed no
crime \ \ Kill a Bushite for Christ as a lover of
Life. Do it American gun owners, do it for
President Reagan. Do it to defend the innocent a
Bushite Nazi grunt wars to rape or murder.
Remember, a Bushite Nazi grunt wears our American
uniform as a pirate enemy, for if they did not
personally gang rape American Women, they most
certainly will refuse to war for our defense as
something they concern themselves of. No it's
just torturing more innocent folks, pushing more
heroin, all to cowardly escape the Zionist
Peenacker Neocons for mass murder on 911.
Justice is a must that a Bushite Nazi coward
refuses for the American peoples, while dropping
bombs of radio-active toxic waste
indiscriminately on our loved innocent families.
Kill a Bushite for Christ, and maybe we'll pay
you a whole dollar - but we're not promising
Oh yeah..
Star Trek says 911 attack is a SCAM to start war and take away our
OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be a Man, Make a Stand
I would ask all men but for Muslims to speak
against these Nazi Zionist LIARS who will be
in NYC to incite blind bigot hate against our
innocent God Loving Muslim brothers and sisters,
instead of rightly Bush and Cheney for closing
official 911 Police Investigations designed since
the dawn of a civilized world to nab the actual
bad guys. A dead Nazi is a good Nazi to every
real American Christian and Rastafarian too if
you asked in all honestly. So you Buddhists, your
included too, and the Hindu, the Jew (Real Jew
mind you), along with everyone else - Johnny is
counting on everyone but a Muslim - for they've
had much to bare alone unfairly as it has been
in our names left forsaken as is. Be a man, make
a stand. A shrine to the Taliban in NYC for their
fight for what is right as demanding evidence to
form a conclusion by anyone. DBD.
Let Fly
Zionist TV propagandist Steven Colbert, let fly
that The Peoples have nothing to fear from a pro
torturing enemy of Justice in America, namely a
Nazi Vet walking on our streets missing half a
brain, trying to become a lawless cop who beats
on women like Anthony Abbas did, or who gets off
on indiscriminately slaughtering our innocent
Humanity to escape never elected Bush and Cheney
for 9/11. Bill a Bushite and be Blessed by
Christ we will forever say, while we formally
hunt to have every last Bushite war criminal
publicly executed for crimes like gang raping
American women with KBR, or bombing entire cities
like Fallujah or Samara for no reason, (as too
the entire Iraq assault has no cause,) or for
dropping land mines in school districts, for
torturing elderly people to death countless times
by the likes of a Mr. Grainer. Who, received only
ten years, and only because he bragged to his family
and entire city that he could torture anyone of them
too, and there wasn't anything anyone could do
about it. (If it hadn't been for that, he'd be
walking free like the rest of them who did even
worse. Mattis' Haditha Child killers are
actually called Heroes by FOXNEWS TRAITOR Hannity
for example - for killing little kids to get back
at US all for something they freely state in
America today like is said Publicaly in Nazi Israel.
Unremorseful child killers getting free health
care campaigning like Commie Pinko AJ does, to
not have that for yourself fairly though) That is
what Grainer told in writing to his threatened
(likely raped too?) young daughter - for why
her?. Ten years for murdering countless innocent
Iraqi Peoples he tortured to death, and after his
sentencing in a Court ruled by illiterate Nazi
savages with ZERO Law/Freedom experience, claimed he
had no regrets in stealing so many innocent lives as
the criminally insane. He'll presently be trying
to be a Cop in New York City we're sure, because
he still surely believes though Americans own
guns, they wont kill Bushite enemies of Humanity
rightly to defend their next innocent god loving
victims as the Law dictates against war
criminals. (It's only God loving Muslims, or
Niggers, or Afghanistan Christians, or Japs or
Chinks, or Ruskies, or Liberals..) Ungodly war
crimes done to see their fellow teen soldiers die
as a consequence of an American male's personal
cowardice to be real men in their TV world, to
hide their anti-Gay faggotry by hurting innocent
others, such as children they several times were
CAUGHT blowing up with explosives just for
kicks.. Along with Police officers trying to
defend our communities. They stole all of Iraqis
money, and American's money, and then gave all
rights for oil to BP and other foreign companies.
Iraqi's fairer Christ like banking system and
replaced it with the American godless banking
corruptions of the IMF where YOU pay them back
for money they never lent you to begin with..
They put Allawi in charge who after crediting
himself for killing a bunch of innocent children
in a school bus, ordered Nazi grunts to execute
every last doctor or nurse who would even attempt
to treat an innocent child or women from
Fallujah. Then there were the ethnic cleansings
they funded on all sides, along with ACTUALLY
yes YOU, when finding this allegation true, join
me in hunting every last nazi grunt under Sattler
who carried out such orders without even
whispering a concern for their innocent mass
murder victims? They NEEDLESSLY dropped NINE two
thousand pound bombs murdering a conservatively
estimated 250,000 innocent souls in Fallujah -
FOR NO REASON. Then did near the same in Samara
before John Batist quit, because he refused to
carry it out completely - largely I speculate
because with his name, it would have been just a
little to demonic for his liking to needlessly
mass murder so many innocent Peoples for NO
REASON as Satanically evil.. Yeah yeah, I know
what the Bushite Nazi grunter is going to lie
about here, which is why I sooo much want to see
the Air Force tried publicly so all can witness
by War Crimes Law ushered by President Ronald
Reagan as STANDING AMERICAN LAW. For Bushite Nazi
grunters most certainly deserve it at the Hand of
President Reagan. Again, they SPEAK NOTHING
TODAY for American women being Gang raped by
their partners in war crimes. Speak nothing for
Justice on 9/11. For executing innocent men
simply because they are Christians, as they did
heroin pushing in Afghanistan without a word from
near anyone from the Nation of the FOR REAL
die. We've had near fifty kills this last week..
And things are only looking brighter.
Good Work Men
Not on CNN, CBC, FOXNEWS, nor near anywhere?
Why? Are American lives not important enough to
care they are being set up to die victim to
lawless tyranny perpetrated by illiterate Nazi
grunters, who actually repeat, 'whore yeah, whore
yeah' all day long while killing everyone in a
village for fun.. Freedom? For whom? Say it
with me, 'Die Bushite Die', why? They are true
parasites who war for the escape of Bush and
Cheney as Obstruction to nab the guilty parties
of 9/11. (example: what if Bin had one or two
accomplices? are you going to blindly support
Bush the Antichrist on his public position,
Americans need not evidence to find the actual
bad guy(s)?) Kill a Bushite for Christ.
HOLY COW: Former Senator, and Presidential Hopeful
'engineers offer proof of 9/11 controlled demolitions'
First to go?
Bush and Cheney to start our Police Services
back up as going, with an international info
campaign to disclose FACTS without censorship.
Or the judgment of bigot ideologues who will to
blame shadowy groups blindly as bigots most
often do [rightards], instead of the direct
individuals most highly suspected to the
principle cause. Who's effects were criminal
in nature. It's called, "Following Probable
Cause" ..and Bush and Cheney are guilty
with what is called Obstruction, obstructing
our Laws from nabbing those responsible for
mass murder in America, along with
millions abroad. For how pray tell are we
ever, I said ever planning to arrest any bad
guys for anything if we do not.. tell me that.
Why Real Christians Kill The Bushite Enemy
/ / NATO warplanes bombed a group of small
children between the ages of 6-12, killing six of
them and wounding one other. \ \ Bushite "I
don't care."
You kill the Bushite for Christ, you kill the
Bushite for God. You kill the Bushite for
Afghanistan, you kill the Bushite for America.
We all know, the Bushite will hide as a Tea
Bagger, as a fan of Glenn Beck, a "Conservative",
a "Libertarian", or as TRAITOR "Republican", for
there is where Justice is not demanded by evil
Satanic Antichrist forces of tyranny to defend
the innocent lives of US war crime victims. They
blame an entitlement society of fairness, or
welfare mothers, they blame the elderly and poor,
they blame [unbound as not Ideologued] Liberals,
Socialists, blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Muslims, the
Globalists, anyone else but the actual for sure
criminals guilty for extorting trillions, the for
sure war criminals Bush and Cheney as mass
murderers on 911. They are sadomasochists who
enjoy to hurt poor others, cause, it makes them
feel like whoring their souls for Bushs final
escape isnt all that bad as the ungodly. For
you yes, but not for them as thieves, gang
rapists, and mass murderers of children, escaping
their rightful death sentences at the hand of
Man. GOD, I HATE Bushite.
"We have shot an amazing number of people, but to
my knowledge, none has ever proven to be a
threat," said Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal
"[General McChrystal says that] for every innocent
person you kill, you create 10 new enemies."
Evil Enemy Pastor Terry Jones is Satanic
SATANIC LIAR Pastor Terry Jones said, he's been
assured that the controversial Islamic center
planned near Ground Zero in New York will be
moved elsewhere, not that his actions are truly
ungodly. - See how the enemy of Christ nakedly
lies? Anything for the war crime evils of Satan.
No one would have said such a thing to himself,
lest they were from the Zionist CFR, and we know
the CFR in cahoots with bigot Alex Jones doesn't
want to give up their strangle hold telling US a
TV Muslim is one who stays silent on defending
the Taliban's moral position on evidence being
the only requirement to truly convict those
personally responsible for mass murder on 9/11.
[FREEDOM] So someone ask the demonically evil
enemy LIAR of GOD, who said this crap he is now
selling for more donations from the FOXNEWS Tea
Bagger parasites. Demon Nazi Zionist enemy FUK!
Did You See?
Did you see corporate TV News Celebs with
retarded Amerikan teen grunt mutes with the minds
of rotted twelve year olds, tell themselves how
they are cowardly "Patriotic" liars mass
murdering defenseless innocent families while
robbing as raping the nations of Iraq and
Afghanistan AND AMERICA for the final escape of
the Neocon Zionist Peenackers? Killing
dishonorable evil enemy Bushite Nazis saves
innocent Lives. Lives like American.
Bushite Heroin Pushers Murdering Civilians for pleasure as Satanic
/ / Morlock and another soldier, Andrew Holmes,
were on guard at the edge of a poppy field \ \
Let all men of every faith, join together to
demand these bushite nazi grunts be put to a
rightful death sentence immediately. Including
the military "Judges" that will find them free to
go in our world as no-law-school-for-him Mattis
has in the past, regarding gang rapists of
American women, or the Haditha child killers, and
of course his own terror assault against women
and children at a wedding party all for the hate
he has for a liberated Humanity. EVIL America
"grants" Bushites a right to judge all American
lives in lawless contempt. I hate these ungodly
Zionist war crime Nazi TV liars who claim because
they have criminally pirated my American uniform
with pro-torture traitor George Walker Bush and
FOXNEWS, they 'successfully' sell we can't at all
distinguish themselves worthy a bullet from Uncle
Sam. Any Uncle. Their own fathers should do all
US real men a favor, and take them out rightly as
they so truly deserve UNDER AMERICAN WAR CRIMES
LAW as the sworn ungodly enemies to all Peoples
in Christ. Warring our INNOCENT Humanity for
never elected 911 traitors Bush and Cheney, all
to escape God's Wrath for their hatred of the
good ol' red, white, and blue as all we will to
stand for as true. The Messiah has spoken: Die
Ungodly Bushite Nazi Zionist Liars Die.
Children tortured before parents, raped, all covered up
Every Bushite death is a mercy on our souls so
says the Son to God as Man of Men.
U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker A citizen may
not gain standing by claiming a right to have the
government follow the law,
But then, that would be a citizen in government
being a for sure criminal. Un-American. So, a
standing among whom? Criminal Judges who should
be in our prisons awaiting a death sentence for
high treason?
US Legalizes Torture Of Innocent American Citizens
While I would see these war criminals formally
executed, or rot rightly in a prison cell for
their ungodly wicked evil crimes. But that is
just we. President Ronald Reagan orders their
deaths without exceptions as STANDING AMERICAN
LAW. Like the laws against kidnapping.. Death
to the bushite, death to the enemies of God and
/ / He claims Its of the devil, Islam that is.
when Jesus is the most quoted prophet in the
Quran Immortal Technique. \ \
All Words are of God. These Tea Bagger Zombie
type "Christians" are in league with Satan.
Anything to demonize the innocent in God with
their lies, as cheating Humanity as Creation to
steal our Rights for the final escape of Mr.
Bush - as warring for closing all minds wherever
on concluding something with the facts left not
given with official Police Investigations, of
which all were halted with threat of FALSE
ARREST! W199i, PD51. and so on.. Listen
carefully to this next podcast, as what WE ALL
KNOW; Dr. Jones is aware of these findings as
made so weeks ago.., Yet still, as an ungodly
demonic enemy of all Life in America, (a Zionist
as warned of in Scripture,) he will continue with
his hatred of Justice winning a real freedom
America would deserve - if they loved God with
the thought to truly believe as much on TV being
absent simple logic, science or maths. Petraus
for example says no words as to why freedom of
religion is a respected right in a free society -
way above his head as traitor war criminal
escaping those who done did do America wrong on
9/11 - no, he inste.. . This Dr. Jones character
doesn't for a moment consider why he should lie
so heinously in God's presence, only by obviously
not truly believing what he preaches falsely as a
'doubtless' pro-bigot FOXNEWS fan of PURE NAZI
EVIL. [No evidence person innocent] God is the
words he unfairly claims to only be the works
of the Devil. Anyway.. obviously he, like Nazi
Israeli, doesnt believe in a higher power here
that hunts lawless bushite gang rapist heroin
pushers of America down, hunted down rightly for
war crimes trial for the tortures and
indiscriminate mass murderings too. Done in the
defense of all that are innocent, God's America
will succeed over those directly guilty of 9/11
who think that Satan will protect them from the
wrath of real men that breathe in this Universe
that actually do exist for real like myself. You
can have this Word on that.
Bush and Cheney closed 911 police investigations.
Exclusive with Dr Jones, the Burn a Koran Day Satanist
/ / exclusive interview with Dr Terry Jones,
pastor of the infamous Dove World Outreach Center
in Gainsville, Florida that is planning to have
a Burn a Koran Day this upcoming September 11th \ \
This is incredible. No, it is incredible. Give
this to everyone and know, God is real, as is,
the Synagogue of Satan. It is the TV American,
who will not help US in anyway on this last
ditch effort as 'escaping' the Antichrist from
our free words given on this issue. Let Justice
prevail by forwarding this to all Peoples.
Zionist "Jews" burn the New Testament in Hatred for God as Just
Video: Israel Bans the Basics of Life for Everyone
Israeli Settlers Step Up Attacks on Churches
/ / Israel executed wounded, abused corpses and
emptied automatic weapons into bodies at point
blank range. These were the acts of brutal
animals, not humans. \ \
IDF denies disciplining top officers over
phosphorous used against children targeted
9/11: Mossad Is Guilty U.S. Army Study On Mossad
"Anti-Mosque Coalitions Website Owned By
Neo-Conservative Islamophobe Frank Gaffney"
/ / Gaffney: "It is regrettable that they had to
die, but I believe they did have to die. The
danger was inaction could have resulted in the
death of a great many more Americans than 4,000.
And that's the reason I'm still delighted that we
did what we did." \ \ Saddam was doing whatever
was asked plus more - whatdidtheywantbutnotaskfor
Saddam wasn't in violation of 1441. War
criminals truly deserve to die by war crimes
Public trial. Why? It's NEEDLESS mass murder
Neocon Gaffney supports on magic TV without the
facts there to defend anyone. Dying. The Iraq
war has no cause. Soldiers are warring there to
bring about a situation that was present before
the conflict began. Near Impossible now with all
the toxic waste and losses to everyone of
innocent lives made to suffer and die for nothing
but the Bushite's contempt for Law. Contempt for
Justice. Contempt for our wise leaders of
civility, contempt for Freedom. Once nearer a
civilized Humanity we were living for freedom,
and now, all suffering with God for more than a
thousand years, due these Zionist Nazi illiterate
savages, pirating our fire power. Innoculating
THEMSELVES blindly with posions that make US all
even dumber. George Walker Bush is evil
personified as the war criminal of the worst
order, ever. As Humanity it must all be our
fault, for I felt I could easily help everyone to
be more Human than all we've been left as on TV
since 911 happened on our watch. One thing is
for sure: Lawless wars for ungodly tyranny by
slavery sucks for everybody. Justice is a must
if we are to ever claim Victory here again.
Limbaugh wills to kill America for stolen gains.
As why, he must censor the facts from reaching
the general dumfuk masses, for on that day, we
will be taking him away in chains for the naked
treasons he has run, as a fellow 911 conspirator
that disallows the public from following probable
cause.. as how the police forces of good in our
communities do it, or to form ANY, I said ANY
conclusion. (No BS) Ask any American, and near
all will tell, they don't want to be victimized
if they can help themselves. Rush Limbaugh, as
like near every last Republican Tea Bagger
Libertarian doesn't want Justice if it means
America will be defended from lawless tyranny.
Pushed irrationally by rightard Ideologue bigots
and racists, as if their false judgments could
stand to open challenge in a free to speak forum.
Too much to steal from the dying suckers who
would refuse to forward these fine words..
Bush and Cheney closed 911 police investigations.
They were being told "not to interfere in
incidents in which Afghan forces were having sex
with children." Bushite grunts raping kids, and
what does the American man have to say? too
cowardly to speak for the interests of innocent
victims? No to Women's Rights is what these
bushites war unjustly our Humanity to rape as
thieves further, officially pushing heroin, and
executing individuals simply becasue they are
Christians. Do something good, and kill an
unlawful Bushite enemy for Afghanistan, for
America, and for Christ. Die bushite war
criminal nazi fuks die.
SCAM OF SCAMS : everything is true / take me to your leader
/ / One of Four Female College Students
Will Be Raped Before Graduating \ \
TV Americans don't care. They hold
women in contempt, as they do
for God, and everyone else.
'Explore Koran Day' Sept 11 NWO resistance
"Whichever God we believe in then it
must be a very disappointed God indeed."
Demon evil bush whore TV Americans of the
Antichrist don't even know the half of it. Nor,
do they care. I could justly answer this in two
minutes, but Americans, all Americans hold God in
contempt to remain silent. They hate Life. They
refuse these words, not because they suspect I am
wrong, but because they know I am right. That's
why they're all so contemptuous. All they want
is to rape our wives and children, steal our
money, as destroy our country for the glories of
the Bushite grunting savages in league with the
demon Antichrist of 9/11. I mean, look, they
can't even condemn the demon whore of Satan,
Sarah 'the retard' Palin, and that is truly
something by saying nothing at all.
You Know
You know, I am really beginning to hate
Republicans. They read these words, and don't
give a care for any innocent human being they
would rather see suffer, than to have freedom
prevail for US in this matter. They are like the
Nazi grunting soldiers who shoot innocent Humans
being at random, rape or rob, push heroin or
steal pensions, all for the ungodly Antichrist
responsible for 9/11 as lawless enemies of all
mankind. Wy do they refuse to forward a call for
Justice then..? They can't even be bothered to
raise a concern, never mind a phone but for to
tell how fantastic it is to refuse liberty to all
others for unjust victimhood. Republicans are
universally illiterates, FOXNEWS know nothings of
economics or law, con artists who hate our
species for being intelligent. (Otherwise we'd
know them for the cheats they are.) I hate
Republicans for being silently Zionist as Commie
Pinkos for Satan. Ungodly evil Zionists of AIPAC
who see nothing wrong as worth mentioning in
stealing an innocent Christian's Home if they can
profit from the war crimes against US as God and
Calling For Justice In This Town
Let US unite to know, we will under no
circumstances allow these 911 demons to escape
our authority.
Flight 93 Cell Call Exposed
We are dealing with some seriously evil Zionist
Nazi fucks. Like of Israeli, who will murder
your innocent family to steal our money through
AIPAC. Satanic of those who steal the title of a
fair minded bloke named the Messiah, or just your
average John calling for Justice in this town.
Let US unite to know, we will under no
circumstances allow these 911 demons to escape
our authority. Remember: In Nazi Israel, they
actually targeted innocent children for
incineration with white phosphorus, as
psychotically twisted mass murderers - truce
breakers to getting killed Jews too for the
stolen gains - through AIPAC, mass murdering war
criminals that are labeled, "Jews" as the story
told by God in the Book, of these pirating evil
ungodly wretches. The Satanic Nazi Israeli
government of body organ thieves, are demonic war
criminals who glee to see US, the innocent
suffer, as Christ on the Cross, or US black Jew
brothers across the pond. For they fear no real
God they mock to our faces in the Second Coming..
where apparently we take swift Just action to try
every last AIPAC member with the high crimes of
naked sedition they are for sure guilty of, like
bribe taking, as the war crimes committed of the
most sinister. Never shall I as King see them
escape my friends. Go to tell this on a mountain
somewheres why don't you? You decide. ..but
deciding not to decide is still a decision you
take with silence - don't be evil expecting
someone else to do everything. We are all only
men and women in this world of great war crime
sufferings - let's change this by working to
actually defend ourselves here - Justice for all
is a must if we want the freedom to be we alone
among the stars.
The New World Order
We demand open communications to speak the facts,
while You as an American, would rather die for
treasonous liars who kill Americans for stolen
gain? Your call losering. We all could be
Scott Horton Interviews Eric Margolis
"Justice is what they want today."
This was an incredible talk requiring
international coverage, to push further through
for a better world withn our grasps. if we
reach. For words much pray, forward marching
with this to say.
'Republicans are Constitutionalists'
Banksters do not cover our loans. Iraq is a war
crime scene, while 911 is yet to be investigated
by the Law. Torture is illegal, like rape, and
extortion. The smarter Public option of Ron Paul
and fiends, but not for the common folk who pay
twice as more to get nothing as claimed is..
tricky. The Congress men are too stupid to serve
the American Public's interest there BUT they are
smart enough to do it for thermselves privately.
Sounds exactly like Commie Pinkoism. Only the
Elites of the Elites, namely all of every last
Republican and Ron Paul, get what they put in as
the smarter players in all this, while You, yes
you, as the American sucker, you get left paying
for their denials of fair coverage. Commie
Pinkoism plain and simple. [Explained better two
pages down somewhere..]
There is no "Ground Zero" Mosque
Obama Targeted Killings Suit Spotlights US Targets
ehboei,.. murder it's called. Murder. Look, if
Obama has a true reason to claim an American
deserved their death sentence, it would be in
America's authority to rightly defend yourselves
with US as our side. To murder som... Look,..
Obama is guilty of attempting for real, first
degree murder here - a person he can't have
arrested for an actual offence against any, The
Peoples, for the falsely accused IS an innocent
American man or women. So, if a "Birther" or
Libertarian, or Republican was a true American
Patriot, they would be rightly teaed off here
about such an issue as critical to all involved.
Innocent Americans marked for murder by an
unlawful rogue state over extending their
usefulness into bad news for all as escaping
bushite war criminals. Why so mr. magic man of
a place where self respect is a given right?
Americans do not want to be murdered. Ask any of
them. Hi, my names John. Tyranny sucks.
Justice is Victory.
USA makes it illegal to give aid to Gaza! In
"Holder vs. Humanitarian Law" While funding Nazi
Israel to main and murder the innocent loved by
This is so incredibly evil as ungodly war criminal.
Wake Up! You're Being Murdered
Sent Out and Counting
"senior Goldman people have loaded up on firearms
and are now equipped to defend themselves if
there is a populist uprising against the bank."
Ha. It's OUR police officers they should be
worried about enforcing OUR standing laws for
extortion, and Bank robbery. Unless that is who
they think they will over power, with all our
Governments, and the eternal timeless LORD of
Creation. Just what are the odds? Crazy bums..
There is more to this? Capitalizing? Awesome.
play on...
Demon Schemes against the Great America I Claim
/ / DCIS investigators identified 264 Defense
employees or contractors who had purchased child
pornography online. \ \ just 10 were sorta charged
But because they are likely in full support of
Rumsfeld's child rapist torture buddies, they
escape all lawless prosecution from males like
they have as "politics" in America. .like those
that to this day, are escaping gang raping my
AMERICAN WOMEN as FOXNEWS Heroes, or torturing
INNOCENT Americans maybe to death - 'who cares?'
as a Bushite says in America to not raise it's
free man's claim as demanding Justice for this
day. Bill a Bushite for Christ why don't we
then? Justice for all is a big win for everyone.
Trust US on this point. Be Human, and take these
words to have as your own thoughts in this
moment. Take a stand for the common man as
freedom must reign in a world that respects our
natural claim. To have some self respect. I
can't live in that world of personal cowardice
the FOXNEWS fan shoes in for slave labor,
torture, and the death of America with the escape
of demon schemes against the Great America I
claim. Why? To me, life is naturally a wonder,
a place to achieve for something greater. TV
Americans can not even dream of this world, but
for that they sacrifice as un-informed crime
victims actually TV rooting to more to be done in
for. Unless you maybe just do not know yet... I
know this philosophy, largely because I gave it
some thought. Well, now you do too, could, if
you tried, by forwarding this post on to a dying
world waiting to be saved with freedom as
realized. Welcome to Paradise. You bastards
John Oliver says Muslims are allowed to put a
mosque near Ground Zero, just like Catholics can
build a church next to a playground.
All aahhh.. Now i see
Because Bush and Cheney closed official 911
Police investigations, we will go nowhere until,
we arrest the demons for obstruction, to get back
to following probable cause to arrest the actual
bad guys. Starting with Ahmad for funding the
op, and then going to the Taliban claiming, no
evidence will be brought against the accused.
So, the FBI as acknowledged; they have no
evidence linking bin Laden to 911 to form an
actual warrant. PD51, W199i and so on, were/ARE
threats against real cops talking about this, or
moving forward with formal arrests of those
responsible for mass murdering Americans.
Bushite Nazi Grunter who wants 'limited
government' to escape himself from gang rape,
torture and murder of AMERICAN WOMEN states,
"I don't care."
PBS "The true cost of the bank bailout: $12.8 TRILLION"
U.S. Rescue costs 23.7 Trillion, Barofsky Says (Update3)
Look, are we going to go by the actual auditor
who claims with the paper work to exceed 23.7
trillion, or no? I wouldn't make a deal out of
this, but for PBS stating, "The true cost", where
when you get a loan from the bank, they do not
cover our loans. We do. blink.. blink.. okay,
we are paying, yes paying them back for money
thye never lent us to begin with. They have
trillions, and now want to war all ourselves
for escape of the documented extortions.
Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers
I wish Humanity could understand how serious
these crimes are. 1 in 5 children of America
were reported to have received these shots
containing mercury. Not a liberal socialist blind
man theory, but a scientific certainty that it did
nothing to prevent the "flu", but caused FOR
SURE, massive brian damage. More recruits of the
bushite minions we can only presume. It is still
a crime against Humanity despite the fact that
CNN, CBC, FOXNEWS and others will deny our
humanity the science on any subject as truly
concerned. Especially maths. 2% on S.S. for
example. A trust fund. 2%. Fight back for the
truth to will out over the nazi grunting
illiterate liars who can't compete, so call
themselves "Conservatives", or "Republicans" or
"Libertarians", all tuned to hold the American
Constitution in contempt. Bush and Cheney closed
9/11 Police Investigations. 1441. The Banksters
don't cover our loans. Free debates must be
demanded for freedom to rule fairly in our
benefits. Bigots and racists are weaker minded
fools, that don't want Justice ruling, where they
are exposed for the cons they truly are to
themselves. Have no fear. I am a pro. This is
old school Human: Justice is Victory.
The Psychopaths of Power Play the Insanity Card
/ / the judge in the case declared that "there was
no evidence linking [Padilla] to specific acts of
terrorism anywhere or that their actions had
resulted in death or injury to anyone" -- even
as she handed the torture victim a 17-year prison
sentence, as Winter Patriot reports. \ \
Please, Americans. Demand a rightful death
sentence, as according to Standing American Law,
for those at FOXNEWS and elsewhere who support
torture in America. Republicans almost
exclusively, but some demonrats too. Do not
let them escape torturing innocent Americans
for sadistic ungodly war crime pleasures. Please
fight for what is right, or die as a consequence
of your personal contempt for true Freedom as
Convicted for Protesting; Satanic Evil U.S. Silent
Republican Party Chairman Sam Walls,
he likes to dress up in women's clothing
(..and hang around in bars?)
Yeah yeah, it's entertaining, but are these the
kind of professional People persons we want
advising our decisions for cash bribes to benefit
lawless tyranny? Being Trannies or otherwise?
Especially when they have that ani-Gay 'secret'
they push before ever calling of arrests for
Bankster extortions? No instead, they tv 'no
opinion' sell on the clamp down of America's
growing poorer across the board. As the
alienated population for furthering their
sadomasochistic AIPAC criminal tendencies against
a wiser crowd seeing them for who they truly are
now? Like minimally un-qualified? Like, for
example: how is it possible that AJ sees little
cause to be concerned about Nazi Israeli STEALING
the homes from INNOCENT Christians with his tax
dollars to war GOD? Again, how is it that anyone
could freely vote Republican or Demonrat to govern
ourselves lawlessly for continuing terror in error?
Disenfranchising our suckered dying teens to die
in Iraq, and Afghanistan criminally warring for
the final escape of the Peenacker Neocons with
Bush and Cheney for 911.. Sick shit. We need
some new views of a greater tomorrow where honest
good leadership is prized as a win. Simple
Study of a Bushite's Psyche
Where censorship isn't practiced, the bigots lose
to the facts they doesn't own. Like our world.
Would you rather die innocent victim than have
Justice win by polite open debate denied this God
forsaken world?
We need to organize the enforcement of our laws
by priority. War of false imprisonment to
enslave the innocent, is a strategy, I contend,
nobody here in this arrangement adheres to. We
The Peoples are paying for going without good
enough attention to who is who here being left
forsaken to die on a cross somewhere. Dying
victims to the corporate news pros denying rights
to be defended as equals. War criminals who
pirate America's uniform to rape and pillage with
an official policy of denying an accused as
anyone any rights as defending ourselves are the
actions of the enemy traitors. All falling
victims for the cowardly bushite war criminal
sacrificers, warring for the escapes of the
neocon peenacker party of guilty 911 Nazi Zionist
conspirators - those who truly done did do
America wrong, as still wrong is it always will
for always be as. The Zombie Commies refusing
the FACTS that get in the way of attempting
further escape of Bush, Cheney, Condi and
Rumsfeld for the high treason called Obstruction.
As they did, when closing official American
Police investigations, as the "police actions" of
the dishonorable. Played by corporate control in
a self defeating no facts for US criminal
strategy, rooted as remaining us silented
internationally on furthering these crimes the
bushite "Judges" are guilty for at Guantanamo for
starters. Crimes that should be seen as clearly
in, warranting our outrages of un-acceptable
lawless standards to the cause of Our Great
Humanity. Now Rising. oh.. never mind, as you
Social Security is a Trust Fund
Removing the Federal Reserve requires a
Government that would act in the Public's
interest, as that is what is not happening right
now with private bankster privilege, and the
Rightards campaigning for "limited" "small"
government.. limited from Rightly arresting Bush
and Cheney for 911, and the KBR gang rapists of
American women? A Rightard can't even fathom how
to serve US the public equitably when they (The
Political Bourgeois leadership of Commie Pinko
Elitist TV Society) take RELATIVE terms like "Big
Government" and claim them falsely as Absolutely
meaning something to themselves as rejects
ill-defining - ergo - why we are denied freedom
for the individual by corporate mind control like
America's infallible Pope, the, 'not right or
Left' "Conservative" rightard Alex Jones. Why?
American Peoples are too bigoted to not have
thought of this freely sooner. God thing we was
there Is all I've been saying here forever man
united with the forces that bind all natures for
the better good. No Justice, life sucks. Bush
gave US no evidence to form his non-science, A
then ACTUALLY closed 911 Police investigations
(W199i,PD51,P2OG,ABCNEWS) claiming, from that
moment on. if we were to even/ever form our/an
own/any conclusion, (or follow probable cause in
a fight against lawless tyranny) we would no
longer be with him, but with the terrorists
apposing torture or distinct extortion.
Extortion of the 'little' trillions variety that
Americans are expected to pay back, going
without, far over the next millennia. Real
torture, real extortion. Real American lives.
died on 911, who's families continue to suffer
the unjust consequences of Your personal inaction
to word these worlds. So; a for real Antichrist
of Evil personified actually exists that's all in
the name of George Walker Bush, grandson to
Hitler's Banker, and his thoughtless dying
minions of evil in this world are as so, ungodly
murderous war criminals. ANTICHRIST.
Explanation: Evil is the deceived disguised.
These words of thought about living free are
universally represented. No evidence against an
accused is truly US being abused. No matter
"who" you are. Socialist Libertarian, King
Johnny, whatever man.
Justice is Freedom
We can't divorce ourselves of the governing
decisions that the government takes as given
already. Banksters don't cover our loans is
priority one for topics to freely discuss, done
during after the initiation of public warrants
for the arrests those guilty of mass murder in
America on 911, and in Britain on 7/7, all done
by following probable cause to nab the actual
culprits. General Ahmad for example, and Peter
Power. Someone else must have helped the
terrorists do the footwork, for we have video of
iron pouring out the side of the World Trade
Towers, and someone from Scotland Yard (likely
Ian Blair) tried to steal the CCTV video where
the innocent victim gunned down in the street
(who worked for a private security firm it has
been alleged), was murdered by the enemy to
assist in the formal escape of Peter Power and
Associates - those that truly did US wrong as, in
part, responsible for the mass murder. Following
probable cause it's called. Watch Dragnet, or
A&E's The First 48. Don't miss "Loosechange
Final Cut" either, So, where to begin... Bush
and Cheney.
Now, I am waiting on You to do what is right, and
champion this defense, as if you Own rights we're
living in lawless reckless abandon., in Jeopardy.
We can do it. Justice for all is freedom to be.
I am King Johnny, an equal to the body politic as
fair gain in a free market place of ideals.
Ideals to keeping Justice rule supreme for the
definition of Freedom known. That would
naturally make simple sense to just about anyone
listening. No evidence, suspect is innocent.
Torturing innocent persons to get false
confessions for murder, while the true culprits
make their escape from Judgment warrants Death.
(that according to Standing America Law ushered
by Reagan.) Life should be Good if we can help it
along some for The Peoples winning. Thank you.
..and goodnight.
Don't want the facts?
The Republican TRAITORS all on the magic tv
telling American dimwits not to support wise
Justice for pirated America, should then earn
them life term prison sentences for naked
sedition escaping the Peenacker, what say You?
How did KSM get the explosives in WTC7 then?
Bushite McCainiacs are evil stupid people of
History's worst example for false accusations.
To near never apply our skills of communicating
to seek greater understandings, but to divide
our/itself as a bigot false accuser not qualified
to hold such a position in complete disregard for
the worth of it's viewer. US, the Audience.
Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate
warfare would better serve ourselves to halt for
our safety. The bushmob did 911.
1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta
2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers
Study: CEOs Who Fired Most Workers Earned Highest Pay
All the while, Republicans irrationally argue
America must not tax them fairly either, and the
magic TV sells without opinion, like maybe, that
like, makes sorta cents to paying Americans who
know no better while dying poorer in self
contempt. Contempt for me, contempt for God,
contempt for American values the TV sells
unjustly to prosper themselves further. Hey!
who cares! the market is up! ! The market is
what? Amerikan dumfuk Rightard "Well, seeing I
have no real knowledge on this subject, I can't
fathom why FOX NEWS would ask me of it during
prime time, but I'll tell you all about it never
the less.. see.. it's" free market, so blame
all things Liberal. Like Alex Jones does daily,
while prefacing that he's not left or right as a
extreme Absolutionist Bigot "Conservative". He
does the same on his, 'I'm not a racist, and
wouldn't support the KKK, but all those of Mexico
and the billion plus Muslims think like I say
they think despairingly 'they' do... er.. hmmm
Maybe John is actually hugely wiser than any man
or women alive and/or dead ever by demanding real
Justice in defense of all that exists fairly?
Naaahhhh... I can't see that - get real'
Top Priority
Top priority. Justice for 911 Victims. Paper
ballots for fair elections on fixing to vote for
a public education on 'banking scams'. Us, and
them who hide and pretend who's all paying for
this there is something not publicly defined.
Because they are taking us for Rooked! Banksters
don't cover our loans. Checkmate.
get out of jail free card
Bush and Cheney closed official 911 police
investigations. What do Conservatives do? Look
to blame an entitlement society of homeless
people charged big money to eat at the Salvation
Army. Or immigrants that look just like you or
me to the bushite grunting thieves who war as the
bad guys mass murdering the innocent, to rape
American women, to rape Afghanistan and Iraqi
children, all the while dying to steal everyone's
money for the magical bankster. How can Alex
Jones of the NWOers get behind such madness in
AZ? Considering all the movies he's made? HOW
HOW HOW? I don't know entirely, but to
speculate, it's his fear that otherwise, wise men
and women might be allotted a space to speak
freely against the demon enemy George Noory about
war criminals Bush and Cheney, and then his,
ridiculous! greater than everyone else of
History's ego would be bruised. So, I guess Alex
is prepared to support military dictatorship and
the death of freedom in America to make him look
strong against the wiser folks who are truly
committed to freedom as Justice for all. AJ's
Liberals, = everybody but a blind and stupid
"Conservative". American Conservatives think
Rand isn't treasonously working to deny the crime
scene evidence over at, Social Security, of
trillions stolen, of which he is stupidly. Never
mentioned ever by Alex Jones I'm pretty sure, at
least for sure, it's not something he'll mention
as important that the elderly and poor of America
that have been directly robbed as defrauded today
and for tomorrow as something to care for. Name
ANY American Conservative, and I'll show you a
person who claims at BEST! war criminal Bush who
lied to kill America is no worse than an AJ
puppet, leave him alone, he's on our team, the
dumfuks who know near nothing of economics, law,
and so on.. It's a true Nazi cowardice, it's a
refusal to understand, millions have been
murdered already by the Amerikan Nazi Zionist Air
Force who bombs US, The Peoples at random.
Cities bombed containing Peoples, with what they
term "Guess work" all on the excuse, that Bush is
their lawless Antichrist enemy of Humanity and
God, as a get out of jail free card.
Why is this happening?
Banksters are walking away with defrauded
TRILLIONS. Understand, Republicans don't have a
TV problem with gang rapists of American women
walking free in our America (as bribers KBR)
either, so counting on a Republican for honorable
commentary regarding this serious Life issue on
where they wish to further steal ourselves away
from a just rule, should be aptly considered when
we start taking calls on what all needs being
done intelligently to save our planet from these
lawless scoundrels, these liars, who pirate our
air spaces from free communications ruling. Let
Justice be our defense of Freedom.
DOJ to Arpaio: Show Me Your Papers
/ / Arpaio has failed to serve over 40,000 felony
warrants. Arpaio is suspected of misspending $50
million \ \
INCREDIBLE. As again, understand the magic TV
and Alex Jones wont let the truth speak as
ourselves. The claim by the Obama admini..
BP ultimatum: Let us drill or funds will dry up
My friends. Let's think about this and banking.
We, as a species, are not as stupid as the TV
junkies sell for stolen profits through
'Sweden Democrats banned Political ad'
...threatening the TV racist bigot mongrels, (a
minority in Sweden), that they as the
"Democratic" government can only ever be at one
thing exclusively as why they must choose: save
your pensions that are being stolen, or stop
Muslims from shopping at our grocery stores. But
something even more two dimensional. Why?
Because their media as here, will refuse a
intelligent man or women to openly publicly
comment, or freely debate the illiterate slaves
into the proper place. Prison cells for pension
thieves no matter what the price of tomatoes is
in crazytown how about for starters? Perspective
with insight is greater than an American Glenn
Back fan who champions that Justice is a code
word for tyranny. We honestly would defeat this
nonsense in seconds, while some, for a fault that
is not completely their own, get lost in fear to
become what the TV pushes suggestively, to
proudly be, Bushite Zionist Nazi whores of Evil -
those who will to harm the innocent and godly,
done for the Bushite's hatred of Justice - as a
wise man or women speaking. THINK ABOUT IT:
every Bushite's wife, would leave the Bushite
dead for good in an instant, if they were made
savvy, not every male of Humanity is as their
magic TV sells, a Bush whore anti-Gay faggot.
Real men are not the Nazi grunter who wars
innocent women and children with torture and dope
pushing, bombing our cities indiscriminately,
giving their cowardly sick lives for the criminal
escape of those that truly done did do America
wrong as documented. Namely, Bush and Cheney for
closing 911 Police investigations. Case and
Bushite Nazi Grunts are Dying for Child Rapists
/ / So our troops are fighting and dying for child
rapists in a warped fundamentalist theocracy. \ \
The Talban would take child rapists, and have
them tried, then executed upon successful
prosecution. Bushite nazi grunts war to gang
rape women and children with their 'buds' at KBR
and Blackwater.. so what are You going to do?
How about, Killing a Bushite for Christ?, cause
the bushite doesn't care for anyone or anything
of Life, but what it can steal as a lawless TV
Bush whore of the for real Antichrist enemy of
Everyone as Creation. No evidence against an
accused is US being truly abused. Torture
warrants death - die Bushite die.
Afghan president says airstrike killed civilians
/ / "I am able to confirm that a very senior
official of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
was the target and was killed," Gates said.
[apposing the crazed tyrant of Uzbekistan, who
according to anyone, is clinically insane?]
"There aren't even any Taliban in this area,"
Taqwa said. "They were all working on Mr.
Khorasani's campaign." \ \
This is another why I beg all real men to kill a
Bushite for America. These bushite enemies will
gang rape your American wife, and claim that FOX
still sells they are heroic for doing so without
question. Zionist Lawlessnes is the enemy of
every last free man among US, and a Bushite LIAR
wars against a Just cause winning our Liberties,
as the dying loves of our INNOCENT families.
Kill a Bushite for Christ and be truly blessed a
man among men. They war to rape Afghanistan
children, to torture the innocent for false
confessions escaping the evil doers, and as such,
should warrant a death sentence alone without
much any further considerations. (let alone Bush
and Cheney escaping for 911) DIE BUSHITE DIE.
No One Can Doubt?
/ / Yet no one can doubt President Bushs support
for our troops, or his love of country and
commitment to our security \ \ Mr. Bush, the
Antichrist, closed 911 police investigations,
meaning the perpetrators are still escaping. Be
they blindly with bin Laden or otherwise. How
did bin Laden get the explosives into building 7
without an accessory? Bush don't want US to
know, and neither does Obama. Rather murder
millions of innocent Peoples to steal our values
of Justice as fair play. Plus, Obama is guilty
of extorting TRILLIONS from the American suckers
who refuse to champion a just cause, for, that is
where real men labor. Nazi grunters get off on
raping women and children, while bombing our
cities indiscriminately for ungodly Zionist Nazi
Satanism. No care for Justice in America, no
care for life in this universe.
War Criminals are shifty. But we are up for the
challenge. Justice for All means America wins.
The "No Mosque at Ground Zero" Protest
These ungodly evil enemies of Life, spew a hatred
for GOD and Man, without cause, without
understanding, without thought. Satanic enemies
of Christ they are as malcontents, that in ten
years, couldn't never bother to pick up a good
book, or read any of the Son of God's wise words.
Facts near never ever disputed by anyone. Why?
Because God is Just, and Americans hate that
because they KNOW, they are parasites of
Humanity, gearing to rape and pillage more of US
undefended innocent masses for the glories of the
lawless demon Antichrist.
American Zionist to the INNOCENT Jew "You deserve to die."
Bushite are not men, but true enemies of the
Republic, and on all we stand for Freedom.
Serving in Iraq Killed my Faith in God
Yeah right, it's God's fault Your so stupid as
EVIL doers dying for the escape of Bush and
Cheney as Obstructers to American Justice.
Sounds more like typical Nazi cowardice to me,
but what do we know of the innocent victims
targeted by Zionists as mass murdered on 911 too?
America is a nation of cowardly males, too afraid
to be men in our world demanding Justice for all
as truly ourselves. Bushites deserve to die
before the innocent they target for war crime
plunder, and you don't have to be God, or Christ
suffering on a cross everywhere to know so. Only
a man, an honest man. A true man. A real man.
Bushite Nazi liars are not American, nor nowhere
near honorable. They war God for the escape of
guilty Bush and Cheney for 911. They war
Afganistan for pension thieves Enron and to push
heroin. And We, the Human species have no one to
blame but their cowardly evil Zionist selves mass
murdering the innocent as Satanic enemies of
everyone and everything truly. They war to rape
women and children, to thieve and mass murder the
targeted innocent, and dying TV Americans still
claim them as Heroic.
Glenn Beck: "I didn't think I could hate victims
faster than the 9/11 victims"
American Patriot?
/ / "During the total darkness of the desert
night, the Flying Lion Battalion begins to move
towards the training grounds which resemble a
Palestinian village. The Marines are currently
split into two platoons, which are under the
command of Israeli \ \ Gunning for the nasty
innocent Christian families surviving in a
concentration death camp right? ..right? Of
course Commie Pinko Nazis always have to hide and
pretend their real men who can't hear what we're
Sound American?
Glenn Beck: "I didn't think I could hate victims
faster than the 9/11 victims" for demanding real
justice like they have some right to speak here
Again, American Patriot?
Ted Nugent, Chuck Norris, and the like say so as
'reasons' to kill some innocent other as
profitable, what about You?
John McCain introduced a bill into the U.S.
Senate which, if passed, would actually allow
U.S. citizens to be arrested and detained
indefinitely, all without Miranda rights or ever
being charged with a crime.
Treason is what that is called. High treason of
the most evil of Satanic natures. How McCain
walks free in our dying America, just trying! to
do this is in the public 'light' is beyond me..
Must be because he is on the NWOer's team, an
election rigging Republican Rightard aka Commie
Socialist Pinko. [see further down a page for
Picturing this; imagine there is no McCainiac but
a McCainiac, now what kind of world?
Ground Zero Islamic centers funding leads to CFR
Not a Muslim in the bunch.
/ / and that's no conspiracy theory. \ \
"Israeli Defense Force Bomb Jews?"
The Holy Bible is no Lie guy.
"Al-Qaida terrorists may pose as Ethiopians to sneak into Israel"
Islamophobia Israels Most Cherished Weapon
And as demon evil Mr. Bush bitch LIARS, the
bigots, the racists, a scumbag - will claim on
our TV and Radio, what all believers in God/Allah
believe about everything [NO EXAGGERATION], gets
to pirate our Public air space left unchallenged
for rightful ridicule on their irrationalism, all
because some here will have none of it for
anyone. No Justice for you, no Justice for them.
Rightards. Never elected Mr. Bush and Cheney
will escape for mass murder in America on 911,
and Your just going to have to sissy it cock
suckers. That's a "Conservative" for you.. No
wonder their almost exclusively anti-Gay faggots
wanting a uniform to boss teens around for
profitable war crime deaths as their personal
contempt for all that is right eh?
Get Real, God Is
American soldiers are being conned to die warring
God and Humanity for the escape of Bush and
Cheney, and Alex Jones sells, support
(pro-racists but not a racist himself - how dare
you] Rand and Ron, because they are dedicated to
attack the State. Not banksters walking away
with trillions extorted, not S.S. pilfered by
shysters, poisonous vaccines, ect., no, welfare
mothers, those in need of Health Care, and the
elderly. I'm telling America, right here and
now: Alex Jones and the con men Pauls are not
Constitutionalists, for if they were they would
demand the arrest of Bush and Cheney for closing
911 police investigations, and for the war crimes
of Iraq costing AMERICAN lives. AJ does not much
care to support anyone else but a bigot who hates
blindly like himself. What ever happened to the
struggles for Justice on 911?, or for Palestinian
Christians in a concentration death camp deprived
food and water? Corporate American Puppets don't
like the smarter folks speaking truths they can't
argue against in the light of day as evil doing?
Who cares anymore? Get real, God is. Forward
To support the arrest of those who committed 911,
is the actions of a true Patriot. Well said.
Well, at least it's not all bad news. When a
Bushite grunter dies, all the Angels in Heaven
rejoice. For another lawless demon minion of the
Antichrist is rightly dead, before another human
being, usually a child, falls as innocent murder
victim or tortured. Thank you from Christ to all
real men in Afghanistan for killing a bushite who
wars our innocent Humanity for the escape of evil
TV America's Antichrist Bush and Cheney for 911.
Death to the lawless Bushite, death to the
enemies of God and Man.
Why Rightly Bill WAR CRIME Bushite Grunters
/ / the Gitmo Kangaroo Courts constitute war
crimes under the Laws of War, the Four Geneva
Conventions of 1949, and even the U. S. Army's
own Field Manual 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare
(1956). \ \
Innocent peoples they torture to get false
confessions for terrorist crimes that the for
sure guilty party escapes because of. Enemies of
God and Liberty. Say it with Christ in God, or
as the Atheist's Atheist: DIE BUSHITE DIE.
Bushite are not men, but true enemies of the
Republic, and on all we stand for Freedom.
Justice is Freedom. A bushite hides in darkness
and pretends it's a real man to not demand
answers for these censored questions, regarding
their cowardly criminal sacrifice for the escape
of those who truly done did do America wrong on
911 partner. Bush and Cheney officially halted
American Police Investigations designed since the
dawn of Man to capture the actual bad guys. They
war Afghanistan to rape children, to abuse women,
to push heroin, to steal resources.. And we're
just saying is all.
"The U.N. said insurgents were responsible for 72
percent of the deaths -- up from 58 percent last year."
This is a war crime warranting death. No
investigations are conducted. And traitor NATO
claims after "Omar the Just" was arrested, to now
not have been arrested [PURE BS] advocating the
indiscriminate murder of women and children.
Documented Crimes of the Bushite Nazi grunters do
daily, while claiming school children are fair
targets when they war STUDENTS for the escape of
fellow bushite Nazi trash vermins. Die bushite
Top Al-Qaeda leader killed.... For the third time
See? A bushite LIAR, lies to mass murder
innocent defenseless families. Our families.
Never to speak of Bush and Cheney's escape for
halting our Police Services to complete our tasks
of victory over the terrorists of 911 at hand.
Take it from me, bushite dope pushers are
un-American evil. Recruited from third world
military dictatorships in who knows how many
cases as wearing our great flag, while picking
off Peoples randomly. Plus, KBR gang rapists
can't look good on any resume for a real man's
job to free ourselves of tyranny through Justice
supreme, but what do we know right?
Liar WAR CRIME NATO Enemy Forces in Afghanistan Killed Civilians
"Hunger Bill Cuts $14 Billion From Food Stamps"
Conservative Republican Libertarian good for
nothings will now advance the attacks against
poor people, not to demand the return of our
stolen trillions... or the public executions of
those who committed 911. do you care bushite?
The Demon Whore of Satan, Sara 'the retard' Palin
/ / It said "WORST GOVERNOR EVER". Kathleen
Gustafson is a teacher married to a local
commercial fisherman. She felt like Sarah Palin
had let the state down by becoming a
dollar-chasing celebrity and ignoring the oath of
office she'd sworn on a Bible. \ \
Well no doubt. She is a demon whore of Satan,
vying to kill American children (our cubs) with
demon lies like she tells about the war crimes,
extremely serious war crimes of Georgia against
all schools and hospitals, along with whoever
happened to be living in their homes, when the
forces united with Satanic demon whore Sarah
Palin slaughtered US indiscriminately. She
personally stole the bridge to nowhere money.
Everything she says like a Republican
Conservative tea bagger Libertarian, are demon
lies to escape the for real bad guys responsible
for destroying America with robing, raping,
torturing, and mass murdering. Bushite enemy
"I don't care."
Die bushite die.
Satanic Enemies of Christ at Demon Liar's Rally
/ / @mitchtibbens the U.S. went to vietnam to
help it's people from the communist, who wanted
to force the people into slavery, and after the
U.S. left [...]
The? Vietnam war was a great war, just ask Chuck
Norris. He was there in Missing in Action 1-3.
Palin/Huckabee 2012? \ \
Look at what dumb blind evil people do, to try
and hide from those wiser than all their years?
[you can truly sense, they know they are evil
pirates, when stealing the motto, "U.S.A.". They
know we know they are parasites looking for
ungodly sadistic pleasure to criminally escape
those who have done America wrong as mongering
tyrant enemy war criminals. Remember 911,
remember 911.]
The level of programmed ignorance is shocking.
This confident (false TV reality) 'expert', who
defines justice as criminal is a carbon copy of
Beck, but even weaker. Justice is Freedom.
Murder is illegal. Evil is Dumb. Stealing our
pensions is a crime everyone would say (or remain
silent), 'actually, no.. we're not going to
except that willingly as Repuglicon scum blaming
the innocent victims as censored for exploitation
by furthering the disenfranchisement of our
species', to the actual documented thieves
attempting to make their getaways by stupefied
Zombie TV mind control. Am I alone on this
The King Rules
Free open debates is all we are after here to
secure our Liberties. The American ignoramus
loses severely in open free debate with the facts
they have little of no real grasp as. Play
pretending they are worthy the respect a true
Patriot holds, as honorably committed against
lawlessness. What do these Glen Back/demon whore
of Satan Sarah 'the retard' Palin spin offs, know
of virtue? of honor? As Bushites, they don't
truly care for anything. as selling for sold as,
the magic TV excuses. No care for anyone,
especially themselves. See? One can not blame
God for our failures to communicate for our
benefits, if all we have is TV contempt for
intelligence ourselves broadcast 24/7 on near all
international media outlets. Glenn Beck
Americans would rather die it does seem, than
allow a real man or woman to speak on their
otherwised, unjust as evil national Zombie media
pronouncements, to demand justice meted fairly,
and that is a shame we can not further bare
without screaming for vengeance against the nine
eleven perpetrators escaping nowhere with the
trillioniare extortionists in tow. Spoken to our
entire Planet.
who can't see the reason for what Mr. Bush is,
in everything he has done for ungodly tyranny
home and abroad as war crime monger escaping
those who did 911, isn't a responsible literate
citizen. No evidence against an accused is US
being truly abused. Torture warrants death, but
for censorship to allow us free national debate
with any bush bitch FOX snooze fan still
breathing toxic waste.
Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate
warfare would better serve ourselves to halt for
our safety. The bushmob did 911.
1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta
2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers
Now, what cop in any right mind could blindly
support such furthering escape of those who have
truly done US all wrong like this answer me that.
We will not stop until we see Justice done
for US. God, and everyone else.
Bushite Nazi Grunters Murder Children in Cold Blood
/ / the soldiers told her she had to choose five
of her children to give as a gift to Israel. As
she screamed in horror they repeated the demand
and told her she could choose or they would
choose for her. Then these soldiers murdered
five of her children in front of her. \ \
(Remember: "American" grunters are now taking
blind as criminal command by Israeli Nazi forces
of godless tyranny for Satan.)
Funded by the American tax payers as a 'gift' to
God as Your stolen Humanity. Equal rights for
all, especially the Taliban's position in defense
of America, demanding evidence to form our guilty
verdicts. God Has Ruled: Kill a Bushite for
Christ and be Blessed by all as really worth
something here.
Again, a bushite has no commitment to defend
America, for it speaks nothing for the arrest of
the neocon traitors. traitors like themselves
whom will murder innocent folks like your Self to
steal our common values. Wouldn't you glory in
seeing these savage grunts who on video,
indiscriminately shoot innocent families, or bomb
a city entirely, executed by Christian Patriot
firing squads? or televised to fry in the
electric chair for these documented war crimes?
I sure would. It would make our world a much
safer place to raise a family secure in knowing,
bushite grunts as enemies of everyone, were
hunted to extinction for their crimes against our
Humanity. Hunted by Johnny Law, the True Spirit
of America. Who's in with the honorable and true?
John Cornyn: We'll Be Happy to Cooperate With
Democrats to Destroy Our Social Safety Nets [for
Paulson and the IMF trillioniare thieves]
Who could ever vote for this pro-rapist in a
democracy where the votes weren't rigged I ask
Cornyn defends Israel's right to kill innocent Americans
Remember, this demon enemy also supports gang
raping American women with FOX. And American men
don't care enough to murmur a concern, let alone
demand his head for treason. Again, all American
women, you need to find a real man like me who
will stand in defense of all that is right, as
all that is beautiful. Bushites deserve to die
for their treasonous crimes of mass murder and
torture against the targeted innocent done to
escape TRAITOR Bush and Cheney for 9/11. Bushite
are enemies of our Humanity, and God.
Tea Baggers to protest "high taxes and big government".
98% of working families received a tax cut.
Every state's average tax cut was similar. So
tell me again: What is it they're protesting?
Not the war crimes, not the banksters, not the
tortures, not the vaccines. Not AIPAC, not the
demon whore of Satan, Sarah 'the retard' Palin,
and not FOXSNEWS. Tea Baggers are Zombie dumfuk
Republican nazi whores who war America to escape
Bush and Cheney, and those at KBR who gang rape
America women left undefended. They champion
paying private insurance companies billions of
tax dollars irrationally as Ron Paul would
stupidly advise, because they hate, truly HATE a
wise man or woman being allowed to speak freely.
NWOers would rather see all of America die,
before allowing the truth be plainly told. It's
all about escaping Bush and Cheney for the
treasonous crime of Obstruction. A crime that
OFFICIALLY, escapes those responsble for mass
murder in New York City on 911. Americans don't
care for the innocent lives they steal for cash
profit, but, do you? Do you?? Then forward
these concerns, both pro or con. I demand open
communications to speak the facts, while You as
an American, would rather die for treasonous
liars who kill Americans for stolen gain? Your
call losering. We all could be Heroes.
How A Hero in New Orleans Was Arrested, Labeled A
Terrorist And Imprisoned by Lawless Bushite Enemies
/ / Meet Alan Simpson. He wants to gut Social
Security. And he's in charge of the future of
Social Security. How's that? President Obama
appointed him to lead a key Social Security
commission. Why? I have no clue. \ \
this writer at crooksandliars play the reader
so blinded?
"A New World Order Based Upon Collective Action"
is not as the blind ideologue claim, always must
be a failure to conclude what they can not
comprehend where they fear. The State is God,
good or bad. You choose.
'Deficit Too Large to Pay Unemployment INSURANCE Benefits'
'Republicans agree that tax cuts don't have to be paid for'
Republicans are evil parasites feeding to kill America.
Republicans for Rape [no, seriously]
[no, seriously]
Child RAPE Condoned by "Sexy" Rotten Rumsfeld
See in America, they have no gripes about
bushites raping children, or gang raping American
women, or torturing innocent peoples to death.
Let's as Humanity give life terms to those who
walk free in America that gang rape American
Women from KBR along with those 30 Republicans,
or those that rape/torture children as CNN's
"Heroes", the bushite nazi grunters of the demon
evil antiChrist how about?
Crimes Against God: Bushites are the Enemy
Street-Roving XRAY Vans
Did you know it isn't a socialist conspiracy but,
xrays do mutate the dna of human tissue? As a
person, you might ask, 'but what if the person is
a person who just can't care enough to know this
is an extremely serious assault being criminally
perpetrated against everyone by illiterate
grunters recruited as pro third world lawless
dictatorships?' You know, the pro-Bush gang of
Zombie like TV entertainment murderous rip offs.
Yah yah, like someone truly American, could
actually freely vote for Republican without shame
as publicly ridiculed, I mean, come on..
Republicans for Rape [no, seriously]
[Why can't we demand their arrests for gang rape?]
We must fight until the Patriots rise as Justice
calling to defend ourselves against these lawless
Zionist Nazi savages.
Bush team 'agreed plan to attack the Taliban the day before September
"if it refused to hand over Osama bin Laden"
For what? No evidence for anything was Condi's
war crime plan to escape the Neocons responsible
for mass murder on 911. Understand, THEY HAD NO
INVASION 'ESCAPING' the guilty Neocon.
[911 mass murder occured here] Pre-planned.
Look up the Taliban offering to hand over bin
Laden to Clinton and HE REFUSED! Refused for
more than 40 consecutive days!!! It's the inside
scoop on this crime against Humanity, without a
love for God or his greatly gifted Son John the
Baptizer truly. Not to worry all you bigot
minded losers trying to change your evil says,
I'm not gay that way dumfukkers. Though some of
my best friends are gay gay. I mean like Gay gay
gay gay gay gay - but well you know, to each
their own - and if you don't get all "gay" with
me when I'm seeking advisement on being
personable, like when developing my plan of plans
on how to meet chicks and influence people, I
think yeah whatever - I SIMPLY LOVE THE THEATRE!
Though, like I say, being gay is okay, it's just
not right for me. Freedom is here. Though I
have masterbated, then therefor, I was being what
then though? Transexual? Bisexual? Or if
American men watch their pornos where naked men
are present, doesn't that like, for sure make
them gay to be that way with an erection? If I
dream of pink panties on beautiful women, is that
not ME pretending to be something other.. But ah
yeah, these are just the musings of John being
gay to say, women women women women - pant -
drool - women women wommen women then. Ha I'm
funny sometimes to just myself I fear, so, never
mind all this lonely loser business ladies..
Back to me being the lonely winner who sings for
spare change outside as closer to the dime, er..
Hero I mean I am, yeah, a Hero. Great. Human.
Normal. Hungry. Man.
Muslim cab driver slashed by boozed-up bigot just
back from filming Marines in Afghanistan: cops
/ / The suspect also yelled, "Consider this a checkpoint" \ \
This warrants following probable cause by seizing
all his videos on his Zionist Nazi war crime
buddies treating innocent others for robbed
murder victims.
/ / Sens. John McCain and Joseph Lieberman on
Thursday [..] allow the U.S. military to detain
U.S. citizens without trial indefinitely in the
U.S. based on suspected activity. \ \
And remember, as many or more than 40 percent of
"American soldiers" are recruited from third
world military dictatorships. Mr. Bush's, most
closest, and bestest of friends. They torture,
they rape. They thieve, they bomb the innocent
as enemies of God and Man. Enemies of Freedom,
enemies of Justice. No evidence, person
innocent, but to a Tea Bagger, or Ron Paul, who
cares truly right?.
Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You
The Truth
Let US unite on arresting Joe Lieberman and
McCain for treason. It is without reason that
America wills to imprison themselves as innocent
persons indefinitely to prosper the Zionist
peenacker neocon CRIMINALS. Old school Humans
use to call that crime kidnapping. It is still
on the books however as un-American. Who are
ever going to believe in American, if not
Americans? This McCainiac move is patently dumb,
as it is way down low tyrannically evil, and very
very very much illegal. To everyone.
"Jewish" Society?
I am in favor of a Jewish-Zionist State. I
defend what has been rightfully mine for ages. I
would even slaughter, not only abuse, the Arab
[Christians] and the real Jews too
See? As a true Christian Jew Muslim dude, I
recognize these threats against innocent God
loving Peoples, are of the Satanically evil, just
as the Holy Bible describes. Who is a Jewish
Messiah? A murderous thief?, or a lover of
Justice as fair living?
America Is Going to Hell!! - Ha hA HAa haaaha
American Christians carrying placards and
yelling 'GOD IS A LIE' - Can You Believe It?
"The U.S. state of Mississippi recently reopened all of its fishing
AJ 'theys just puppets, don't fight or call for
anyone's arrest for a criminal offense.. '
Alex Jones actually said nearly this to a caller
today, who asked why can't Alex allow the support
of arresting actual criminals. AJ said, he
wouldn't because his Globalists want that...
WHAT? To have arrested rapists? torturers?
Bush for closing 911 investigations as
treasonous? Alex Jones sucks.
"Benjamin Netanyahu rejects demands to continue settlement freeze"
That is a criminal offense of STEALING an
innocent Christian's home. Paid for 'willingly'
by Alex Jones not demanding legal action in our
own defenses. Why? Too wordy.
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers
DNA - Hitler was Jewish?!?!?!?
SEE? Zionist Nazis.
"Israel's new army chief led Gaza war"
The guy who encouraged Christian children to
gather into the city center, than burned them
alive for Satan, is now the boss of American
grunters on how to further murder more innocent
peoples for "Jews"?
[they pay NO royalties toooooooooooooo]
Tea Bagger 'Yeah but, they's harder to
pick on than helpless welfare mothers.'
Not for the Faint of Heart, but,
we.... can't.... turn.... away..
Steven Colbert Has Lost His Mind
His guest outlaid that we have no knowledge of
the dangers to eating deadly toxins present in
the fish going untested, then they advanced that
Americans should think nothing of it, and join
him faithfully in eating tainted fish from the
Gulf. He wasn't joking though... spooky times
my friends, spooky times.. Fear not. I'm a pro.
Justice is Victory.
Colbert: Grunts are all Heroes "Because no
matter how you felt about this war, we Americans
sent them out to fight [START!!] it" needlessly
mass murdering the nation to rob from everyone
No, Zionist TV liars sent naive teen soldiers to
commit war crimes against Humanity for sadistic
pleasures escaping Antichrist Bush and Cheney,
murdering millions of innocent Peoples to steal
from ourselves purposefully left out of the
discussions as collateral damages to their stolen
private takings. They stole all of Iraqis money,
and by threats of continuing mass murders, gave
the entire country to the IMF with Allawi for
further plunders by private Bankster swindles
that are CRIMINAL FRAUD without question.,
(absent a bigot rightard complaining about being
truly too dumb to comprende' (don't let 'them'
speak! don't let 'them' speak!). The IMF
private Banksters do not cover the loans, WE DO.)
They have stolen all their oil resources, and
gave them to BP and Dutch Shell for lootings they
claim will continue unabated far into the here
after labor day. Remember yester? the millions
of Americans who marched in the streets against
what Colbert lies we/they wanted as sold before
hand already as the TV demanded through heavy
heavy censorship, (dummy Intel around the made
criminal policy - just act normal, just act
normal - bombing everything torturing whoever
thieving all things. ORHA or, ha not very
funny.) and CNN, MSNBC, and Jon Stewart with FOX,
refused the truths to be spoken by pretending we
weren't there. [we knew they have the internets
just as the true coward grunter did too to say,
"I don't care."] Just as today. Bush and Cheney
closed 911 police investigations on why there is
iron flowing like water out of the towers on
video - see "loosechange final cut". AND, Saddam
wasn't in violation of 1441, meaning there was
nothing asked of Saddam that he didn't
immediately comply with. Including offers to
give Bush all radio and TV stations, and offering
to hand himself over within the magic TV publicly
offered hours to save the lives of his innocent
country men. Antichrist Bush refused, while
Colbert and Jon Stewart blabbed about nothing to
defend teen soldiers suckered further to die
NEEDLESSLY through all the fireworks still
escaping the Peencaker Neocons, the DEMONS truly
responsible for the murderous crimes of 911, and
the CONS that stole America into Iraq for dying
US as innocent victims. Jon Stewart and Colbert
have lots and lots of our money, so I guess it
all paid off for them with America's criminal
sacrifice. I mean, now that the War is 'over'
and stuff..
Another good example for US is Social Security, a
Trust Fund, a Trust Fund that receives less than
2% in interest. The Rightards who hide in
darkness fear wisdom accepted for the Public to
benefit from as truly enlightened, (who ever
voted for Blitzer?) so refuse to allow Anyone to
gain by freely communicating, being humble in the
presence of all that can too. Why? Because then
they look truly dumb where they can't sell their
blinding excuses for not defending our America
from plunder sooner. Like dumb. I'm mean
dumb dumb. Alex Jones has near no knowledge
of subjects he pontificates as the world's most
renown expert of often. And many seem to relish
sadomasochistically in the comic bookishness et
al. Like the complexities of "American Health
Care". It's some kind of selfish delusion of
grandeur, where it's in the act of romanticism,
of just saying how you are so much better than
all others, but actually not being so in the
hyper-dimensionality of it balled, or as, when
the simple facts speak for ourselves. It's like
AJ is masturbating for US, and many juvenile
males get erections over the ease, that they too,
are masters of blind tyranny, or as, maybe just
really bad health care. I've said it before, and
I'll say it again. I am an idiot, often, and as
so, Count on everything lending a helpful insight
now and again.. So, I need pay attention in this
suffering world if I plan to make some headway
towards a better future as ACTUALLY measured. I
lost my ego a long time ago, when I learned we're
unbound here in a cool illusion that is confusing
to the uninitiated, until, until... well, that's
my story, and as you can tell, it's a doozy that
goes on for some length. The writer Kant is a
good start, along with the study on our natures
to light is where I would advise, or, just
believe in a Universe that is trying to do the
best we can as truly caring, a source of life as
Love if you will, or, just a happen stance that
things all work together for the better as
evolution through civilization, and you'll be
getting somewheres. But, in Politics, as in Law,
'Follow the Money' is the natural philosophy.
It's another of those, deceptively super simple
things though, that many get too difficult with,
when it's like simple man, truly simple. Like US
getting this all fixed up with the Banksters in a
couple months on the outside, if we work together
on cleaning this place up from war criminals too,
halted from persecuting the innocent as
Ourselves, as making something better with
everyone as a goal we will achieve if you
believe. It can be made into a monster if we all
pull together as a team! Haaaa.. Jeeze.. It
CAN be done though.. I'm counting on You. We
can do it if we try. Forward this to someone who
might care friend.
Your King Has Spoken
American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA)
/ / Imama Faisal Abdul Rauf himself is a member of the CFR \ \
Ha! It's funded by ungodly Zionists who preach
as devils: do not fight for a just cause, and
lie down to die innocent victim for the Satanic
Peenacker Neocons. Not a practicing Muslim in
the bunch. (NO EVIDENCE was offered against the
falsely accused as INNOCENT, while then, Bush and
Cheney closed 911 police investigations halting
the following of probable cause to nab the true
evil doers responsible for mass murder in America
- as planned before hand by Condi) Alex Jones and
his NWOers severely suck big cocks on this
subject he claims absolute authority on - but no
- wait! he's infallible, so I guess no, the
ASMA, funded almost exclusively by ungodly war
mongering Zionists, have only the worst of
intentions to encourage death to American virtue
with Alex in control refusing all calls for
understanding. This Word. Fuk, Alex Jones
severely sucks big cock here, when he demonizes
more than a billion people, to tell US what
'they' all believe at the top secret command of
ungodly pro war crime Zionists. Telling US what
all Mexico thinks was bad enough, but now all
those who believe in God too? (Allah is the
Muslim word for God if you as your typical
American didn't know much of anything already.)
Change your evil ways I
says, for here comes the Son, and he seems really
really pissed about something.. Hold on to your
hats!!! I've met this guy, and let him tell
you, he's got a knack for just this sort of
thing like, all high an mighty even. wow, you
thought I was a wonder.. take a gander as this
and give it to a nieghbour why don't you? Save
a life, save the Planet.
"FDA admits NOT testing for MERCURY, ARSENIC,
or other TOXIC HEAVY METALS in crude oil"
Obama admin 'the oil all vanished.. all the fish
is safe to eat... now eat up, your food is
getting cold children.' ..err.. 'and LOOK! I'll
risk the health of my kids stupidly without
question, LOOK! we're swimming in the Gulf
without a care in the world' (not really the
Gulf, and no actual scientific measurements to
conclude his falsehoods, but who cares truly for
American kids? Someone call CPS! Counting that
the American crowd will refuse to forward this as
critical to save their own dumb selves?
The magic TV will not correct near anyone
seriously either ever, lying to die the innocent
for stolen profits. 'whore yeh, whore yeh'.)
Forced To Release BP From Liability For Contaminated Seafood
Bushite "I don't care."
I tell you, these Repuglicon Demonrat Zionists
are desperately trying to murder every American
for Satan. They war the American Peoples with
tainted vaccines and poisons in the foods, for
fears, you will one day soon, raise your phone to
demon enemy George Noory, Rush Limbaugh and the
like, to demand Justice for this day. Where the
trillions extorted are returned, and the Neocons
along with KBR rapists and torturers are hunted
by every able bodied man, tried and executed as
war criminals escaping Bush and Cheney for 911.
It seems though, many Americans, like the Nazi
grunts who as NWOer Ted Nugent, a, pro rape, pro
torture, pro mass murderer, would much rather
have murdered all innocent American families
being robbed currently as forsaken, before a
wiser man or woman as true Patriot is allowed to
speak freely Coast to Coast for Liberation by
just cause through open fair talks on US winning.
Again, the reason a "Conservative", "Republican",
"Libertarian" refuses to allow Americans to speak
freely, is they know, man to woman, they can't
compete on equal terms. Why? They are blind
evil bigots to define themselves so weakly
stupid. They are where the Racists, the Sexists,
and the Anti-Gay faggots call your broken stolen
home their own unfairly as rooked already!. don't
even bother, it's over. 'life sucks' No wonder
they refuse open calls with we eh?
Tea Bagger Rand Paul "we allow people to be un-civilized"
Why are rightards so dumb ass evil eh?
God Wars Corporate America
wow.. this is going to be good..
The Unending Torture of Omar Khadr
See how the reporter reports his lies, like they
are corroborated by... by... What? Where the
fuk did we get these demon lies about the Taliban
fighting for anything but, American virtue? To
support the arrest of those who committed 911, is
the actions of a true Patriot. In other words,
bill a bushite for America and be blessed by God
as truly loved and respected. Good work, good work.
Gang-rape threat didnt prompt Omar Khadr confession, Guantanamo judge
Col. Patrick Parrish "There is no credible evidence"
"He had large gunshot-wound scars on his back and chest,"
Khadr was "ordered to clean floors on his hands
and knees while his wounds were still wet."
"Khadr has a large scar on his upper torso and a
cluster of smaller scars" all over his body,
indicating he had been assaulted repeatedly by
Satanic Bushite grunts for nothing but their
ungodly sadistic pleasures as innocent victim.
Remember, the Taliban were funded in August 2001
by Colin Powell with American tax money after
they knew in July 2001, they would be blamed
without evidence for 911 before the fact
according to CIA's Tenant on 60 Minutes. (and
didn't warn anyone, but apparently "Jews" who
worked in the WTC towers - who in turn, didn't
warn anyone else either. Who cares right?) To
support the Taliban, meant you were supporting a
just cause to defend Womens rights in
Afghanistan by executing KBR like gang rapists,
or arresting TIME Magazine type demon LIARS., and
AS REAL PATRIOTS, were in deed, supporting the
arrest of those who truly carried out 911 like
General Ahmad in Sept. 2001, and as such, were
doing exactly what the Antichrist Bush regime was
officially supporting as planned once top
secretly by Condi. As open public knowledge
never mentioned by an Alex Jones NWOer as
important to defending freedom by Justice
winning. Biggest secret in the Universe?
There is no secret.
Khadr has scars, and confessions of nazi grunts
are too numerous on their willingness to torture
and kill anybody innocent to steal our money as
Zionists, or rape our children as FOXNEWS Heroes,
claiming no God or real man can hold them to
account by hunting them down as individuals for
Christ, and having them all, every single last
war criminal, formally executed by our Public
Courts in the defense of God and country.. This
is why Americans truly own guns I say.
All Christian men demand this demon bushite fuk
Col. Patrick Parrish to be publicly executed.
Why? The grunt who shot Khadr in the back, had
shot countless children with the very same lie
according to the military police report Col.
Patrick Parrish has on his desk, but hides from
God and Man to escape child raping torturers, and
Antichrist Bush and Cheney for 911. Khadr had
already been detained, and was lying on the
ground motionless when shot in the back according
to the eye witnesses. While the grunt who shot
to kill the child, had already been found killing
other children in the area, and using the VERY
SAME EXCUSE. Side Note: The Haditha child
murderers did near the same thing. When it was
discovered, a private mercenary BY HIMSELF was at
the crime scene where the initial nazi grunt was
killed by IED, they as TRUE NAZI ZIONISTS, too
afraid to arrest the suspect, went out and
murdered countless unarmed children many SIX YEAR
OLDS at point blank range. Not accidental.
(Again, Christians must bill 'Conservative'
'Republican' 'Libertarian' rightard Nazi Bushite
DEMON LIARS to claim the title of true Christian
Patriot in my book. Kill a Bushite for America,
kill a bushite for God) General Mattis, woman and
child killer responsible for play pretending he
too was a "Judge", released the Hadditha child
killers stating, they had done nothing wrong by
deliberately murdering several unarmed innocent
families for fun 'as excuse'ed' ("back door was
open"). Just as he walked out from ordering Nazi
grunts at a wedding party to double tap all women
and infants, for, they were going to make it out
to look like a bin Laden hide out. So, he got
the bin Laden DVDS (war criminal Pantano's very
same con he used to kill kids too) and told us,
all the women and children dead, were not so as
Johnny the True Patriot claimed with the facts,
but top secretly bin Laden agents... well until
the videos surfaced of grunts killing unarmed
innocent women and children while chanting 'whore
yeh, whore yeh'. And to think all "men" in
America don't rightly kill Mattis on sight just
for that.. Why? Nazis. Fuking ugly ungodly
evil Nazi Zionist enemies of God, aligned with
the actual, for real Antichrist that, the at
worse, label him simply as Puppet. A Puppet they
war America with Alex Jones to escape by refusing
open free debate on the facts regarding these
matters. Example: Alex Jones claims falsely I
am cointelpro - trying to escape the Peenacker
Neocons with Bush and Cheney from formal
executions for 911. Christ Rocks!
Alex Jones Ain't All Bad
Every last "Judge" at Guantanamo deserves trial
for death. Hundreds of innocent victims have
been held there for almost a decade, and luckily
where the nazi grunts are confronted that they
HAVE NO EVIDENCE to form ANY conclusion, the
INNOCENT victim is sometimes released for fear a
man would rightly kill the bushite enemy, but we
find our torture victims only to be murdered by a
grunter later IF the victim remains silent as
threatened. For fear the victim will tell the
truth on who deserves death here in God's Holy
Name. (Not speaking against war crimes seems to
die completely just about anyone, in a living
universe that actually is intelligence ourselves.
(God is a real smarty pants as all forgiving.))
You, as a Christian, KILL bushites. Why? They
are war criminals who LIE CHEAT AND STEAL to
murder innocent defenseless families like the
victims of 911 to escape Bush and Cheney. You
kill the lawless minions of the demon Antichrist
George Walker Bush. Why is he the Antichrist?
He gave ZERO evidence to form ANY conclusion on
Afghanistan's guilt, closed 911 police
investigations, then claimed if we disagreed with
that false assessment conjured only by stealing a
weaker man's faith in God, we would be with the
terrorists apposing torture. Bushite aren't
Americans. Adults who can read like a Ted Nugent,
Chuck Norris, and Charlie Daniels deserve to
officially DIE by American firing squads for the
war crimes they are 100% GUILTY for. Texas' "Law
of Parties" I, as Christ, demand their formal
arrest, trial, and execution for supporting the
Iraq war crimes as godless demon minions of the
evil enemy Antichrist. For their willful lies to
murder countless innocent persons, they to this
day, express no remorse or regret for. Despite
Alex Jones and the NWOers forbidding the
knowledge like on so many other critical life
issues, The Iraq war HAS NO CAUSE, but to
torture, to rape, to steal, to mass murder as war
crimes. War crimes against GOD of the most
sinister. There is no excuse. Mr. Wattada
stated he would risk his life to defend America,
but refused to commit a criminal act against
innocent defenseless peoples by indiscriminately
bombing communities, and he is a true soldier on
the good side of Life for that. But that conduct
is suppose to be 'normal', not out of the
ordinary. Why? Soldiers take an Oath to God and
Country. And our Word is all we truly have. An
Oath is not a formality, used for bushite excuses
to bomb innocent families, to rape, to torture
and mass murder Humanity to escape the GUILTY
Bush regime for the crimes of 9/11, and Peter
Power with Ian Blair for 7/7.
(The IDF and Bushite Grunters are working
together now for war games did you hear?)
Zionist Nazi: I would gladly kill Christians,7340,L-3940064,00.html
IDF soldier Eden Abergil writes on Facebook 'I
would gladly kill Christians - even slaughter
them', then she claims 'In war there are no
rules.' and that is why she is pure Nazi Zionist
evil as publicly celebrated in Israel, as the
ungodly Satanic escaping retribution - so far -
just as described in Scriptures. But we know,
Nazi Israeli don't actually believe in a GOD, as
they burned innocent children alive as targeted.
Yeah, as the forces of Satanic ungodly evil, war
criming with no intention but to rape, torture
and murder the innocent freedom lovers, lawless
indiscriminate warfare against G-D is preferred.
Did you know: Nazi Israel steals the Peoples
homes on a routine basis as heinous criminals of
Satan? Don't believe? Read your Holy Bible
about a real Jew name Christ then.
Corporate America Blames God for 911
/ / Banks repossessed 269,962 U.S. homes during
the second quarter of 2010, which was a new
all-time record. \ \
1/3rd of Women in US Military Raped
When a Bushite dies, real Angels sing in praise,
that another Nazi grunter is rightly dead and
buried, before harming another innocent child, or
gang raping another American Woman as proud
"Republican" godless enemies of everything.
Christ says forever of the Antichrist's minions,
"Die Bushite die." And rightly so, they are war
criminals who run death squads against all
Sunnis, against all Shiites, against Bathists,
against anyone who was in Baghdad when as
Occupiers, they would drop 50,000 pound bombs on
neighborhoods because they claimed, a terrorist
"suspect" might have be at that general location.
Murdering tens of thousands with a single strike
- strikes they made in the tens of thousands on
just the first day of the carnage. They bombed
cities like Samara for NO REASON but to mass
murder - no reason, just for kicks, that
naturally did get many surviving Iraqis finally
angry enough to kill the Bushites enemies
themselves. Killing Bushite rapists and
torturers, bombers and thieves for GOD is a
pleasure for all concerned. Remember: in WWII a
Grunt would be executed for "looting" under the
"Rules of Engagement" Why? Because we know
still, what a Nazi is. Allawi. The Third
Infantry headed by a Saudi, A SAUDI!, (Buford
Blount) have thieving expeditions didn't you
know? Where they kick down your door, and murder
members of your family, just to see what you have
to steal. Shawn Hannity, Propagandist traitor
for the escape of the Peenacker Neocons on 911,
calls them Heroes (like the Hadditha child
murderers), while real Christian Muslim Jews call
them worthy public trial for formal executions as
the sworn Antichrist enemies to everyone forever.
The Iraq war has no cause. Ergo, no excuse
anywhere, but as traitors warring to kill
America. MY America. 1441. Millions of Peoples
were indiscriminately mass murdered. They stole
all our money, American too. (ex. 20 billion a
year for air conditioners - do the math) They
tortured, raped, and mass murdered children
deliberately claiming no laws in this universe
can hold them accountable in league with Satan.
It's true, 'the Devil is in the details', but so
is God. Die bushite die.
"6000 Veterans Commited Suicide Last Year"
CARVILLE: Islam did not attack us. Al Qaeda
did. And we ought to be at war with al Qaeda
and not Islamists.
BENNETT: Islamists did.
GOD did not attack America, but Christ, God's
Son, does demand the public execution of every
last Bushite Nazi grunter guilty of blatant naked
war crimes far and wide. We want Bennett
arrested for war crimes trial that will end with
his glorious execution along with every last
'military media advisor' who was paid billions to
lie on CNN, FOX, and MSNBC. Bush and Cheney
never claimed to be "Islamists". And the FBI do
not allege that 911 was funded by anyone else but
Bush and Bennett's business partner General
Ahmad, factually. Kill a Bushite liar and be
Blessed by God left forsaken. America might hate
God as they publicly allow the condemnation of
Religion as blamed for 9/11, our wondrous God who
remains silently forever forgiving, but not me, I
am a man. A REAL man is Christ who champions the
deaths of Nazi grunts until every last Repuglicon
Zionist Nazi Demonrat is rightly destroyed, all
to save the lives of their next targeted innocent
victims. It's what I was born a great many times
ago for actually. I am death to every Bushite I
reach, so trust God on this, Bushites will die at
the hands of everyone for their ungodly betrayal
to Life and Love, their hatred for Justice as
Freedom, their hatred for God as Great, for, God
is Great. And John ain't so bad either as a man
among men. Do what's right. Defend the
innocent, kill a bushite and save someone's life.
Christians carrying placards and yelling Islam is a lie
Is it about Christ being a prophet, or that thing
about Mother Mary? Or, is it the Justice for all
idea, that has the Zionist ungodly Bushite
Antichrist disciples of pure Nazi evil all in a
row? God is the Word. All words are containing
the unbound infinite of imagination to ponder as
scientifically provable. "Atheists" fear US
speaking freely because I am wiser.
ground 0 mosque opposition funded by Israel's pr agency
Rep. Nadler: We Do Not Put the Bill of Rights
and Religious Freedom to a Vote
"Cornyn: NYC mosque will be an election issue"
Oh right, not his Republican pro raping American
women as demon traitor to God and America Nazi
con though. What a demon enemy to all living
things eh?
Understand, those who have STOLEN trillions from
Social Security support the illiterate Tea Bagger
Can You Believe It?
Can you believe it? The bushite enemy at
Guantanamo, have insisted, that our Jury must be
war criminals, war criminals who support
torturing innocent people to get false
confessions to escape themselves as demonic
traitors to God and Man. All honorable soldiers
must demand the arrest, trial, and execution of
the bushite nazi grunters, pretending to be
'judges' of men in a society that respects the
rights of all. DIE BUSHITE LIARS DIE.
Justice for God
Remember, the Peoples simply asked for evidence
to form a conclusion. And the American TV
Zionist, as ungodly criminal in the silented
majority, refuse to defend the innocent rights of
all others by not demanding freedom rule for our
benefits as Humanity. Defended for the innocent
crime victims of terror. Instead they preach as
devils for division to side quietly while war
criminals torture, rape, thieve, and mass murder
escaping Antichrist Bush and Cheney for
Obstruction on 911. For the banksters walking
with trillions. trillions man, trillions. Have
poisonous vaccines, and made so, Mexican Gulf oil
death products instead how about. Naaahhh.
Bushite Nazi Grunting War Criminal Who Wills to
Kill Innocent Kids said, "it's their fault for
bringing their kids into a battle" An innocent
husband and wife, along with near hundreds others
too picked off at random don't forget. Can't you
just hear him then singing, "nah nah nah nah nah
nah"? Or, as was recorded elsewhere, put his
tounge to his nose and giggled, "it's all above
my head" when asked why he was murdering helpless
innocent people in Iraq as they did upon entry,
and in his words recorded then were, "I'm getting
them back for 9/11" Bushite 'excuses' are sold
for a dozen innocent lives with less than a dime.
And refuse, as enemy nazi cowards, to support
just actions to capture the true bad guys. While
they attack innocent Peoples to steal Justice
from ourselves. We are Freedom, if and when we
ever get our facts together. Justice is Victory.
/ / the same US Government that worked so hard to
justify allowing the opium to grow to now justify
spending US tax dollars to cure the plant
disease. \ \ Bushite are women hating dope
pushers of tyranny is what they are as cowardly
refusing to defend America from Bush and Cheney
for closing outstanding 911 Police
Investigations. Pushing their dope into America
as an illegal narcotic. Not in Johnny's America
this wouldn't be happening I can assure you if
you'd listen to reason as supporting our popular
rise against ungodly evil bushite Zombieism
They deny us as the enemy real resolution for
hard copy indictments against actual terrorism.
The facts forge our freedoms. bushite are liars
who cheat ourselves a free world by bombing
defenseless innocent Peoples, who torture, who
rape, who steal. And that's a fact Mac. Let US
bring America back to where the People's rights
are defended, and nazi war criminals bare our
vengeance instead of ourselves left forsaken.
Or, do you just want to silently fall down as
innocent victim to third world military
dictatorship, fallen due your refusal to defend
yourself now, today. Justice is freedom, we're
arresting for public trial the criminals
responsible for 911. We are America, and we are
no greater than any other to proclaim, this is
our right, this is our destiny.
Johnny America - The True Patriot
"Two-year-old toddlers being dosed up with antipsychotic drugs"
As King, I would make this a criminal offense
earning the "doctors" ten year prison stints.
Matt Simmons: "Theres another leak, much bigger, 5 to 6 miles away
Corporate Amerika refuses to correct ourselves.
Mr. Bush the War Criminal Antichrist
"we don't need any evidence"
The Peoples
"yeah, we do."
Americans refuse to humble themselves to wise men
or women speaking, because we make them out to be
what they truly are. Moronic imbeciles.
There are no liberals
DOJ Gags Scientists Studying BP Disaster
"Feds confiscate independent LSU scientists
samples because project not approved by BP"
A No-Brainer
'The result: saved more than $60 billion'
President Obama called it a "no brainer". Now,
why would not the same be thought of Health Care
that NEEDLESSLY funds private insurance companies
to the tune of over 1,000,000,000,000 DOLLARS
each year?, paid out to those who would rather see
all die before eating into their thoughtless
takes. After all, Obama called it a
"no-brainer". The "Professional Left" like a
Randy Roades or Bill Press, Ed Shultz and Maddow
[that's about it!!] in America don't want US to
discuss this freely, or on the continuing
criminality of Israel, or Bush and Cheney, for it
effectively destroys their CON on how we are
divided for plunder by shysters who deny everyone
free open debate with the facts that stand as
such, regardless of whether you are a blind Bigot
rightard Ideologue or not. A blind Bigot
rightard Ideologue claims as a goof with little
of no specific knowledge that, 'government is
always bad [as themselves]', while the, some
labeled smarter camp, of every else under the sun
is called Liberal, or socialist, or Commi pinko
lefty. stupidly. Example: no one wants to be
cheated a fair wage, or say, and...
Right Wing Americans are true Socialist Commi Pinkos.
Conservative/Libertarian/Republican Americans as
COMMIES will go on and on about no improving
Health Care for America, (for a truly clever guy
or gal who knows the dollars and sense, might be
seeked) but Ron Paul and his Republican family
get socialist (no middle man for them) health
care without a complaint as top secretly
Members of Congress and their Families are Blessed
/ / Members of Congress and their families are
blessed with their very own gold-plated,
taxpayer-financed, Washington-run health care
system. \ \
Imagine, Ron Paul says nothing about demanding
at least half of HIS Health Care fund, be
thoughtlessly given away to trillioniare
banksters for nothing. But he will for
Your fund. Do you care as sacrificing
to die thoughtlessly American?
Commie Bushite "I don't care. I'd rather die than
my sickened family learn what a real man is."
/ / Rather than abusing him, U.S. military
officials had said they acted swiftly when they
learned that Khadr who was badly wounded in the
firefight with U.S. soldiers needed emergency
surgery to save his eyesight. \ \
He was shot in the back while lying face down on
the ground. While according to the Military
Police Report, the bushite nazi grunter who had
attempted to murder the child, had done so
successfully earlier in the day to, no one yet
knows the true totals. But the MILITARY POLICE
did DOCUMENT for OUR COURTS where the very same
nazi grunter succeeded in murdering a different
innocent child near ten they were able to identify.
More than twenty Prosecutors have resigned before
persecuting an innocent person tortured by demon
liars that truly deserve death. An Innocent
victim never defended by CBC, CNN, MSNBC, and
FOX. Powell gave the Taliban 43 million dollars
in August 2001. See? Real Freedom demands we
send the military in to take out these nazi war
crime judges for public trial on their naked evil
ungodly seditious refusals to allow Justice rule
in this regard. Just as they war for the escape
of 911's Bush and Cheney for Obstruction as
TRAITORS to America, and on all she truly
stands.. Justice for All. Death to all
torturers is an order all soldiers must
be trained to shoot for.
Why is BP and the magic TV lying to kill Americans?
/ / "We had solid evidence, rock solid," Asper said.
"We weren't speculating." \ \
Lubchenco is Guilty of TREASON.
EPA's Senior Policy Analyst, Hugh Kaufman,
"both EPA, NOAA, etc.--have been sock puppets
for BP in this [massive crimes] cover-up."
Hugh Kaufman, EPA's Senior Policy Analyst
Office of Special Plans
Those in need of arresting for naked evil treason.
Study: CIA doctors gave green light to torture'
This warrants death according to the Patriots
like President Reagan. War Crimes Act. Death,
and rightly so. They war innocent Humanity with
demon Zionist lies all for the CRIMINAL escape of
those that TRULY do US wrong as the for real bad
guys. Sadomasochistic nazi faggots is what a
Bushite is as war criminal enemy to all living
beings. These less than men, "doctors", war GOD
to escape those guilty of 9/11 like Bush and
Cheney for Obstruction, or as 'Mr. al-Qaeda',
General Ahmad they honestly make NO MENTION OF..
Rightly so a bushite war criminal deserves death.
Corporate Amerika refuses to correct ourselves.
Mr. Bush the War Criminal Antichrist
"we don't need any evidence"
The Peoples
"yeah, we do."
Americans refuse to humble themselves to wise men
or women speaking, because we make them out to be
what they truly are. Moronic imbeciles.
96 percent of the special fund created from the
sale of Iraqi oil and gas-and frozen Saddam
Hussein-era assets is missing - according to the
Pentagon ["we"] is "unable to fully account for"
Fuck you America. Bremer with Greenspan stole
19 billion, and we all know it.
MARKETS INTO [rigged as Illegal] CASINOS
"Stand Together or Don't"
CIA admits faking bin Laden confession video
Thus, it means bin Laden had no complaints known
to make. Why doe CNN and FOX think America not
news worthy to have America die innocent victims
suckered escaping those truly guily of mass
murder instead?
Example: Forbidden NWOer knowledge,
Saddam wasn't in violation of 1441.
Remember: Ron Paul calls these war crimes of
millions indiscriminately mass murdered, all for
the TREASONOUS LIES of the grandson to Hitler's
banker, simply, "a Police Action"
Failure to Communicate
Extortion is against the Law in America. Let's
start there.. back on Sept. 18th 2008. Either
we pay them without question, or come Monday
morning, they would run the country into the
ground. Bailed JP Morgan had more than a
trillion dollars in capital, through out the
entire so labeled "Crisis". Surprising to most
however, is that banksters do not actually cover
our loans, we do. As Extortionists, they
illegally took all our trillions of dollars for
'free' as private individuals. Stupidly. Crazy
man crazy. It's a good thing we're here.
/ / Audit shows 95% of the funds for rebuilding
Iraq 2007-2009 is MISSING and 100% from the years
2004-2007 is unaccounted for \ \
Obama "Nothing will be gained by
laying blame for the past."
The Story of Cosmetics (2010)
TV America - Where The People Don't Count
Oh for Pete's sake.. Republicans give themselves
"Socialized" Canadian like, "Socialist" Health
care, but not for the suckers who pay more for
less to die as losers to the commie con men
absent my logic. If this system is good enough
for Obama and the Repuglicons and Ron Paul, why
isn't it good enough for blinded as lost in
indifference American dumfuks? Good question.
This is war. Repuglicons and Demonrats are
poisoning ourselves due our failures to
Truth about Israel's last war
again, as God
states, Satanically evil in it's affront to all
our Humanity.
Lieberman who advocates incarcerating Americans
indefinitely without trial tells internet
universe to 'relax' about 'kill switch'
Yeah, but he doesn't support the arrest of the
911 conspirators to judge, so what cause is he
serving to stop free speech from winning over the
murderous cheats? A cause that he believes
American men don't have the voice to freely
debate himself for public trial for the traitor
he is? The guy is a naked godless traitor, plain
and simple, who wars the good of America to not
allow the truth be told, that we all know, the
bigots and racists of FOX news like you that way.
Still nothing to say?
What is consistent with AIPAC? They are demon
liars who cheat us the respect we have for
innocent life.
Republicans just can't stand freedom of speech.
Again, Americans must demand Mr. Bush and Mr.
Cheney's formal arrest for high treason. Anyone
who can't see the reason for what Mr. Bush is,
in everything he has done for ungodly tyranny
home and abroad as war crime monger escaping
those who did 911, isn't a responsible literate
citizen. No evidence against an accused is US
being truly abused. Torture warrants death, but
for censorship to allow us free national debate
with any bush bitch FOX snooze fan still
breathing. Reagan warrants as, still standing,
death to the grunts of Guantanamo, and Americans
would refer to the War Crimes Act to confer.
Cory E. Jones tortures because he likes it, and
like many before him, falsely believes the men of
Humanity will do nothing whatsoever about it.
Like TV Amerika Inc. near haven't regarding Bush
giving zero evidence to form a conclusion on
anyone's guilt or innocence to argue a war crime
as "Patriotic", premised on whether you form your
own conclusions by facts, or follow blindly in
irrational fear against innocent others for evil.
And if you do, then your with them. Who's that?
All those people out here who think for
themselves - Simply, Bush and Cheney closed official
911 police investigations, designed since the
dawn of civilization, a pre-requisite to arrive
at the identity of the true guilty party, and
those that disagree are those who disallow such
knowledge shared.- As Freedom for All. Including
Space Case Johnny Victory.
Nature is freaky.. and war is hell.
Mitt Romney Calls Emergency Rooms "Entirely Free Care"
Now..see? Corporate Amerika refuses to correct
Mr. Bush the War Criminal Antichrist
"we don't need any evidence"
The Peoples
"yeah, we do."
Americans refuse to humble themselves to wise men
or women speaking, because we make them out to be
what they truly are. Moronic imbeciles.
Hans Blix: "The Iraq War Was Illegal"
No Evidence, Person Innocent. Who's In?
/ / President Bush was expected to sign detailed
plans for a worldwide war against al-Qaida two
days before Sept. 11 but did not have the chance
before the terrorist attacks in New York and
Washington, U.S. and foreign sources told NBC
News. \ \ What would have been the Justification
used then without 911? A lawless war against
'terrorism' world wide without end? Did you know
a spy had inflitrated the FBI and actually was
responsible for providing the explosives that
near brought the WTC down the first go around?
This is a critical communications issue that is
still costing innocent American lives because the
nation is a land of cowards who refuse to demand
the likes of a George Noory and FOX Snooze fans
to take US seriously in these demands for willing
just causes. Millions mass murdered, pensions
stolen, bailed out to the tune of trillions
banksters foreclosing on everything by refusing
all new loans, WAKE UP, while BP countinues as
criminally negligent un-hampered with Obama still
stating, "nothing will be gained by laying blame
for the past.", With bonuses of billions besides
not paying our continuing costs. Very expensive
this passive, Americans, 'I don't care' for You
dying attitude. Peoples are being poisoned by
deadly COREXIT, and CNN, CBC, and George Noory
don't think it's worth demanding an account here
to save our falling loves. Banksters do not
cover our loans, Zionist Neocon Nazis must not
succeed against our species. Fight back for
Christ sake God damn you. For we're not going
anywhere until we get this solved for the
betterments of everyone. I wish to host Coast to
Coast in a five hour special on why Justice is
Freedom. No evidence, person innocent. Who's
/ / plans for a worldwide war against al-Qaida \ \
This is a lie by Jim Miklaszewski. MSNBC was
told that the plan was fully implemented, as was
fully comfirmed by his Pentagon sources. Then in
2005 or there abouts, MSNBC scrubbed the story
that sat for years on the public server, to
presumably hide the war crime from America, as
Jim done did do, doctoring the story to now
foolishly say, the plan of Condi's wasn't carried
to completion to have soldiers suckered to die
escaping the actual bad guys guilty for 9/11.
The Plans were top secret and provided to Jim by
someone from Condi's office trying to save
America's ass from these Neocon Zionist Nazi
Liars, and Jim sold US all out to see America die
too apparently, before returning the facts for
America still falling to their personal contempt
for Freedom to not demand Justice for this day.
(Bushite enemies to Life, who rape steal and mass
murder say, "I don't care.") By closing
investigations as Bush and Cheney did and that
Jim failed to report as critical, and then as
they did, bring forward no evidence to form a
conclusion by anyone, would secure criminal
invasion for Enron as the bad guy enemies of
America. God's actual for real Son says, "die
bushite nazi fuckers die."
Cheney's Daboul Working Group explains much..
This is a crime to do if you didn't care enough
to know still.
Can it rain oily compounds in the Gulf of Mexico? Yes!
Thank you good sirs..
Halliburton is warring to
kill America
Afghanistan war logs: Task Force 373
special forces hunting school teachers
Kill a bushite enemy for Humanity as a blessing.
/ / claimed that troops "had surveillance on the
compound all day and saw no indications there
were children inside the \ \ SCHOOL.
"all day "
To support Israel, is to see Netanyaho convicted
the war criminal he is, and executed as such
without delay. He broke the truce getting Jews
killed for stolen charity. Satanic.
Cops Charge Irish Government With Treason
'HIV test a crime, AIDS 'cure' killed a whole generation'
IDF: We don't have to promise not to hurt [innocent] civilians
[exclusively as Satanic],7340,L-3923421,00.html
They as SATANIC broke the truce to get killed Jews
for stealing our good charity as vile evil enemies
of Christ in G-D man.
Los Angeles Times
"BP officials knew about a problem on a crucial well
safety device at least three months before the catastrophic..."
That is a crime that Obama and the Crew don't
want arrested [aka stopped] for continuing their
onslaught against our suffering Humanity?
Generation.RX.2008.DVDRip - "Will we surrender,
or will we fight these medical dictates?, will we
embrace the truth, or succumb to the lies?"
Ron Paul Warns of Social Unrest and Martial Law
"Ron Paul: Chaos in The Streets and Poverty Coming To the USA"
"police" work isn't inherently bad. To believe
Ron Paul is to believe no one has ever been
rightly put in prison for a crime they were for
sure guilty of.
Jeeze Ron, what about Justice winning? Never
heard such a concept expressed down there in
Washington? Crimes Ron, massive cons of fraud,
rape, mass murder through contempt for
constitutional freedom. People who faith in
everything whoever is, understand: 911 police
investigations were closed by Bush and Cheney,
two guys that Ron formally doesn't support the
arrest of for treason on that unanswered question
either. Is he still a good man opening the door
for ladies, well sure. So maybe you say, Bush is
the archetype antichrist, and Ron's just too
fearful of evil personified.. okay, but then how
about Sachs for selling frauds?, then gambling on
that Securities fraud with yet other Shorts
fraud, then through the FIVE bailouts of AIG, be
paid off again again and again for like frauds of
the TARP funds. EXTORTION - banksters don't
cover our loans! we do.. Goldman Sachs didn't
even do commercial banking!, until the bailouts
were announced I read.. This isn't suppose to be
funny anymore.
"US says it may kill Americans abroad"
That would be murder, and no you may not.
Obama Knows: "troops just air raiding villages and killing civilians"
Kill a Bushite for America, kill a Bushite for
Humanity, kill a Bushite for Christ in God.
Bush and Cheney's Escape
"'US Army sent 'hardcore' neo-Nazi troops to Iraq and Afghanistan'"
Not American. Yeah, I've been calling them
bushites, but whatever, not freedom fighters
that's for sure.
We are having a communications problem
about freedom here. Peace sells.
I think we need desperately to look at Bush and
Cheney still attempting their get-a-ways with
Humanity in tow by Clinton and Obama just now..
Rise up for innocent life American, or don't and
see where you'll get yourself in the end,. Do
US a favor, and Forward this post on. Your
King has spoken.
Honorable American soldiers do not obey criminal
orders to escape the Peenackers for 911 as
ENEMIES of the LORD and Life.
Torture Memos Admits Techniques Were Not Approved By DOJ
Judge Rules CIA Can Suppress Information About Torture Tapes and Memos
No he can't, unless he's telling US he's a
war criminal
/ / Should we release KSM because he was tortured? \ \
What is he guilty of demon fuk, and shouldn't we
try Rand for treason to suggest any other such
[UN-CONSTITUTIONAL - where's Ron Paul and the
"Constitutionalists" here?]
no, torture innocent peoples to Death with
private mercenary Cofer Black while pimping child
rape. Just keep it hidden from US, the Public
like they do regarding banking, vaccines, and the
notorious VLT. Ergo, Palin and her crew go, 'no
public option! no public option!' and the self
labeled Libertarians, the Conservatives, the
Republcans, with the Tea Bagger racists and
bigots, rapists and Satanists all chiming in
unison - no fair share. No to the Public having
a fair say in these matters of your survival.
Still don't care to get involved in forwarding
these concerns as Your own? You'd better. I'm
just saying is all.
President Reagan warrants Death for
torture in his War Crimes Act, and we as
Humanity, will go with that. It is the standing
Law of America after all, and reason rules
supremely greater, than the bushite amicakan nazi
fukhed that doesn't champion the arrest, trial
and executions of the private mercenary firms
Blackwater and Aegis (along naturally 911's Bush
and Cheney). They mass murder innocent people
for stolen money if you didn't already know
anything of military history. Always for ever
the bad guys, who war Life not for a just cause,
but as war mongering war criminals who openly
support lawless military dictatorships presently
in near every so named dictatorship of slavery.
Example: Blackwater pimps child rape, and, Eric
Prince, war criminal deserving of Death, admitted
to tape that he supports the dictatorship of
Royal Dutch Shell over all the Peoples of
Nigeria, and wars those innocent Peoples for
stolen revenues today he openly claimed. Do you
care? Why do Americans own guns? He admits that
the bushite nazi grunts in Evil Florida, allow
him to call in Nazi air strikes against anyone he
wishes, then went on to tell, how he and his gay
faggot friend murdered that chap who had thrown
his shoe at war criminal Bush. That is called
murder in these here parts, and it is for that
crime alone, I ask all men who carry guns to
demand his formal arrest with torturer Cofer
Black as war criminals taking us all out for a
hangin', now, before he measures another Soul
with just as much distain he does to the millions
and millions of INNOCENT Nigerians.. Apparently
he with Aegis doesn't like us Niggers, and would
rather see them all enslaved or just made dead if
he has anything to say about who he wills to
murder next as disciple of the demon Antichrist.
TYRANNY. Bushite Nazi Grunts Said, "I DON'T
CARE.", and now, not surprising, they is dead
without sound principle as was dying cowardly to
'lawlessly' escape Bush and Cheney for the naked
treasons of 9/11 as it was. Still dont care for
anyone corporate TV American? Your call, your
country, my voice, this world.
you care to remain silent still?
Dying for These Lies is the Silence of a Coward
The bravest, most eloquent 9 year-old kid in the world (English
"Germany" owtlaws Freedom for ties with HAMAS -
HAMAS who won the, Bush Administration pressed
democratic elections in 2006. To, as REAL demons,
deny innocent Christian children cookies, health
care, education, and free from pre-mediated first
degree mass murderers indiscriminately attacking
our Humanty as Satanic evil enemies of all that
"Germany has insisted the killings were appropriate"
"Germany" said no such thing, but death to the NAZI
who has PIRATED the German Peoples to spew such lies.
One Reason - Another Wizard's World Wide Work of Wonder
"Intelligence Chief"
/ / Obamas pick for intelligence chief thought
Bush was right about WMDs in Iraq \ \
How is this not sabotage? A mind that for
criminal gains, or being dumb to the facts of
reality, is going to now, head up as,
"Intelligence Chief" of these entire United
States of America? Do you think as I, that
President Obama needs a friend like us to better
judge our options here? Justice is what we will
to defend our freedoms understood. (WMDs was a
con, a con naked, a con treasonous. The bushmob
doctored the NIE for example) Not to war denying
others a right to liberty with false accusations,
false arrests, torture, bankster extortions and
so on far into realms a repuglicon demonrat
refuses as fathomable. Anyway, I'm King Johnny.
I am neither one without another even fancier
label system as a dynamically alive individual, I
am not left at the exception of being measured
correct, or right when I say, blind loyalty for
bribe money as stolen gain with fuzzy facts not
corrected as unstable in corporate America is
boulder dash. It's the groupings of celebrated
truly blind Ideologues, who insist their narrow
limited view like a bigot or racist does, could
stand as long as those who know better,
mathematically or as such logically, are not
allowed polite speech through open public debate
in defense of the innocent left victimized.
Starting firstly with, the deeply illiterate,
(fan of demon whore of Satan Palin for example)
on the issues that are highly important to
everyone. Peace. Debates on our political
stages to garner the minimal facts for action,
could be a great windfall if we put our minds
together fairly for actual freedom for any
individual. Not flailing madly through the
maelstrom of hell laughing at the passing of gas
plumes. I stand on my own sides. I'm old school
human. Multi dimensionally. No evidence person
innocent. A free man shall not be imprisoned..
While torturers are the serious bad guys with
Bush and Cheney we must bag as the law Publicly
Leaked Corexit Information
SEC: Government Destroyed Documents Regarding Pre-9/11 Put Options
That is a terrorist crime that should be tried
for death don't you think without the magic TV?
BBC "An Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound ship in May killed nine Turkish
/ / Correction, the Israeli raid killed eight
Turkish activists and a 19-year old American
from New York carrying a US passport \ \
And Obama, the traitor, pledged more America
tax give aways for AIPAC kickbacks, while
shaking the hand of the grinning demon liar
who broke the truce to get killed Jews for
stolen charity.
5 of 9 people killed on gaza flotilla were shot in the back
Toxicologists: Corexit Ruptures Red Blood Cells, Causes Internal
The Watson Report: BP - Criminal Negligence or Deliberate Sabotage
RETARD ALERT : Alex Jones, "Liberals don't like Bush."
for mass murdering Humanity as never elected demon
enemy of God he means?
Obama's Scheme to Kill Public Housing and Give the Land to Banks
Again, Obama the extortionist is a 'lefty'?
'Another KBR employee says she was raped'
Obama a 'lefty' by refusing to order grunts to
kill all still remaining at KBR for this? I
would tell, quit, for in two days, we'll as the
world's men, be hunting them down to the ends of
Earth for these rapes they FALSELY believe they
are 'magically' never to be held account for,
just because those 30 Republicans ruled so as war
criming traitors to the flag, and on all we stand
United. ? Paleeze.
Why can't AJ go with the better ideas? Like an
Ideologue of which he is, he thinks he's playing
football here. He's on the Conservative team,
the true Conservative team, his team where you'll
get robbed by puppets because you're falling to
look at this as Alex's big story board. All
these war crimes of high treason, pay little of
no attention, it's that they want to institute
something up ahead where wise men and women will
truly prevail because the bigots will be properly
exposed as, the weaker thans. Tea Baggers do not
have an ability to conceive a fair to speak forum
where the truth trumps all evil. To an
ILLITERATE Tea Bagger, other Human beings can't
be judged fairly in any context, because..
because... they just can't do it. Rightards.
They as tyranny's whores, idiots, they hide from
the facts they knows others can speak fluently of
as Just causes. With everybody else that doesn't
follow blindly like themselves in error, is known
to a conservative as Liberal. While Canadians
know this as complete hogwash. Liberals in
Canada are a right wing group that advances
soldiers who refuse criminals orders should, and
have, go to prison. I allege its truly the
other way actually, (honorable soldiers need
defending, and our Governments have excepted ZERO
evidence from bushites to make false claims that
do not stand to reason.) but what do I know about
war with the bad guys who rape, torture, thieve
and mass murder for Bush Co. right?
Donkey, Horse and Cat in Israeli Jail
Alcohol ban after BUSHITE MCCAINIAC staff were
'too hungover' to explain airstrike that murdered
many many innocent God Loved Peoples
"Germany has insisted the killings were appropriate"
"Germany" said no such thing, but death to the NAZI
who has PIRATED the German Peoples to spew such lies.
This is war.
This_is_War - another Wizards World Wide Work of Wonder Audio
Is God's Will not Just?
Gaza villages Wiped off the map by Truce
Breaker Amerikan TeaBagging Zionist Nazis
/ / The? Gazans are the original Jews. The
Israelis are mainly converts from places like
Georgia. \ \ remember: Nazi Israel targeted
children diliberately, along with 239 Police
Officers they allege were innocent Peoples
loved by God.
Is God's Will not Just?
Massachusetts State Police Issue Death Sentence For Smoking Pot
/ / although ruled a homicide -- will not
be treated as a crime. \ \ Homicide is a crime.
Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You
Quietly, Israel is preparing the biggest illegal
land grab in recent memory, all on Obama's watch
/ / building of tens of thousands of Jewish-only
apartments \ \ Why do Zionists keep on insisting
"Jewish" People are crooks? Life
could be so much better if we realized, we are
the greatest of great, in this land of the blind
as being dumber than rocks. Hmm.. I
think these corporate NEWS heads, who decide what
values of public interest we hold to defending
ourselves from lawless 'big money' screw overs,
are largely feigning ignorance on, what should be,
OUR, Top Priority subjects like needless Wars for
stolen profits. Answers to the tyranny of America's
NewsCast Elite parading as moronic imbeciles, WE DO
have well established, as a once, Civilized world
where we believe/d in ourselves as a rule of law.
Common law. Take a Simple law stated like, 'A
free man shall not be imprisoned', of with which,
pressed TV Americans could maybe write a pamphlet
as chored to do so, and where we, have written
important life altering Books about, that go on
for as long as we seek. It's an important
principle, this, the government of The Peoples,
is of ourselves respected in kind to claim
freedom as found defended by just actions ruling
in our favors truly being.
heh.. Okay, back to work.